Hoosier-is your jetting 100 stock? If so~just change your pilot air jet to 1 and dial in your fuel screws to start . This alone makes a huge difference in performance. If you think it's still rich then change the main to a 410. As for the air box a little grease and a telescope mirror works well to ensure the boots are on good.
My sled was 100% stock. Last year, we made a last minute decision to ride in Wyoming and I had a dealer out there rejet it for me. Cost was around $75 and time was limited, so I didn't bother looking into doing it myself. This year, I'm finally getting around to jetting it back to stock and looking for advice before I take care of it. The sled has always been thirsty, so I was thinking it's worth trying to jet it a little different. I've thought about the ATAAC kit also, but jets are cheap.