Just think of all the "Special appearances" Phil will now get. Late Night talk shows, Today show, magazine interviews, heck maybe even an offer to pose in "Playgirl". lol. Duck call sales go thru the roof again!
Wow, you guys really struggle to even remotely try an address the real issue. All you can see is ratings, money, popularity and neglect the fact that Phil Robertson opinion has been shut down. Trust me people, guys like Phil do not need A&E and will not compromise their convictions. A&E will either compromise or the show will go away. You neglect to see the tragedy of an increasing social injustice where one cannot say what he want's without negative percussion. We all know A&E can do whatever they want and good for them but this sort of issue effects all of us in the manner that freedoms continue to dwindle with each public acknowledgement and challenge that the radical social agenda throws at those who subscribe to a religious worldview.
Our traditional culture has been in a state of decline not by choice but by force and when a religious man is punished by adhering to what he believes is true than a notch in that culture, belief or freedom is removed.
This is a serious matter here people and why you make ridicules comments on everything other than serious content just shows how unaware of what's happening around you. You and I both have the right to think and say what we want but at some point the very thing that Phil Robertson said will become unacceptable in a manner that it will become illegal and criminal. If you all are comfortable with the prospect of this occurring than just continue to skate the issue and see it with blinders on.
Why in the world would any of you comment on when this news has aired and me being two weeks late? You think I posted this because I learned of it today and wanted everyone to think I am in a contest to see who can post topics the fastest?
Just try an stay on topic here people. Should someone who voices an opinion on an issue be removed from programming because it differs with the networks agenda? Didn't Phil nearly verbatim quote what the Scriptures have been saying for 2000 years? Do people have the ability to listen, see what they want in the privacy of their own home? How is someone offended by something someone thinks and says when there is no insult, slander, malice. This is a religious belief that the man even went to the degree that he said he respects and loves all of Gods creation but yet it's interpreted as hate,,, So people are offended of a guy who said something in an interview in a mag while they watch a TV show they themselves turned the channel to. In this case the remarks didn't even air on the DD show, but in a mag and now PR is gone?
So, because Phil R believes homosexuals are sinning he is a bad guy and no mo show, that people is a total tragedy and something to be concerned about, like it or not.
Here is the truth people so listen up. Honest, serious believers expect the people in the world to do what they do and understand they cannot control the behaviors of people, or at least shouldn't. The believers do disagree with the lifestyles but at the same time treat all with respect (and don't even try an tell me Phil's opinion is a matter of disrespect.)
The opposite is not true of people in the world, they oppose much of that the religious practice and adhere to. Often, such as this, they oppose it with fierce opposition, slander and disgusting talk. Did you see a hint of anger, hatred, violent discontent, excited, obnoxious attitude in Phil R? What sort of talk do you see from those who oppose Phil R, their words are highly divisive and insulting with angered tones.
Each day we have opportunities to bridge divides yet we are comfortable with seeing our brothers and sisters condemned, what a shame.