Recreational Marijuana


Active member
When it does become legalized, there will be so many people rolling big fat juicy doobies,
living on a steady diet of government cheese in a van down by the river LOL


New member
Interestingly not everyone that uses marijuana is some loser, probably not even close to the majority.

So my brother in law owned and sold a business in San Francisco, made a crap ton of money. He now spends his time as a private consultant and works as a hired gun, he also has authored several software books and "how to" guides on computers and their software. He lives in the hills of Oakland and his neighbors are all VP's of this and that or software developers, investors or a part of some large business corporation or wealthy private business. They aren't like the crazy wealthy but they are all well off and successful.
....and all of them, and I mean all of them, torch up more commonly than cracking a Bud Lite during the football game.

The laws state by state and federally for marijuana are what they are and should be followed. I do NOT agree with them and I do not partake nor would I if it became even federally legal.
It would only become a problem to me if it somehow affected me in some negative way and its unlikely that it would. My very good friend, locally, has smoked since I met him 26 years ago.
At the same time this bestie of mine got extremely p.o.ed a few years ago because some of his new hires were going on break and coming back baked. He warned them, they didn't comply and he let them go.

There is a time and place for everything.


Well-known member
I'm going to throw this out there and take it how ever anyone wishes, I mean NO disrespect, its just a thought

but WHY do so many people today seem to need a drug to function or be happy, or need a temporary escape from there lives and realities?
I mean, there is a HUGE portion of the population on ILLEGAL drugs, and and please take with a grain of salt
but for yrs, countless places POT was illegal, so, that meant, so many folks were willing to break the law, and risk the fines and down sides of getting caught!
drug use/abuse is a every growing problem and having huge costs in more ways than just funds! and effecting many that DON"T par take in this habit!

I mean, honestly, does anyone think the population is getting smarter , being more productive, having MORE motivation NOW< as to say some yrs Back???
I am constantly hearing folks complain about, un able to hire good workers anymore, that have SELF MOTIVATION or drive
I hear countless folks complain about people having entitlement complexes! or, just LAZY MAYBE spoiled people!
there will always be exceptions to the rule
there are many folks that can function on many things and be productive
but MY question again, is, WHY do so many folks feel a need to use drugs to live?
be them legal or other wise(and don';t mean prescription drugs prescribed to treat health issue's)

as folks can say POT is only??
like Booze or??
But does anyone think more folks on drugs of ANY kind is going to make people more productive and better in a whole? or the world better, , all the mroe so again with so many seeming to think things are slipping teh wrong way as is?

doesn't anyone seem to think, there should be more in the ways of finding out WHY so many need a drug to live, or feel better about there lives or moods or??

I don;t use pot never have, no plans to if legal every where!
I deal with my problems with need ot a temp fix and rather spend my money on a solution to problem rather than something that helps me forget it for a short while?

but this is me, again,were all different
I just don;'t get why so many cannot seem to just live without need of drugs??


I'm going to throw this out there and take it how ever anyone wishes, I mean NO disrespect, its just a thought

but WHY do so many people today seem to need a drug to function or be happy, or need a temporary escape from there lives and realities?
I mean, there is a HUGE portion of the population on ILLEGAL drugs, and and please take with a grain of salt
but for yrs, countless places POT was illegal, so, that meant, so many folks were willing to break the law, and risk the fines and down sides of getting caught!
drug use/abuse is a every growing problem and having huge costs in more ways than just funds! and effecting many that DON"T par take in this habit!

I mean, honestly, does anyone think the population is getting smarter , being more productive, having MORE motivation NOW< as to say some yrs Back???
I am constantly hearing folks complain about, un able to hire good workers anymore, that have SELF MOTIVATION or drive
I hear countless folks complain about people having entitlement complexes! or, just LAZY MAYBE spoiled people!
there will always be exceptions to the rule
there are many folks that can function on many things and be productive
but MY question again, is, WHY do so many folks feel a need to use drugs to live?
be them legal or other wise(and don';t mean prescription drugs prescribed to treat health issue's)

as folks can say POT is only??
like Booze or??
But does anyone think more folks on drugs of ANY kind is going to make people more productive and better in a whole? or the world better, , all the mroe so again with so many seeming to think things are slipping teh wrong way as is?

doesn't anyone seem to think, there should be more in the ways of finding out WHY so many need a drug to live, or feel better about there lives or moods or??

I don;t use pot never have, no plans to if legal every where!
I deal with my problems with need ot a temp fix and rather spend my money on a solution to problem rather than something that helps me forget it for a short while?

but this is me, again,were all different
I just don;'t get why so many cannot seem to just live without need of drugs??

There are people that can handle it and there are people that can't. It is the same as booze. It is the same as cocaine. Until you get to heroin. Nobody can handle that. The big thing is that people who think they are handling whatever they are doing think they are superior. Then everything goes south.


Well-known member
Focus all you non pot smokers. Drugs, booze and pot are 3 different topics..
not really, all 3 have been illegal at one time or another, and still SO many folks took the risks to get it when illegal,?

so, my question again, is WHY
maybe this is a question that more should be looked into, as banning or making them legal IMO< doesn;t seem to solve any of the problems that can develop from those that cannot use/handle it and function well using/on it!
like it or not, ALL three have been known to destroy lives both directly and indirectly!

and if its a simple as a percentage game, of say"X" percent of folks CAN handle it and CANNOT
the more then that use it, the more then that will have issue's with it?
its simple math! not a strike against anyone that par takes in any of the three, !

so, maybe the bigger picture again is, WHY do so many people feel a need to use a substance that alters there thinking or feelings/ temp escape from there problems or reality?
as I doubt honestly any of the 3 fixes many peoples problems, and most , maybe cause more damage than good
considering 70% of the population in the USA< is in debt, spending money in things like these 3 isn';t very logical or helping there debt IMO!
again, this is MY Opinion, not a bash or a hate here!
more a question, as I do NOT take or use drugs /pot!
heck don't even drink much anymore LOL
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New member
more a question, as I do NOT take or use drugs /pot!
heck don't even drink much anymore LOL[/QUOTE]

But you do drink. And why is that? Life is perfect. Reality is great.
So my question is why?
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Well-known member
more a question, as I do NOT take or use drugs /pot!
heck don't even drink much anymore LOL

But you do drink. And why is that? Life is perfect. Reality is great.
So my question is why?[/QUOTE]

well I can answer this question really easy, doubt sits the same for most
But its been several yrs since I had any alcohol
and last time I had one, it was due to someone asked me, and didn't care one way or the other, so I had 1 beer!

I didn;t drink it due to I really wanted it, felt I needed it, cared for the taste, nor wanted any of its possible effects!
so, I don;t see the point other than its a legal option?

that still doesn't clear anything up in my question IMO
that's like a universal answer to anything

I do believe I am NOT alone in many folks think society is slipping in a wrong direction these days
there seems to be a very serious issue with addictions, be it alcohol, drugs/POT, since someone didn;t like it being labeled with drugs! LOL
like it or not, some folks do get addicted to ANYTHING
if people are having so many issue's in life they need an escape and turn to things like the 3 listed
maybe there should be more focus on finding out WHY< over just making more things legal!
and possibly making for more folks addicted, or getting into other things when these legal things don;t work for those that ??
I mean come on, were in a world now where folks don;t know what bathroom to use? LOL
how in the world is allowing for more substances that can alter one's thinking/or mood, or?? going to help?
that is my view again, and I fully get no one has to like or agree with it
but I still don;t get why so many need to try and alter there state of mind with any of the 3, if that is why they are using them!
and again, based on how many have issue's with them, it sure seems to be a LOT.
so its NOT just a few as many seem to want it to be!


Active member
But you do drink. And why is that? Life is perfect. Reality is great.
So my question is why?

well I can answer this question really easy, doubt sits the same for most
But its been several yrs since I had any alcohol
and last time I had one, it was due to someone asked me, and didn't care one way or the other, so I had 1 beer!

I didn;t drink it due to I really wanted it, felt I needed it, cared for the taste, nor wanted any of its possible effects!
so, I don;t see the point other than its a legal option?

that still doesn't clear anything up in my question IMO
that's like a universal answer to anything

I do believe I am NOT alone in many folks think society is slipping in a wrong direction these days
there seems to be a very serious issue with addictions, be it alcohol, drugs/POT, since someone didn;t like it being labeled with drugs! LOL
like it or not, some folks do get addicted to ANYTHING
if people are having so many issue's in life they need an escape and turn to things like the 3 listed
maybe there should be more focus on finding out WHY< over just making more things legal!
and possibly making for more folks addicted, or getting into other things when these legal things don;t work for those that ??
I mean come on, were in a world now where folks don;t know what bathroom to use? LOL
how in the world is allowing for more substances that can alter one's thinking/or mood, or?? going to help?
that is my view again, and I fully get no one has to like or agree with it
but I still don;t get why so many need to try and alter there state of mind with any of the 3, if that is why they are using them!
and again, based on how many have issue's with them, it sure seems to be a LOT.
so its NOT just a few as many seem to want it to be![/QUOTE]

One thing I learned with this crowd, you are not going to get an answer. So, I don't see a need for you to defend your position.

I am asking the same questions, how does decriminalizing one more debauchery of the human condition advance humanity?


Active member
Some people get drunk or high for an escape some just go to church every Sunday.How ever u escape reality is your own business Both are Gods Creations just Partake wisely.


Active member
Some people get drunk or high for an escape some just go to church every Sunday.How ever u escape reality is your own business Both are Gods Creations just Partake wisely.

See mrbb, the odds are no one will present an intelligent answer to your question. No reason to continue the discussion. Keep this in mind if you decide to continue ... Mark Twain once said “Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.” Good luck.


Well-known member
slimcake, I grow corn, and I'm sticking with Jim for whiskey! However, I occasionally have a drink with Henry also. This tread definitely has legs.

I am actually a vodka guy. Love me some blue ox or dripping springs. I would like to know how much corn goes into a bottle. But hey I'm doing my part right?? Support the farmers. Oh wait it takes farmers for Mary Jane to doesn't it.... Oh boy. Now I don't know what to think. White Russian anyone?? Oh no now I brought that into the conversation... Good thing there is snowflakes in the forecast!!!!!!!


Well-known member
I am actually a vodka guy. Love me some blue ox or dripping springs. I would like to know how much corn goes into a bottle. But hey I'm doing my part right?? Support the farmers. Oh wait it takes farmers for Mary Jane to doesn't it.... Oh boy. Now I don't know what to think.

Read an article on how bad Dairy Farmers have it and how it is likely to get worse with bankrupt Dean foods joining some organization that will drive private farmer dairy farmers milk prices down.

Anyway, guy being interviewed converted from Dairy to growing hemp and uses his milking barn for hanging/drying the product in N.Y. State.
As soon as MJ is legalized he will move to that too.
