Recreational Marijuana


New member
Oh...I know it. They're generally not the most productive bunch and easy to spot.

[h=2]Washington, D.C. Marijuana Consumption Demographics[/h]
  • 55.3% of Washington, D.C. consumers are considered “white-collar”
  • 32.3% are considered professional
  • 30.5% own their own business
  • 30% are more likely to be employed full-time
  • 7.5% are considered “blue-collar”


Washington, D.C. Marijuana Consumption Demographics

  • 55.3% of Washington, D.C. consumers are considered “white-collar”
  • 32.3% are considered professional
  • 30.5% own their own business
  • 30% are more likely to be employed full-time
  • 7.5% are considered “blue-collar”

My opinion is based on the observation of white collar dopers. lol
Got tested at work last month, and l asked the H R guy what was going to happen after recreational marijuana becomes legal. He told me he wouldn`t test anyone til November. He was gonna wait and see what happens to other businesses when they fire someone for using a legal drug, and what happens in court. Time will tell.


Well-known member
and if you buy or own guns, or plan to!
this is right off the ATF E-Form 4473 form

Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?Warning: The use or possession of marijuana remains unlawful under Federal law regardless of whether it has been legalized ordecriminalized for medicinal or recreational purposes in the state where you reside.

so all you gun owners that smoke, ??
you can be denied the right to buy guns and well, if you LIE<!--? that can be used against you as well!
IF anyone decided to PUSH things!


Active member
When it all gets legalized we can do what Matt Foley did,
rolling big huge Doobies, living on government cheese in a van down by the river LOL


Well-known member
Thank you, Thank you very little. LOL I have never rocked the boat on this forum or been involved in controversy that goes on and on. But this one I cannot resist. My woman has a cousin that owns a property just down the road from Rousseau Bar. So, I can legally get as high as I want. My strain of choice will of course be hybrid 80/20. That way I can enjoy the sativa for cerebral stimulation during cooking and Indica for couch lock when dishes need to be done.

No need to rock the boat, what did I tell Ya? Please pass the popcorn, I'm hungry!!! :cool:-Mezz


New member
Everyone should google Toby Keiths Wacky Tabacy video. Perfect for this thread. Personally I don't get why you have to be high when your in such a beautiful area. The settings alone should be the best high. Some years ago I remember seeing 3 guys doing lines off a mirror on the seat of one of the sleds, pulled over on the Nichols trail by the trestle bridges. Crazy stuff.


New member
Ahhh, shut down alcohol sales cause the area is such a beautiful area. The settings alone should be the best high.:cheerful:


Well-known member
If it's illegal to buy guns, if you're a user, it must be also illegal to own them, right?

well if you care to read, this is for MI residents

and I will add this, take it how ever anyone wishes too
currently, the BATF stands at this, and I would THINK< that any state that allows legal use of it, will sort of fall into the same deal,as those ion places where states have NOT made it legal,
be sort of the same as having a card for legal use of it, STATE legal use and NOT federal!

Now the BATFE has issued an open letter to FFLs that users of medical marijuana are to be excluded from possessing or owning firearms or ammunition. BATFE cites the Gun Control Act of 1968 as authority for this order, which states that it shall be unlawful to sell or otherwise dispose of any firearm to any person knowing or having reasonable suspicion to believe that such a person is an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance.

( above taken from this)

I don't have my FFL no more and don't stay too on top of this stuff, and honestly right now, its a mess, and with so many new things happening, I doubt anything is very CLEAR, and is open to a lot of mistakes and errors,on how each state and agency will handle things
the point IMO< being, do you really want to find out, or the costs to fight things, to stay out of trouble over using some pot?,
are the risks really worth the rewards to YOU< as this will be a personal question, each must make IMO
I have no use for pot, never have , never will
I am not one for it being legal, but know many are, not looking for a debate or argument, its just MY opinion

from MY experience, it seems to have negative effects on SOME folks more than others, and honestly, the way the world is heading, I don;t think the risks are worth the gains of it being legal
no hate wished to those that do either here!

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New member
What about when marijuana was illegal everywhere and the same laws were enact. Did anyone discuss it? The same people have been smoking. Same people drank during prohibition. Are you a product of being a government tool?


Well-known member
I just find it funny how things become full circle in todays day and age, things that were once frowned upon, taboo or illegal are no longer and now you are the one with the problem if you don't approve of it, whatever that may be. People are using it legal or not, people you would be surprised to know, there are people who can function on it and those that cant and there are those that abuse it and those that don't. Doesn't make those that don't approve of it any more right or wrong than those that do. marijuana was once known as the gateway drug, now that the government says its ok and getting their tax money from it I suppose its just like smoking a cigarette or drinking a beer... no problem anymore. I have never tried it nor will I ever, absolutely no interest in it, legal or not I still wont approve of it, nor will I tolerate it in any shape or form in my shop or by any of my employees. It will be interesting to see where it goes from here, will the amount of addicts increase or will it go the other way, will it because it is legal to obtain now become an addiction to some that will be recognized as an illness and be a form of disability keeping people from working? it is what it is, and you wonder what will be next that was again once frowned upon, taboo or illegal that we will just have to look the other way at.


Active member
... and you wonder what will be next that was again once frowned upon, taboo or illegal that we will just have to look the other way at.
We might as well go off the deep-end and make prostitution legal. Could you just image the amount of tax money the government will get from that! After all, it is probably a lot safer than tobacco, pot, or alcohol combined if we regulate it properly. The government will have some many dollars they won't know what to do with the money. It will bring new meaning to "Screw the Government." And for the rhetorical question ... Who are you hurting by doing it anyway? Right? Isn't that the new standard to judge something by?
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Well-known member
Boy I stayed away from this thread as long as possible but it has gone so sideways I had to post. It's a plant on God's green earth. It has many documented clinical purposes. I don't smoke (anymore) but had my share years ago. I could go on for hours. The sky is not falling. Cbd and thc can do a lot of good. It's proven. Show me any good alcohol (which I like to drink as anyone who knows me can agree) can do? Or prostitutes for crying out loud?? Come on guys this crap has gone off the tracks. Those that partake are gonna partake. Puff puff give!!

ICT Sledder

Active member
Not a fan of pot or loser potheads, but the legalization of such is a net positive in that it removes a lot of power from law enforcement to hassle folks on petty nonsense for S&G’s.
Not a fan of pot or loser potheads, but the legalization of such is a net positive in that it removes a lot of power from law enforcement to hassle folks on petty nonsense for S&G’s.

what if the pothead isn't a loser and very is successful? would you be a fan??? lol