Ski-Doo fans lying-low


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Pretty much what Russ said. Whenever the 1200 is raced they're grouped with the 2 Stroke 700's. I have a Brother-in-law that has the 600 etec and when we ride together we almost always fill the tanks at the same time and it's almost exactly the same amount of fuel being used between the 600 etec and the 1200 4 Stroke. the 1200 will far out perform the 600 etec with incredible low end torque and getting to 100 first. The 2 Stroke Oil argument is only partially valid since the 1200 uses Synthetic in the crank, along with a filter and oil change once a year we're probably coming out about the same for costs. The weight does not concern me, a stuck is a stuck and you have to dig them all out eventually. It's just part of the experience.


Well-known member
Goofy -- not an exact answer to your question but I'll share what I know. I never had an Etec so I can't speak intelligently about it. Also...not a racer so I can't comment about that. My previous sled was an 05 600 SDI that had 10062 trouble-free miles on it when sold. And I do mean trouble-free -- I replaced the throttle body boots/reeds and that's it. Everything else was original (other than the heated grips, which failed in the last year I owned it).

Fuel economy on the SDI was better (16-20 mpg) vs. the 1200 (14-16) but I don't have to feed it 2s oil (obviously costs on that vary). Power, there is no comparison. I can darn near lift the skis with the 1200 (probably could succeed if I altered the suspension setup), whereas I don't think the SDI ever really came close. I'd put the 1200 closer to the 700 class than the 600 class. Guys are saying the 1200 hangs with 800 up to 80-85 or so, and then the 800 pulls away. Like I said, I'm not a racer so I can't offer anything in that area.

As far as handling....I'm just a simple trail cruiser so I haven't noticed much difference. But my wife hasn't complained about the extra weight of hers or that it's harder to handle, so I guess that's a positive! :)

The 600 SDI was an outstanding, reliable engine (and presumably, so is the 600 Etec). To switch to a 1200 just for the sake of switching, I don't know if it's worth it. But if yours are getting old and you're looking to get something newer, I'd say the 1200 would be worth looking into.

X2 I would buy a 1200 enough hp 135ish with broad 4s power band a lot closer to 700 class 2s than 600 2s. Etecs 600 SDIs probably better mpg but if I can't get the snort the difference in mpgs not that important to me. Yes you can get better 130ish hp, mpg & 4s power from both Cat & Yamaha engines but not within doo brand. If you like broad power band you will luv 130hp 4s make 600 2s very forgetable at 120ish hp.