John, Im not looking for an argument or being negative toward your response so please don't take this that way, just voicing an opinion. "not sure why anyone still would be" my question is why not? ok... lets not compare covid-19 to the flu however fact of the matter is they are both viruses but lets forget that. and again death should never become an acceptable out, And I hope the numbers aren't as predicted or being hyped about, but the only number we have that is a definite is ones who have died as result of virus. The flu which is still a virus kills on average half a million people a year, on average here 30,000 to 60,000 people and this is with something we have a vaccine for. Why don't we cover the flu just as we are the covid-19, why don't we practice social distancing, shutter businesses, put people out of work. If this is really working lets say by doing this again next year we can reduce the number of fatalities by half... why don't we? We now have millions of people with out work and who knows how many of them will have a job to return to? can the unemployment pool continue to support millions upon millions and what of the businesses that will never reopen. So yes why don't we have the media coverage for flu season that kills so many people year after year after year, and if this is all working why don't we do the same if we can reduce fatalities, since we have no idea how many people have it how can we say its working?
I’m not sure my point was taken correctly, so I will do a better job to try to clarify. I stopped watching the main stream media 6 to 7 years ago, because after watching them totally batch or make up things regarding the atmosphere, I started to question their knowledge or they’re trustworthiness. I had conversations with other professionals such as my brother who is a commercial airline pilot and friends who are doctors and they all commented the same way, saying that most of what the news was presenting in those fields was also incorrect. So I decided to just stop watching because I was being misinformed, intentionally or unintentionally, It did not matter. It seems a lot of people these days have the same feeling about the media yet they continue to watch and complain so that’s why I ask why does anybody watch them anymore. I currently still am undecided as to if the measures put in place we’re over done or not. That means I’m not arguing with anybody on either side. What I do know about this virus vs. the seasonal flu (And this comes from many doctors saying the same thing, including an ER doctor I know in Chicago), is that if left unchecked, meaning no restrictions at all, this virus had the potential to kill 5-10% of the global population. The reason for this is they say 80% of the people that come down with it handle it just fine and need no hospital admission. The other 20% do need hospitalization and of that 20%, 25 to 50% need ventilators. Without the ventilators they would die. The whole purpose in slowing down the amount of cases with this virus is to allow healthcare to be able to treat people in the manner that is needed. They also said that if you need a ventilator it does not matter what age you are if you don’t get it you will die.I trust this information as it did not come from a political leader or the media and was repeated nearly Word for Word by every doctor I have researched that has been interviewed.