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http://www.vintagesnowmobiles.50megs.com/PP12473.html Got it for Christmas in 1972, I was 12. mine had a black seat. Put 4000 miles on it in a 6 acre field, round and round.
Our firsts were a couple of old sleds we bombed around the farm on 82 or 83 Skidoo Blizzard 9500 and a Scorpion Whip 440 The Skidoo was the first sled Bear came to the U.P. with
But the 1989 400 in the picture was the first sled I could say was mine and bought for me and the 1989 500 was Bears first New Sled
One like this. I love vintage snowmobiles.
My first sled was like this one but had a 433 motor I think.