I will take pics if needed. I will unwravel my scrap pile to find the crank and case just to show you there isn't a single bearing in it. Connecting rod is hooked right onto the piston pin, no bearing at all. I couldn't believe it, I texted acatzl550 about it nd he was bored so he came over, NO BEARINGS. It's metal on metal with a small oil slot to lube it up, it's kind of like a ball joint, no bearing.
My car engine is the same. No Bearings in the engine. Well, as long as we define bearings as being either rollers or balls. Same gig. Metal on metal with a little, tiny, oil hole. Still a bearing. Just different than what you've dealt with so far.
Another reason to change oil at regular intervals.
I give you a lot of credit, Indy, for your growing mechanical knowledge & skills.
"A wise man seeks council"