Phil of Duck Dynasty under strong criticism



It's a real shame a man can be stifled because of his beliefs BUT I know the character of this man Phil and he will not be stifled. We are in the days where right will be wrong and wrong will be right as predicted from the good book. People, send the boys from DD a email or letter of support if you love your freedoms. God Bless all those guys from Duck Dynasty.


New member
Now Lenny

You should know that once words leave your lips, they are up for redicule and more.

Political correctness has nothing whatsoever to do with right or wrong. You ride the wave of popularity, you have to be ready to swallow some water once in the while.

Sadly the tail is wagging the dog...not sure if that will ever end without a complete over-throw.


Now Lenny

You should know that once words leave your lips, they are up for redicule and more.

Political correctness has nothing whatsoever to do with right or wrong. You ride the wave of popularity, you have to be ready to swallow some water once in the while.

Sadly the tail is wagging the dog...not sure if that will ever end without a complete over-throw.

that's why I started this thread, because it's a crying shame the status of our country where people are treated poorly for what they believe. Is it wrong to hold to a world view that may be different from someone else. What did he do that was wrong that he should be suspended from his show. He was interviewed by GQ mag and was asked a question, he answered with his conviction and now suffers.

Moose, come on bud, you missed my entire point. Phil Robertson is not just receiving verbal criticism for his beliefs, which is just fine, he has received action against him is suspension which translates to a monetary situation. Is this just being ready to swallow some water once in a while? When has it become wrong to hold an opinion with absolutely no wrong doing, or any sort,,,now answer me that?


Well-known member
I have never seen the show .
A&E is just trying to play both sides they could care less what this guy said. if they did they would pull the show off the air. but no they are doing a marathon of the show.
and U can bet phil get a chunk of $$ every time his face is on tv.
A&E will pick him back up as soon as the fake smoke clears guaranteed .
A&E investors WII NOT allow the highest rated show on there network fall to the wayside.


New member
I have never seen the show .
A&E is just trying to play both sides they could care less what this guy said. if they did they would pull the show off the air. but no they are doing a marathon of the show.
and U can bet phil get a chunk of $$ every time his face is on tv.
A&E will pick him back up as soon as the fake smoke clears guaranteed .
A&E investors WII NOT allow the highest rated show on there network fall to the wayside.

True info right thar! actually I turned it on and watched 3 episodes tonight to see what all the whoopty-ti-doo was about.
Looks like the show is about bringing issues to light with the disguise of making duck calls.
Hillbillies being exploited for money, what next??? Tow truck drivers, exterminators, Cajun loggers, Moonshiners, Street Outlaws, Gang shows, Cats from ****? Been done........... What next? Sidehilling Yoopers?


Well-known member
This isnt much different from dixie chicks or even don imus really. There was no violation of free speech but you are held responsible to what the current status of society deems acceptable. I have no problem with what he said, not that I agree with all he said, but his employer did.
Senator Cruz posted that this action by A+E was terrible. So I challenged him and posed a question to Cruz asking him what he would do if one of his staffers publically supported abortion while he was running for Congress or even a possible presidential run. Guess what, my post was removed from his facebook discussion. Freedom of speech?- only if it fits your agenda.
Honestly, A+E will hype this up and have a big return for phil and sell huge amounts of ad space. Phil and A+E will make bundles off this.


New member
Lenny, have you been under a rock for 2 weeks?.....LOL....Yeah, it's old news, so old it's getting sickening to hear/read about it eveywhere. The last I hear now is that A/E has him/the show in the wringer. There's a contract that forces him to stay on the show...the very show that all involved are rolling in the dough from. So, a guy voices his opinion and gets his cahooneys in the wringer for causes a nationwide publicity controversy......the nation outcries......Phil gets richer with every new story......A/E gets a ton of free advertising.....When it all washes out, A/E will have the top show, Phil will be asked to do more TV, and everyone gets richer. All because someone voiced an opinion that was "politically wrong"

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This isnt much different from dixie chicks or even don imus really. There was no violation of free speech but you are held responsible to what the current status of society deems acceptable. I have no problem with what he said, not that I agree with all he said, but his employer did.
Senator Cruz posted that this action by A+E was terrible. So I challenged him and posed a question to Cruz asking him what he would do if one of his staffers publically supported abortion while he was running for Congress or even a possible presidential run. Guess what, my post was removed from his facebook discussion. Freedom of speech?- only if it fits your agenda.
Honestly, A+E will hype this up and have a big return for phil and sell huge amounts of ad space. Phil and A+E will make bundles off this.



New member
so what's your point, any relevance to the topic?

Everyone has kissed and made up. Topic has been beat to death on all forms of media. Ratings will go thru the roof. A&E goes to the bank with more money then ever. Duck Dynasty collectables are flying off the shelf at the local "Farm & Home store" Everyone feels they need a "Phil" bobblehead ($14.99) about now. They turned a mistake into a money maker bigger then ever. Remember Martha Stewart.

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so what's your point, any relevance to the topic?

Everyone has kissed and made up. Topic has been beat to death on all forms of media. Ratings will go thru the roof. A&E goes to the bank with more money then ever. Duck Dynasty collectables are flying off the shelf at the local "Farm & Home store" Everyone feels they need a "Phil" bobblehead ($14.99) about now. They turned a mistake into a money maker bigger then ever. Remember Martha Stewart.


New member
Just think of all the "Special appearances" Phil will now get. Late Night talk shows, Today show, magazine interviews, heck maybe even an offer to pose in "Playgirl". lol. Duck call sales go thru the roof again!


Just think of all the "Special appearances" Phil will now get. Late Night talk shows, Today show, magazine interviews, heck maybe even an offer to pose in "Playgirl". lol. Duck call sales go thru the roof again!

Wow, you guys really struggle to even remotely try an address the real issue. All you can see is ratings, money, popularity and neglect the fact that Phil Robertson opinion has been shut down. Trust me people, guys like Phil do not need A&E and will not compromise their convictions. A&E will either compromise or the show will go away. You neglect to see the tragedy of an increasing social injustice where one cannot say what he want's without negative percussion. We all know A&E can do whatever they want and good for them but this sort of issue effects all of us in the manner that freedoms continue to dwindle with each public acknowledgement and challenge that the radical social agenda throws at those who subscribe to a religious worldview.

Our traditional culture has been in a state of decline not by choice but by force and when a religious man is punished by adhering to what he believes is true than a notch in that culture, belief or freedom is removed.

This is a serious matter here people and why you make ridicules comments on everything other than serious content just shows how unaware of what's happening around you. You and I both have the right to think and say what we want but at some point the very thing that Phil Robertson said will become unacceptable in a manner that it will become illegal and criminal. If you all are comfortable with the prospect of this occurring than just continue to skate the issue and see it with blinders on.

Why in the world would any of you comment on when this news has aired and me being two weeks late? You think I posted this because I learned of it today and wanted everyone to think I am in a contest to see who can post topics the fastest?

Just try an stay on topic here people. Should someone who voices an opinion on an issue be removed from programming because it differs with the networks agenda? Didn't Phil nearly verbatim quote what the Scriptures have been saying for 2000 years? Do people have the ability to listen, see what they want in the privacy of their own home? How is someone offended by something someone thinks and says when there is no insult, slander, malice. This is a religious belief that the man even went to the degree that he said he respects and loves all of Gods creation but yet it's interpreted as hate,,, So people are offended of a guy who said something in an interview in a mag while they watch a TV show they themselves turned the channel to. In this case the remarks didn't even air on the DD show, but in a mag and now PR is gone?

So, because Phil R believes homosexuals are sinning he is a bad guy and no mo show, that people is a total tragedy and something to be concerned about, like it or not.

Here is the truth people so listen up. Honest, serious believers expect the people in the world to do what they do and understand they cannot control the behaviors of people, or at least shouldn't. The believers do disagree with the lifestyles but at the same time treat all with respect (and don't even try an tell me Phil's opinion is a matter of disrespect.)

The opposite is not true of people in the world, they oppose much of that the religious practice and adhere to. Often, such as this, they oppose it with fierce opposition, slander and disgusting talk. Did you see a hint of anger, hatred, violent discontent, excited, obnoxious attitude in Phil R? What sort of talk do you see from those who oppose Phil R, their words are highly divisive and insulting with angered tones.

Each day we have opportunities to bridge divides yet we are comfortable with seeing our brothers and sisters condemned, what a shame.


Well-known member
Lenny....for the record, my post was not meant at all to detract from the seriousness of this issue, but just an attempt at some light humor. I agree with your point of view 100%.

I will say, as much as I hate to, that A&E had a right to fire him if they didn't like what he said.'s pretty shallow and hypocritical of them to do so merely because the man stated his opinion (which is based on the Bible and did not contain any hate, bigotry, threats of violence, etc.).

Too many people/groups are offended too easily.


I wonder how many people actually read the interview. I did. I don't see anything wrong with what he said. This country has lost its way. Everyone wants something for nothing. You can't say this you can't say that.

I did watch the show. I said did because if they keep Phil off the show I won't be watching it.

Lenny, i do like reading your posts and tend to agree with what you say!


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Staff member
Bottom line, we can say what we want, when we want. Plain and simple. There will always be someone who does not like what is said, because their feelings got hurt. I may not agree completely with what Phil said, but, I strongly support his right to say what he said. He was asked his opinion on a matter, and he gave it, plain and simple.