snowmobile clubs


New member
But back to the original it SOP for a snowmobile club to have "membership review", like a yacht club or country club?

I was surprised that your club has this membership review. I always viewed snowmobile clubs as much less "clubby" than a country club, because the mission seems to be so different. But I have only belonged to two snowmobile clubs, both of whom had no membership review.

The membership review helps determine the intent of why you want to join. In our boating club if you have a boat and pay dues your in, heck you don't even have to have a boat. Same with our motorcycle group. Our most active members in the club don't even own bikes. Monetary donations are how a non active member can be viewed as, and that's good because those members don't cost much to maintain. But we do get your mailing address etc. from the membership app. and learn who you are and your intent as a member. It may not be the right fit for you. And after all it is a club your joining and clubs have protocal.


Well-known member
$20 and no application for our club. No one is required to do anything, but we do have an excellent, diversified bunch of volunteers. We have been slowly growing for a few years now, that's good to see.

Now I know that few of you will agree with me on this one. I think that if you do not belong to a club that you should pay more to register your sled. There would be a chance that we would actually gain a few members that would want to learn and help. If not, at least we would be gaining revenue for the snowmobile program from those that don't join. Win/ win situation, because the snomo program needs more money.


Active member
I was the Elgin Cold Duck's Secretary and moved into the 1st VP position this year. Our board has the right to dismiss a member and has done so in the past.
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The membership review helps determine the intent of why you want to join. In our boating club if you have a boat and pay dues your in, heck you don't even have to have a boat. Same with our motorcycle group. Our most active members in the club don't even own bikes. Monetary donations are how a non active member can be viewed as, and that's good because those members don't cost much to maintain. But we do get your mailing address etc. from the membership app. and learn who you are and your intent as a member. It may not be the right fit for you. And after all it is a club your joining and clubs have protocal.

I think we get the picture. You need a means to NOT deal with the people you don't wanna deal with. No offense, just to bad your clubs have gone the direction they have gone for whatever reasons they have. We are a small community and a small community feel, we do not experience the same situations on the same scale and if we did, I would suggest a better way to rectify the problems than discrimination (in the literal sense, not the politically correct sense)


New member
I think we get the picture. You need a means to NOT deal with the people you don't wanna deal with. No offense, just to bad your clubs have gone the direction they have gone for whatever reasons they have. We are a small community and a small community feel, we do not experience the same situations on the same scale and if we did, I would suggest a better way to rectify the problems than discrimination (in the literal sense, not the politically correct sense)

We are not discriminating. We just want the newbie to have an idea of what the club is about to save them grief and their money if our club is not the right fit for them. Such as we do not desire sail boaters in a power boat club. nothing in common. Do snowmobile clubs really want tree huggers or private agenda groups in there club. Nothing against tree huggers but not a good fit with the guys I ride with. Oh and I am a Life member of MSA monetary only. (not enough time in a day to do it all).


New member
hold on,,,,, what you do is very important and is appreciated. Our club has many supportors just like you and we are gratefull for people like you.

i know it helps Lenny, and thank you for noticing. right now that is how i can help. would love to help in other ways, time off is what one would call limited. i just read what was posted above by one and wanted to let it be known i wasn't and am not required to do so. doing my part in a way that i can right now. and thank you for all your contribution.


New member
So, living in FL. My 3 memberships in snowmobile clubs are what? Can I volunteer no, but my cash will not hurt them. Maybe I should rethink this? You can run a background check, funny Charles Schwab did not. I am not an active member, but I pay. The Snow Cruisers from Blaine, MN was my first club, then all MI clubs, Maybe I live in the wrong place? That was a really dumb statement. I need to ride.


New member
So, living in FL. My 3 memberships in snowmobile clubs are what? Can I volunteer no, but my cash will not hurt them. Maybe I should rethink this? You can run a background check, funny Charles Schwab did not. I am not an active member, but I pay. The Snow Cruisers from Blaine, MN was my first club, then all MI clubs, Maybe I live in the wrong place? That was a really dumb statement. I need to ride.

yes, you do need to ride Mike!


Well-known member
our club has alot of lumps who just show up for the cook outs and boat trips xmass party but are never there to work the shows that fund the club or mark trail or anything but the fun stuff.they have been busting my hump to be on the board so this time I am on for 2 yrs. I think the min of 5 to 10 hrs per family is a great plan.and I will be pushing for it.the rich thing is I dont do the club trips the most of the cook outs most of anything but the work for the trails and club funding and I dont use the trails but I figure some day I will get old and want them to still be there when trails are all I can do.our club is 40 a yr and 20 goes to MNUSA.think the bigest prob is the club looks more like jurassic park and 2 under 20 not many under 30 prob 4 few under 40 prob 15 most 50+ that is fine but not looking good for the future.


New member
PR1 Thats what I tell my wife,LOL she is not buying it. I can not even buy her off with a trip to the Casino. Much cheaper than Revelstoke, been a big year for me, she never forgets LOL But I try to butter her up, she is the BOMB. We just skiid but darn if the helis had a sled I would be burning fossil fuel. I posted pics on facebook


New member
As Membership Chair of a local snowmobile club I have never heard of having to have the board approve a members application! I am also the Director of the Outagamie County Snowmobile Alliance.

My club always tries to welcome new members as we are always looking for more members (even if they are not active)! :)


We are not discriminating. We just want the newbie to have an idea of what the club is about to save them grief and their money if our club is not the right fit for them. Such as we do not desire sail boaters in a power boat club. nothing in common. Do snowmobile clubs really want tree huggers or private agenda groups in there club. Nothing against tree huggers but not a good fit with the guys I ride with. Oh and I am a Life member of MSA monetary only. (not enough time in a day to do it all).

I see your point and my apologies for using the word discrimination, poor choice of words


New member
As Membership Chair of a local snowmobile club I have never heard of having to have the board approve a members application! I am also the Director of the Outagamie County Snowmobile Alliance.

My club always tries to welcome new members as we are always looking for more members (even if they are not active)! :)

The Club that I am the President did have on the old membership forms (Board Approval) Our new forms do not have board approval anymore. We ask members to help with a min of 8hrs and to come to one meeting, we have never voted a member out for as long I know. 40 years ago belonging to a snowmobile club is what people did because most of the trails where funded 100% by the local club and if you did not belong to a club you were considered an outsider. Wisconsin is trying to create a two tier trail pass system that would give club member a discounted trail pass and if you are not in a club and pay AWSC dues you would have to pay full price for each sled you own


Well-known member
The Club that I am the President did have on the old membership forms (Board Approval) Our new forms do not have board approval anymore. We ask members to help with a min of 8hrs and to come to one meeting, we have never voted a member out for as long I know. 40 years ago belonging to a snowmobile club is what people did because most of the trails where funded 100% by the local club and if you did not belong to a club you were considered an outsider. Wisconsin is trying to create a two tier trail pass system that would give club member a discounted trail pass and if you are not in a club and pay AWSC dues you would have to pay full price for each sled you own

I sure would like it if they could get that two tier system passed. What a bonus in funds for our trails.


New member
The Club that I am the President did have on the old membership forms (Board Approval) Our new forms do not have board approval anymore. We ask members to help with a min of 8hrs and to come to one meeting, we have never voted a member out for as long I know. 40 years ago belonging to a snowmobile club is what people did because most of the trails where funded 100% by the local club and if you did not belong to a club you were considered an outsider. Wisconsin is trying to create a two tier trail pass system that would give club member a discounted trail pass and if you are not in a club and pay AWSC dues you would have to pay full price for each sled you own

We have never voted anyone out of any clubs I am in. I think the voting in is a formality. While typing tonight I have gotten 2 emails to vote aproval into our boat club, I put yea and sent back. never seen a nay go thru in the last 7 years of being a member. We have asked a Pres. and secretary to step down and just recent a treasurer for not following protocal of there duties in our motorcycle "riding group". reason: Money came up missing.


New member
what i am asking is, Do your boards, be the only ones with a vote. I would not be so bothered but the members do not have a vote on anything but elections.


Well-known member
our club the board sets the ajenda and the club votes and club also can call for a vote on any subject with a 2nd from another member then it is voted on so why we have a board? to talk about insurance and complain I guess