Yep more fuel to the fire of all us sledders are evil doers.... All Polaris sleds besides... Sheesh
obviously from previous posts I am against the legalization, and from previous other threads about drinking and driving/sledding, I think I am not speaking for myself here either but I too certainly hope that this doesn't give sledders an evil doer label, it doesn't matter what you are operating when you do so under the influence you are putting yourself and others at risk of injury, fatality and property damage. Im ok with any of it as long as it is done responsibly, but like everything else there are those that don't, and usually its the people that don't par take that pay the final price for someone else's poor choices. I hope this just like drinking doesn't give the sport an evil doer label. My only hope is that people do this responsibly and think before they get behind the wheel or handlebars of a sled. Someone I knew just died in an vehicle accident, was drunk, I was more greatful that the woman and 2 children he hit during the accident lived without injury, more so than I was sad that he lost his. Now that its legal, just use your head.... PLEASE