So how about the friends you meet


Well-known member
The Running Bears had a visitor idea who this man was just figured a walk in for a cabin and then he asked me if I was mrs running bear a smile just came to my face cause I knew it was a John Dee cyber friend, so I said yes and he said its me ubee !!! and all I could do was HUG the man and he hugged me right back just like long time friends :D It was great to meet you tonight ubee! We're so glad you stopped by!! I just love when you meet someone from this site its just the BEST!! I know I've said it before, but I don't think you can say this enough.....

Thank you John for this great site and all the people you bring together :)

Thank You, is correct.

ubee, how can you not enjoy that place. Cripes, I sound like some marketing fool, but a good day is a good day.

Thank You, John Dee, and thank Nora, for putting up with the rest of us crazy fools.


Well-known member
This is a cool thread. Maybe it should be a sticky. It's great to see friends get together for a first time.

ubee, I didn't get a hug from mrs. runningbear, but we did get some awesome jam.


New member
LINDA and Mike are great people!! Was lots of fun to meet them and see their home and business ! Living the dream !! A great all season destination for JDers !! Got a big hug,sold out of jam !! LOL!!


New member
There is one THINK SNOW sticker in Deerfield Beach FL. Only the snowbirds get it. And friends that visit us. I did meet a Police man on the trail a few years back from FL on vacation, and a fellow JD'r. We are everywhere. Sometimes just not where we would rather be. This is my 3rd missed Haydays since the early 80's. We never missed one, it was the start of winter. And the start of the bank account drain, LOL. Unless we had snow checked some new sleds, it meant time to pick up, and pay off the balance, and do the Dance. Now I have to make the vacation plans, CO. Utah, Or Keewanaw? Even my wife says snow over Maui. She is a keeper.
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Well-known member
Time to crank up this thread again.

Spent the last two days up in Lac La Belle for the trail clean-up session. It was great to meet some new friends from this great site. Got to have a few beers with Bill, Paul, and Brian. There was Ron, Todd, Chris, Brian, Ken, Dave, Dave, Lori, Tom and Zach(?), Troy, Cathy. I am sure there were more that I am forgetting or maybe forgot their name. Got to meet John himself, and Huck and Millie.

Thank you to the LLB Lodge for the room and to Ken for the dinners. Thanks to John for the awesome meal Saturday night. Thanks to anyone involved in providing us with a great couple of days.

Hope to meet a few more of you at the Ride-In.

The John family is a great place to be.

p.s. Gracie is even cuter in person!


Active member
Had to bring this back up. :)

Bear and I met up with Whitedust yesterday. It was so cool to meet in person, felt like we'd known each other for years, well I guess we have known each other for years through this site. But once again to put a face with a name is the greatest!! The friends we have met through your site John, well it the best!! Thank you!


Well-known member
It was great to meet you & Mike yesterday. I talked to Ryan & we both think Mike is in the ballpark but it is up to Greg. I hope the fans work out. The price was right. lol:)

Deleted member 10829

My mom and step dad were in the Spooner area two weeks ago on vacation. My step dad's truck had a brake line go out on it, and the resort owner recommended a place to take it to to get fixed. So, they take it to this guys shop, and he gets to fixing it. After it is fixed, my step dad notices this guy has a long track sled sitting in there, so they start bsing of course, one thing leads to another, and my step dad mentions that I have a longtrack sled also. The next thing you know, my name comes up, and the guy fixing my step dads truck is a member here also, RP7X! LOL. sure has made it a small world!

Great story, I could hardly believe it when rp7x told me about it last summer! I live within a couple miles of rp7x and he is a good friend of mine that I met buying asparagus from him. He now works on all of my vehicles, including any sleds out of warranty, and he is a great mechanic. He also runs a pretty mean chainsaw, huh Lenny? We snowmobile together and talk "" all the time. We have gotten to know Lenny and John Dee (super guys!) while helping John cut wood the past 2 years.

Hopefully I will make the Ride-In some year and meet even more of you. What a great website!


Great story, I could hardly believe it when rp7x told me about it last summer! I live within a couple miles of rp7x and he is a good friend of mine that I met buying asparagus from him. He now works on all of my vehicles, including any sleds out of warranty, and he is a great mechanic. He also runs a pretty mean chainsaw, huh Lenny? We snowmobile together and talk "" all the time. We have gotten to know Lenny and John Dee (super guys!) while helping John cut wood the past 2 years.

Hopefully I will make the Ride-In some year and meet even more of you. What a great website!

hey, we're riding for sure this year bud, maybe some offtrail to! K ?

Deleted member 10829

For sure!

hey, we're riding for sure this year bud, maybe some offtrail to! K ?

You can count on it! I would guess most of it will be off trail as that's what rp7x likes to do and I know you do too. I'm more of a trail rider, but with my Adventure on order, I'm going to have to do more off trail. I can ride trail on my other trips with my trail riding buddies. Can't wait!