thanks so much for the kind words everybody, and for those of you that recently experienced the same, God bless you.
I think it was the 3rd picture where Ollie was sitting on the couch resting her head and looking out the window, she would just sit there and wait for my wife to come home or for me. She did some things other dogs of ours didn't and that's what so cool about dogs, they have such personalities. If Ollie wanted to be scratched, she would come over to you and rest her chin on your leg or arm and just sit there starring. We never did teach her many tricks but since a pup she naturally sat up like one of the picks with her paws in the air while you hold her feet,,,she taught us that one. She also sat on stairs like people with one leg down. Time will heal the wounds and like Ezra said, we will adopt a dog in need as we have done in the past. Ollies mom Tia was a rescue just as Jackie who was before Tia. Thanks again everybody, this is what makes JD site so awesome, friends sharing burdens and becoming family.