People who think because they don't use, or have not heard of it, then it is junk.
People who don't use the on ramp to get up to highway speed, you should be doing at LEAST 65 mph when getting on the highway!!!
My pet peeve is people who live on a boat and still take the time to think about things to have pet peeves about!
Doctors and Dentists that "reschedule" you for another visit to fix the the problem you came in for in the first place. There's another half day of work I'll miss so I can accomodate their schedule.
Having to get up in the middle of the night to pee.
Service and Delivery People who will be there sometime "in the morning" or the "in afternoon"... you'll need to take off a half day of work to accomodate their schedule.
People who still have faith in yamaha (hiding behind the blanket