Recreational Marijuana


New member
Get used to it foolish to think flatlanders won’t bring their gummies on a snomo trip along with the rest of their stuff. Mary Jane is here to stay and I for one have no problem with it. To each his own enjoy a drink , a smoke , a gummie what you like just none of my business to judge other people’s likes and dislikes. Use in a responsible manner and life moves on absolutely no big thing to me.

most logical thing said here

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it is shocking how many joe Friday guys are on this forum . sort of sad really

yea..surpised u came back..outside of my core..dont really get some of these guys so i just ignore


Well-known member
Get used to it foolish to think flatlanders won’t bring their gummies on a snomo trip along with the rest of their stuff. Mary Jane is here to stay and I for one have no problem with it. To each his own enjoy a drink , a smoke , a gummie what you like just none of my business to judge other people’s likes and dislikes. Use in a responsible manner and life moves on absolutely no big thing to me.

Responsible manner=legal manner.



I feel you are attacking my character and making uncalled for remarks about the children.

I'm incredulous at the fact people are doing this, let alone admitting it publicly. I think I'd file charges in federal court, if it were me.


Well-known member
I'm incredulous at the fact people are doing this, let alone admitting it publicly. I think I'd file charges in federal court, if it were me.

Ya you are right. There is nothing more serious going on in the world than some dudes smoking some reefer in their house after riding snowmobile. Somebody call the LAW!!! Get over yourself. Geez.

old abe

Well-known member
Whoa! I said this thread had legs, but now what? Chill out, get a grip. It's no more than a discussion here! Sheesh, this stuff is going on all around you now, and has been for a long time.


Active member
I think this thing is still lit so I`ll hit it...... Funny the longenst thread on a snowmobile site is about weed but the controversy I am reading here is exactly why it has taken so long to become leagalized. The bad light shed on it by the media in the past (Ididnt say fake news) and uneducated opinion of those that have never tried it has made it difficult for it to become accepted in the main stream for a long time, but that is finally over. It is not just "dopers" that indulge. It has kept willie going for a long time now. Bill Clinton doesnt count because he didnt inhale but Elon Musk partakes and many more successful, educated people that have much to contribute to society do smoke and it may even contribute to there success in some ways.

Could go on and on but it seems this has already happened here

Puff Puff Pass


New member
So far one "reported" trail accident. Illinois man crashed on trail 13, alcohol involved.

There will be more. So many, many more, unreported.

I'll report back when there is a "doper" accident reported.


Well-known member
So far one "reported" trail accident. Illinois man crashed on trail 13, alcohol involved.

There will be more. So many, many more, unreported.

I'll report back when there is a "doper" accident reported.

You'll be able to do a better report when they actually figure out an easy test for the potheads without a blood draw.

I watch the Milw. news every AM to see the latest totally demolished vehicles from last evenings crashes on 25 mph streets of the inner city.
I'd bet my 401k that all have pot in their systems.


Well-known member
You'll be able to do a better report when they actually figure out an easy test for the potheads without a blood draw.

I watch the Milw. news every AM to see the latest totally demolished vehicles from last evenings crashes on 25 mph streets of the inner city.
I'd bet my 401k that all have pot in their systems.

I'd take that bet. Might get me to retirement sooner.....


New member
You'll be able to do a better report when they actually figure out an easy test for the potheads without a blood draw.

I watch the Milw. news every AM to see the latest totally demolished vehicles from last evenings crashes on 25 mph streets of the inner city.
I'd bet my 401k that all have pot in their systems.

There is a roadside breathalyzer that is starting to be used that measures both alcohol and THC.


You'll be able to do a better report when they actually figure out an easy test for the potheads without a blood draw.

I watch the Milw. news every AM to see the latest totally demolished vehicles from last evenings crashes on 25 mph streets of the inner city.
I'd bet my 401k that all have pot in their systems.


Well-known member
Michigan State Police are being equipped with a device which detects THC with a simple swab to the inside of the cheek. I am pretty much of the belief that snobuilders "potheads" won't be breaking any land speed records & demolishing sleds or vehicles, they drive too slow to hurt anything.:cower: Dang stoners....:highly_amused::cool3:-Mezz


Well-known member
There is a roadside breathalyzer that is starting to be used that measures both alcohol and THC.

The problem with "ALL THC TESTING" is that there is no defined way to completely differentiate between users of THC being "under the influence" or a "person who used THC 24, 36, 72 hours or a week ago" or even a heavy legal user of CBD oil which creates no side-effects.
The police will use it as a tool to "trip up" the constituents of their community to voluntarily say they consumed it recently to use in court.

The key is to not to speak, a right we all have.


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Whoa! I said this thread had legs, but now what? Chill out, get a grip. It's no more than a discussion here! Sheesh, this stuff is going on all around you now, and has been for a long time.

C'mon page 3!



Active member
Why did the stoner cross the road?
His dealer lived on the other side

How many stoners does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
Screw it,...they all have lighters


Well-known member
With today's hybrid pot strains the term "Pothead" is more accurate than ever was in the 60/70's.

If this is so awesome, at what age should your kids "partake" with youse?....and pleeeease don't relate this to the legal alcohol age. it can't possibly apply to this "awesome ".
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