Scandalous Ticket from Wisc. DNR


New member
Sounds like the incident E. RIver over race weekend. I talked to a DNR person & he said that when they stopped one, everyone else lined up behind them, so they checked all. He said you could have went around, but if you were going 11mph you would get a ticket. It's to bad that a little common sense doesn't prevail at times.


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Michigan State Police

I got pulled over in the truck doing 68 in a 55 back in 2001. Had a radar detector on my windsheild, it was a straight stretch of higway and he was coming at me. Busted.The detector sounded and I slowed down to 55. After he passed me he did a u turn and pulled me over. He was pissed when he saw the radar detector and told me to take it down. Then he hands me the ticket and says ''That will be 120.00 dollars''. I said okay then he said ''Now will that be cash?''
Yes its true , you must pay up on the spot. Talk about highway robbery.


New member
yep----not sure on snowmobile but here is the deal in A car----

Michigan----leave your license hard card till you pay or PAY on the spot

I need to be schooled here.

Is this something new?

I got a speeding ticket in my car last summer, and I do not have to pay on the spot, nor did I have to leave my license with them.

Am I missing something here?


New member
Wisconsin----PAY ON THE SPOT OR GOTO does not matter pay now...

I don't know if Wisconsin has changed the law recently, but my son got a ticket near Madison Wi. for 18 over (83 in a 65) by a state officer and did not have to post any cash bond. This was about 2-3 years ago. It was a signature bond. (just sign the ticket.) Rather than drive back up he (meaning me) just sent a check for the fine and he plead guilty (he was). He could have appeared in court if he wanted. The officer never even mentioned a cash bond and my son was 17 at the time.
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New member
We just got pulled over yesterday- on 51- just outside of Wausau. 76 in a 65. Annoying b/c we were going slower, but sped up a bit to get around a guy that was going a bit slower in the right lane. As soon as we pulled to left lane, there he was. $200.50 fine paid on the spot w/ a credit card. WI should have the best roads and schools EVER. $200 for 11 over? *** is that? Fine is $95 in IL for up to 20 over I believe. He also told us he was being nice by not writing a 2nd ticket for no mirror extenders. We have a standard 2 place trailer- I need mirror extenders on my suburban? OK Tropper Crabass. Before the first genius chimes in to tell me I was breaking the law and got what I deserved- I KNOW. We were speeding, so paid the fine and whatever. It's still annoying. I'd say about 95% of the travellers were going approx 75. Legal or not- I generally drive w/ the flow of traffic. One person going too slow can be dangerous. As well as someone going too fast. 75 on the highway in a 65 is pretty much the norm- we just happened to be a target (possibly b/c we had a snowmobile trailer and IL plates??) Good thing I won my superbowl square last night to pay for it!
I need to be schooled here.

Is this something new?

I got a speeding ticket in my car last summer, and I do not have to pay on the spot, nor did I have to leave my license with them.

Am I missing something here?

That would be, according to your profile, because you are a Michigan resident.


Well-known member
We just got pulled over yesterday- on 51- just outside of Wausau. 76 in a 65.

I think I saw you sitting there! I wondered about why, (As I always do) and thought about the mirror extenders you DON'T have.

Get 'em, you should have them.


New member
white suburban, enclosed white 2 place trailer (in case we are the ones you thought you saw). Yeah- speeding was the reason for the pullover. BUt he mentioned the extenders. Just odd b/c never thought about it. We've already looked up some cheap detachable ones for next time. Really wasn't aware on that one so we'll get 'em to be legal. And I guess we'll also drive a little slower for the next 12 months as well (since WI has a fun little point system and you can only get 12 pts in 12 months. earned 4 yesterday). OR- crap... my husband is going to want me to drive so we can go faster and not worry about him getting more points =)


Active member
The il plates are the debil and the added snowmachine trailer will get you every time... As for the mirrors ticket I would have said I seen you and pulled over so the ones Ive got are good enuff... I've never had to bond out on the spot for a speed'n ticket in WI,MN,WI yet...
I got a speeding ticket a few years back in WI. Didn't have to pay on the spot. Sent the fine in to the county there. I'm from out of state. Maybe they've changed the law since then.


New member
I wasn't going to argue about the mirrors since he said he COULD give us a ticket, but didn't. But yes, that's exactly what we said to each other as he walked away... saw you coming to pull us over didn't we? They may have changed recently, not sure. I'm trying to remember what he said exactly- I know he said, I can process your deposit right now w/ a credit card if you have one. We did, so handed it over. Not sure what the other option is. I'm sure people don't always have a credit card or cash on them- wonder if they take your license as a bond (like in IL) He didn't mention if we could pay cash or not. I just know he saw his 11 over and got all excited. I'm sure had it been 75, he probably wouldn't have bothered b/c I know a few cops who all basically agree that 10 over is the threshold for who does or does not get a ticket. BUT- my dad was saying how it's legal to speed if you are in the process of passing someone, as long as you reduce back as soon as you've passed. Not that I'm going to court to fight it, just wish I knew that (if true) to ask about at the time. Since the officer came right out and said, well as you were passing those two cars, you were going 76. He saw us pull out to get around the vehicles. wahtever- I had a BLAST up north w/ friends for the weekend- so much so, that I don't even care about the $200.


New member
Can't speed while passing

"BUT- my dad was saying how it's legal to speed if you are in the process of passing someone, as long as you reduce back as soon as you've passed."

Wisconsin law does not permit speeding to accomplish a passing maneuver....