Snowmobiling trip verses bar hopping

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New member
His response with the pics was designed solely to shut down any opposing veiws to the topic of the thread.....kinda like pullin the race card was his choice to post such a personal thing on here, and because I didn't fane concern like some might, you are upset with my post. My response was an effort to point out that while banning things, like alcohol, might not be a big deal to YOUR personnal life, ...but saying something equally ridiculous like banning certain sleds because THEY are the problem, and would solve the fatality rate, is. After all,....maybe that XLT WASN'T set up properly for the conditions on that lake, is it crazy to say that a few more good studs or sharp carbides, brighter headlights, or stronger brakes were not a contributing factor in this tragedy???
Blaming it on the alcohol is the easy, simple answer....BTW was there anything else in his system at the time of the accident or weren't those test administered once alcohol was detected???
Spose I'll get deleted for expressing my veiws, but I am only commenting on another post that came before this one.....sorry for thinkin outside the group think box. and God rest your brothers soul.

You still dont get it. I have not once made the arguement for or aginst drinking while riding, Your post was deleted and you still dont get it. You made a dumb and disrespectful joke and now you are trying to backpeddle and say you meant to blame sled setup or other factors other than the alcohol. The family has admitted it was speed and alcohol that caused it. But you even took it a step further and tried to suggest maybe he had other things in his system. Could you possibly make yourself look anymore ignorant or be any more disrespectful? My guess is your young, My guess is; if this happend to your family you would not have this point of view, My guess is you would NOT have the balls to say any of this to fcat"s face. My guess is this whole thread disappears soon


New member
I would say its ok to argue the other side of the story, But why would you make a stupid not funny brand bashing joke to a guy who posts pics of his familys tragedy! I dont think it gets anymore classless than that.

I would also say why is a guy posting his family tragedy on a message board. Fair game in a public message board. You might not like it but then don't post it or put it in the public. I think you are making a bigger issue out of it than fcat.


New member
I would also say why is a guy posting his family tragedy on a message board. Fair game in a public message board. You might not like it but then don't post it or put it in the public. I think you are making a bigger issue out of it than fcat.

Fair game to make an opposing argurment yes, fair game to hide behind a computer screen and make fun of anothers tragedy? I disagree.
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New member
I don't think he was making a joke about it as much as trying to state his opinion that those snowmobiles could be at fault and were crappy handling. IMHO.

I agree drinking is an issue in society. You have to go a long ways back in all of our cultures and histories to see that it has been happening for a long time. Life is too short to argue. Everyone have a great safe and fun snowmobiling season if we get some more snow.


New member
I don't think he was making a joke about it as much as trying to state his opinion that those snowmobiles could be at fault and were crappy handling. IMHO.

Read the whole thread, not just the last two posts, he was not stating an opinion he was making a joke, hence the reason his post was deleated by admin.

Everyone knows snowmobiling is a dangerous thing as is driving a car, people should not drink and drive in excess nor drink and ride in excess. Accidents happen and it can be a devestating to many when they do.

I do not drink during the day when I usually ride. I'll have some when I get back to my hotel for the night or if I'm within a few miles of home but keep it under control (1-2 drinks if I'm 5 miles away or less). You can't take away peoples liberties but congress would sure like to. As in behind the wheel all those riding machines should practice defensive driving not racing through the trails taking the inside of a corner when you should be on the outside. Those that do not follow the rules are usually the ones in the accident and unfortunatly often times takes others with them.

If you want to drive responsibly, great, if not, expect a lawsuit when you make a mistake.


New member
all my bone headed moves driving or not have been when i was over .08 injuries or drunk drivings or anything.just damage to my own equipment or pride


Just a couple points I feel I need to clarify:

1) I understand the risk of posting this very personal experience on a public board but I feel the risk of the haters bashing me or getting sick of my story is worth it if just one person thinks twice before they decide to have another and understands the risk they are taking. I myself no longer drink and ride.
2) I have NO interest AT ALL in ANY additional laws that take away our freedom to drink alcohol. And yes that includes drinking while snowmobiling. Again, just understand who looses and how they are affected if you get hurt or die. Just understand the facts, it does happen.
3) The XLT did not have a handling problem, the driver did, Lance was a snowmobiler all of his life and was as good or better then most of the people on the trail.
4) No drugs period. Capitan Coke and speed.
5) This thread is title “Snowmobiling verses bar hopping” we were bar hopping so I believe the story is 100% relevant to the topic and not “over the top” .

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Well-known member
Really sorry you had to go nuclear to make your point f cat, but it was your choice , IMO your post should be deleted and certainly not mine.
Yours was a feable attempt to shut down my opinion so I felt very justified in an equally absurd post in response to yours. It also told me I hit a home run and you and all the other zero T ers understand my point.
If what you posted is what John dees wants on this site, then lets start a thread with grusome shots of bad accidents so we can all havee a REAL hoot.
You certainly are not the only one who has faced tragedy in your life, but you ARE the only one who chose to put it on the WWW, again ,...your choice.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Well, I think this one has run it's course. Good points brought up by many. fcat700, you can your story anytime you like. It DOES make people think.
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