RPM not going to idle at stop signs Poo IQ CFI


New member
We removed the air box today. There are no signs of cracks in the throttle body boots.

It's at the shop and the guy that works on it is going to check the TPS. Apparently it's a huge deal with the computer.

I hope that it's out of whack.


New member
Another update is that the TPS was within limits. He sets them at a higher voltage (.713). He says that may be it instead of being between .690 - .710.

We're also going to change the fuel filter.

More than anything, he said it is probably from using bad gas.


New member
The old bad Gas BS when they don't know what the problem is. I can see it if it blows up, but a high Idle.

The high idle is erratic. It's like it does it when it wants to, but only on a decellaration (sp), and only sometimes. Not any other time besides the decell.


Polarice- my 2010 Switchback 600 was doing the same "high idle while coming to a stop" as yours. I had just replaced my belt and thought that was somehow related. Thanks for all your updates. I am going to be looking at mine closer while summerizing.


New member
Polarice- my 2010 Switchback 600 was doing the same "high idle while coming to a stop" as yours. I had just replaced my belt and thought that was somehow related. Thanks for all your updates. I am going to be looking at mine closer while summerizing.

I'm hoping that it's the tps. Checking one thing at a time.

It's on it's second season, although the first season I only put about 350 miles on it. This year almost 1500.

I'm also putting a brand new fuel filter on it ($70).

It makes me feel better to know that yours is doing the same thing. I'll keep you posted as to what happens but I may not know until next season. If you find your issue let me know. I don't know if you read through this entire thread, but there's some good info on it.



Mine started acting up my second (and last) trip this year. First time out sled ran great. No issues. Second trip is when it starting acting wierd. Like you said, not all the time only on occasion but often enough it caught my attention. I have approx. 1700 miles total on the sled now. I have read thru the thread and tooks notes. Great info.


New member
That is totally odd that the same thing is happening to both of our sleds at about the same mileage. I hope it's the tps and/or fuel filter.


New member
Another Update

The fuel filter was about "1/2" as the shop man put it. In other words, it definitley had some issues. He put a new one on and I hope that's the problem. He said that could cause it to be lean.


The fuel filter was about "1/2" as the shop man put it. In other words, it definitley had some issues. He put a new one on and I hope that's the problem. He said that could cause it to be lean.

Did they cut the filter apart or do they have some way of pressure testing it off of the sled?
Curious how they came to the conclusion.


New member
Did they cut the filter apart or do they have some way of pressure testing it off of the sled?
Curious how they came to the conclusion.

Basically what they do is blow on it with their mouth. A new one there is no resistance. The one that's clogged has a noticeable blockage. It sounds kind of goofy and could be made into a big joke I know lol! You really can tell a big difference between the new one and old one though.


Basically what they do is blow on it with their mouth. A new one there is no resistance. The one that's clogged has a noticeable blockage. It sounds kind of goofy and could be made into a big joke I know lol! You really can tell a big difference between the new one and old one though.

On another forum, it was discussed about fuel line pressure and if one could tell if the filter was blocked just by blowing through it by mouth, didn't sound possible, who knows?

Hope it cures the issue for you!