Fact 4. THE SOLE REASON THAT 99.99% OF ALL POLICE AND FIRE PENSION FUNDS APPEARING TO BE IN TROUBLE IS BECAUSE A VAST MAJORITY OF CITIES HAVE UNDERFUNDED (NOT PAID WHAT THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO) FOR YEARS. This has caught up with Municipalities. How come Cops are required to pay their share of the deal by State Statute but for years if a city didn't feel like paying their share that year, they simply didnt with no penalties to them. IS THAT RIGHT???? And the funny thing about city not paying their fair share. This didn't occur recently when the economy tanked and things were hard for municpalities, NO, this occurred years to the prior when times were more than likely good for most cities. From a city goverment perspective "the perverbal Chickens have come home to roost".
Fact 5. 99% of all police and fire get into this line of work partially because of the promises of Pension. The old "want to help people", "love the work" is also true but you ask any cop if they would get into law enforcement if there was no pension and 99% would probably say no.
Fact 6. If you think many cops are making 50k plus you are crazy. 19 years on and I am just getting to that mark. And really 50k in todays world, you consider to be "glamourus"???? I agree that 50k is respectable but to make it sound like a luxury is a bit much. You may have heard of cops saying that they make 50,60,70k a year. True. But I would venture to guess that most of those are including OT pay in that salary.
Fact 7. In the state of illinois OT DOES NOT count towards pension. Pension is solely based of base salary at retirement. Please tell me what departments are paying base salaries of 50-70k. I want to work there. Sure Suburbs and major cities may but you have to compare that to the cost of living.
Fact 8. Most, More and More every year, of Illinois police departments are agreeing to changes in their contract concerning the language and their share or retiree health insurance. In my department we just willing negotiated it away to all new hires in the future.
Fact 9. Most (almost all) illinois police officers do not pay social security and there by WILL NOT get it at retirement age.
I urge you to better educate yourself before passing judgement. This is the way it works in illinois. Perhaps its different in your state and if it is and that what your referring to than I apologise but this topic strikes a nerve with me