So how about the friends you meet

Running Bear

New member
So how about the friends you meet. I was getting ready to get the mail and up pulls a truck and trailer…I’m thinking bummer I gotta tell this guy the trails are shot. When the guy asks are you the owner, I say yes….he says with his hand out for a shake hi I’m hamburgchf….immediately I grab his hand and say hey running bear here…2 JDers meeting for the first time. He was just driving by and thought he'd stop so we could meet. Several times this year we have met people from this site and each time I have to say its just the greatest to meet face to face….made me smile all day just thinking about the great people we have met from this site……THANKS John Dee !

The Running Bears :D


Super Moderator
Staff member
Yep, I've made some new pretty dang good friensds through this site, starting with the man himself, Mr. Dee. The others, you know who you are! :)


New member
I couldn't agree more. The trailer is loaded and I'm leaving for West Yellowstone Montana tomorrow to ride with some guys I met through this site. One last blast...and opportunity to decorate my sled with that "oh so sought after" tree and rock mark!


New member
How nice it was to stop and say hello running bear,and just meet face to face and share an few remarks in passing, hope to see you both again maybe at the ride in in the future, until then will talk on the web.
Have a good summer and thanks again for the info.

Scorpion lover for ever.



Well-known member
10-4 there and still meeting more everyday! I have meet people willing to help you out just because it they could. There is defiantly some different about the people John's site attracts!

Thanks John!


Well-known member
Running bear, you met a good man there. The guys has done a lot for our club, a lot of grooming, and of course a lot of riding in the last 40 plus years. He was up there introducing a couple of his grandkids to the U.P. He's one of the good ones. Oh yeah, he's also my dad.


Well-known member
i know a few people on here because i showed them the site. i've only met one person on here that i didn't know previous to this site and that's motoski. he's the owner of ray's cycle in medina, wi and let me tell ya, he's got a great mechanic. and GREAT PRICES TOO! he quoted me slightly under $500 to bore out both cylinders, put in 2 new pistons, new crankshaft bearing, and crank seal. didn't get it fixed because i needed to stick the money somewhere else but i know where i'm going from now on if i ever have any troubles, just hard to spend $90 an hour anymore these days.


New member
1st year wow--skylar--mr. King --john-- lori &dave--dave --eric --and so many more----shawan-- joe--ok --meet lots of great people--i know i missed alot-- love you all--donna &don


New member
Yep, I've made some new pretty dang good friensds through this site, starting with the man himself, Mr. Dee. The others, you know who you are! :)

Oh!!!!!!! Skylar. Not all of us are ready to admit it. just kidding. I recommend Everyone do the John Dee ride in next year. Great cause. And great people. I met a lot of fellow JDeer's this year at the ride in and became friends with everyone I met. We all can agree that we will disagree yet we can stay friends through it. I have made boating friends, biking friends, snowmobiling friends, Hotel/motel owner friends and just plain ole' good friends on this site. And even little "pain" in the rear friends. :)


New member
Since I don't snowmobile I met only one in person from this site and I WORK WITH HER..........Hi Serena!


New member
Thanks agan John for the site. I have meet some amazing people fromt this sit all of ManBearPig, Nytrortx, phil4snow, coldsmokejr, Matt from Thebluff, Johnmaster and many more threw there networks!! Lots of blind man dates lol. Lots of good riders and lots of friendly ppl that I have still yet to meet up with to ride. Nice to meet and ride with new ppl.


New member
hey running bear, think i saw your place yest. on my way home. I should have stopped and said hello! guess i will do it now! thanks for all the efforts and post' thru the season!! thanks again


New member
Thanks agan John for the site. I have meet some amazing people fromt this sit all of ManBearPig, Nytrortx, phil4snow, coldsmokejr, Matt from Thebluff, Johnmaster and many more threw there networks!! Lots of blind man dates lol. Lots of good riders and lots of friendly ppl that I have still yet to meet up with to ride. Nice to meet and ride with new ppl.

the $ spend on these blind man dates is quite funny. Its great to ride new areas and with new people.


New member
Not so sure about these "Blind Man dates" but I can say, "fgsacts and Cuzzinolaf" are not axe murderers! And Skylar was much taller than discribed. Wintertime- if I could live in your backyard I would be in Heaven! Sabercat- will do anything on a dare. (at least once). the group going to Togwotee 3/20 to 3/27, well you get to deal with me one more time! ;)
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New member

I have meet many many great people from this site and rode with a bunch also, shoot at the snow show I walked right up to Bradzoo n Kelly and introduced myself to them only knowing who they were from their profile pics. I hate that the season is over and couldn't get us all together for one more ride however we have many years to keep in touch and plan our next adventure may it be a camping trip in the summer, driving to Grand Marais for a 40th b-day party or flying to Minnesota to party with my fellow SledChicks. I'll travel 700+ miles to hang out with some of the best people in the world!!

I love my Sledhead Friends!! and Carole too :)

Thank You John Dee!!


New member
You got that right Serena!!! I've met the greatest people through this site and even those I've not met yet have been wonderful people!

My first in person encounter was February of 2006 when we drove to Paradise MI to meet Brad, Squat and Paul. What a great weekend that was and the beginning of wonderful relationships!

The SLED CHICKS SUMMER BASH was born in August of 2006 because of this site! I had to meet as many people as I could so I just invited them all to my house for a summer BBQ. Jim thought I was nuts inviting a bunch of people I had never met to our house... turned out to be the BEST THING EVER!


REV IT UPx3! :)
