Had to put our family's Yellow Lab, Kody, down yesterday. He developed bone cancer in his shoulder earlier this fall. We managed to keep him around pain-free for an additional 3 months after the initial detection of it, but I said the minute I saw him suffer, I would put an end to it. I stayed by his side the whole time...he left me hearing what a good boy he was.
My wife works in her home office, and he was the "office dog." She had a hard time today without him next to her office chair. He wouldn't leave her side.
I think we'll wait until spring to think about getting another. I don't think I can replace Kody, but hope to make some new memories soon.
Rest well, Kodyboy!

My wife works in her home office, and he was the "office dog." She had a hard time today without him next to her office chair. He wouldn't leave her side.
I think we'll wait until spring to think about getting another. I don't think I can replace Kody, but hope to make some new memories soon.
Rest well, Kodyboy!