Kip, you are correct- this is unacceptable. I still believe this is by far the minority of individuals within our sport. It shouldn't happen.
Not to get off track, but many people keep stating the "entitlement " or how society has changed for the worse. I'm honestly asking, because I don't know the answer, is society actually worse today than the past or do we just hear more about the ills of society in the social media today? I'm 37 and teach at a college so I am in constant contact with 18-24 year students. My father would talk about the shenanigans they would pull when they were younger, me also, and it just seems that issues were just pushed aside then and now there big issues. I'm just inquiring what you guys think.
I'll take a stab at it. I have said many times on this board it's a matter of morality. The symptom of immorality is the behaviors we are seeing. The root of these symptoms is morality which had been in a decline for decades. Look at the use of vulgarities. What was "socially" acceptable 50 years ago, (keeping in mind the key word here is socially) has changed drastically. Today on TV, radio or any social media the acceptable use of vulgarity has increased to the point where the word vulgar is redefined. If the word bitc* was not acceptable socially 50 years but today it is, this illustrates the decline I am referring to. If a word once was vulgar and not said out of respect in a social setting but is now for the most part non-offensive in society we see the decline of a facet of our morality. Combine many facets together and we see a a total social meltdown. My folks are 83 & 80 years old so they see a wider spectrum of the decline of morality than many of us here. Greed, coveting,
thievery, slanderers,,,, the love of money,,,etc,,,the list goes on and on.
Morality is a learned behavior and if the standard of truth in our society is constantly redefined, than we end up in a progressive trend, which we are. I suppose it comes down to what standard of truth do you subscribe to. The world has a standard that is ever changing and declining based on what ever makes you feel good with no real root to determine what is right and wrong. Many many years ago our country was based on Christian biblical principles and still somewhat intact but not practiced by the majority of the population. These biblical principles where much like the Islamic Muslim practicing Sharia law but our Christian basis does not include the violence and exterminating of the infidel. The Christian leaves the maker as the final judge and at the same time we have civil laws to protect it's citizens from each other. Over the ages groups have abused their faith and committed atrocities but IMO void of truth and basically run a muck. So, I have rambled on but I see it as a necessary means to understanding the big picture in few words on a message board.
Solution, consider the standard of truth our country was founded upon and more over, consider where these truth originate from. These truths are a constant and require us to never redefine them, doing so we invent an unlimited means to destruction. If the truths are mis-interpreted we became radicals and do more harm than good. Question for all of us, why is it wrong to kill, steal etc,,where did that come from and why do we all agree it's true? Is it possible our designer (maker) instilled this in us. If not, how did the evolution of man as a species include rational thinking and determine what is truth? I'm done now!