Lake County
How about people who solicit comments on a subject and then complain about it?
No apology needed.
No apology needed.
How about people who solicit comments on a subject and then complain about it?
No apology needed.
Hammerheads who pull out from a side street at mach 10 just to get in front of you even though there is no one behind you. AND then they go 10 under the speed limit. At that time I wish my vehicle a plow on the front and I could just angle it to the right, smash into them and move them out of the way.
That wasn't too harsh was it, lmao
People who complain about people who make a long list on a subject that was started by that person.
You ought to see the (asphalt) streets in Phoenix.Concrete highways with wiggle brush lines. Pavement makes more sense in MI.
Also, people who think the left lane doesn't have a speed limit.
And people who quote threads even when there response is the next post.
1) people who use the last of the coffee and dont make a new pot
2) people who use the last of the paper towels or toilet paper and dont replace the roll
3) women who insist that the toilet seat always has to be up. we need it up; you need it down. you have 2 hands just like we do. we have to put it up to go; so you can put it down when you need to go!
4) people who lolly gag around at work, snack an hour b4 lunch, play cards on their computer during their lunch, and then snack again an hour after lunch
5) men with long hair. you are not cool, you are a moron
6) parents who dont spend time with their kids
7) mini van drivers
8) horse people. dont get me started on these idiot cowboy/girl wanna bees
9) people with no common sense
10) lazy people
11) people who say they have no time cuz they are so busy, when in reality, they use their time so inefficiently
12) men who abuse women
13) politicians and government
14) DNR
15) restaurants. you call this food? I can make it heck of a lot better at home!
16) small portions at restaurants. I came here to eat, not to make pleasantries
17) people who abuse government handouts
18) gangs and crime. you wanna fight? join the US forces!
19) people who call themselves 'african american' or 'asian american' or 'irish american'. we all immigrated from some country, just like you. so lose the prefix. we are all AMERICANS!
20) political correctness
thats all for now. thank you for your time. -KING
To me it doesn't , but someone should tell the truck drivers that it's NOT OK to pass your fellow truck drivers at 1.5 mph more, then take 3-4 miles to pass, and then back up 15 cars and put everyone in a risky situation.
That's why I put I-80 as a response.
eagle1: I just felt like posting, not picking on your post, please take no offense.
I just am going to dilly dally around all day.
Also, people who think the left lane doesn't have a speed limit.