So how about the friends you meet


New member
Yep, had a great saturday ride on a JD blind date that was set up on friday night through the ride board, probably the best ride I've had in years, thanks again Local897 and phil4sno!!! Definitely be doin that again! I didnt know these guys for 2 hours, and they were already helping me out of stucks!! So for all the b&%^ching you see on the site from time to time, remember, there are ALOT of good guys here!!


New member
Yep, had a great saturday ride on a JD blind date that was set up on friday night through the ride board, probably the best ride I've had in years, thanks again Local897 and phil4sno!!! Definitely be doin that again! I didnt know these guys for 2 hours, and they were already helping me out of stucks!! So for all the b&%^ching you see on the site from time to time, remember, there are ALOT of good guys here!!

Dont forget coldsmokejr that you emailed me at 12:03 Am Saturday to set up that ride for 9AM that sameday! tell we ride agan!


New member
I have met people, helped people, and have been helped by people on this site. Some people I have never met and still consider them my friend. I do visit other forums at different times of the year and never get the "same" comradery. Nothing like talking to a guy when your out snowmobiling and find out he is a " JD member ". It's almost like you made a friend instantly.


Well-known member
Spent a couple of days this week at the Runningbears. It sure as nice to finally meet them. They are a very nice couple and it was nice to talk face to face. They have a nice place, and I would recommend their place to anyone. We had a real good time. We will be back some day.


Spent a couple of days this week at the Runningbears. It sure as nice to finally meet them. They are a very nice couple and it was nice to talk face to face. They have a nice place, and I would recommend their place to anyone. We had a real good time. We will be back some day.

Mike and Linda are great, we have already booked our derby weekend stay. Great place!


New member
I wish I could meet people on this sight but since I live 806 miles away from Copper Harbor it's almost not possible for me to do this . Also since we go snowmobling in the Cadliac Wellston area we never get up there in the winter . My husband and I go with a group of people that like to snowmoble down there even though he would love to be in the UP at times . I feel though in away I've met some of you in a kindred sprit kind of way and I value each and every one of you Love thy John Deer as thy self and that is a Golden Rule to stand for THINK SNOW + ROCK + ROLL + FUDGE!!!!!!!!!:D


Active member
I like this thread!

It was great to meet you and your family jr37! :) and I can't believe all the JDee people that have stopped by to say HI and all the JDee places we've stopped to say HI....can't wait for the Ride In we're already planning with lots of people to go

thunderstruck88 our kindred sprits have met for sure....friend :D

I just can't say it enough Thank you John Dee for the family you have made for all of us. What great new friends we all have because of you!


Super Moderator
Staff member
My mom and step dad were in the Spooner area two weeks ago on vacation. My step dad's truck had a brake line go out on it, and the resort owner recommended a place to take it to to get fixed. So, they take it to this guys shop, and he gets to fixing it. After it is fixed, my step dad notices this guy has a long track sled sitting in there, so they start bsing of course, one thing leads to another, and my step dad mentions that I have a longtrack sled also. The next thing you know, my name comes up, and the guy fixing my step dads truck is a member here also, RP7X! LOL. sure has made it a small world!


Active member
What is the shop RP7X works at or owns? My parents have moved to Spooner recently and I'll pass along the info if they ever need work done.


New member
I like this thread!

It was great to meet you and your family jr37! :) and I can't believe all the JDee people that have stopped by to say HI and all the JDee places we've stopped to say HI....can't wait for the Ride In we're already planning with lots of people to go

thunderstruck88 our kindred sprits have met for sure....friend :D

I just can't say it enough Thank you John Dee for the family you have made for all of us. What great new friends we all have because of you!

Hey I met a mrsrunningbear because of this site! Camps working out ok, but still have you in mind. Finishing up in Ewen next week, making another bump East of Bruce's for a couple of weeks, then on to building bridges east of Watersmeet after that. I'm sure our paths will cross again.
Think Snow! -Dave


Well-known member
My mom and step dad were in the Spooner area two weeks ago on vacation. My step dad's truck had a brake line go out on it, and the resort owner recommended a place to take it to to get fixed. So, they take it to this guys shop, and he gets to fixing it. After it is fixed, my step dad notices this guy has a long track sled sitting in there, so they start bsing of course, one thing leads to another, and my step dad mentions that I have a longtrack sled also. The next thing you know, my name comes up, and the guy fixing my step dads truck is a member here also, RP7X! LOL. sure has made it a small world!

That is a great story. I'm all for people getting to know each other. Better to be friends than strangers.


New member
I'd like the world to sing in John Dee peace and harmony:) It's the real thing FRIENDSHIP that is and I raise my COKE glass to you all in a toast of FREINDSHIP this sight is the best on all the planet . I got a warm and fuzzy feeling right now;) THINK SNOW + ROCK + ROLL+ FUDGE :D


New member
Not so sure about these "Blind Man dates" but I can say, "fgsacts and Cuzzinolaf" are not axe murderers! And Skylar was much taller than discribed. Wintertime- if I could live in your backyard I would be in Heaven! Sabercat- will do anything on a dare. (at least once). the group going to Togwotee 3/20 to 3/27, well you get to deal with me one more time! ;)

polarisrider1 you are welcome up any time


Active member
The Running Bears had a visitor idea who this man was just figured a walk in for a cabin and then he asked me if I was mrs running bear a smile just came to my face cause I knew it was a John Dee cyber friend, so I said yes and he said its me ubee !!! and all I could do was HUG the man and he hugged me right back just like long time friends :D It was great to meet you tonight ubee! We're so glad you stopped by!! I just love when you meet someone from this site its just the BEST!! I know I've said it before, but I don't think you can say this enough.....

Thank you John for this great site and all the people you bring together :)

PS ubee..we just got back from the store....;)