South of Jackson, WY


New member
Sounds like I'm in the same boat as a few others. Riding buddies all have kids etc. and no one can make it out. Looks like we will be flying out in a few weeks from PA. We will probably stay at Tog but I'm open to other areas. Firworks where or who should we look up for rentals and a place to stay?


New member
If you stay at tog, they have rentals and guides/package deals. You could also check out Brooks Lake Lodge, they do the same with rentals and guides, but from what I know they are usually booked up pretty far out. I believe there's a place in dubois as well. Can't remember the name, might of been fireside lodge. These recommendations are all SE of Jackson. For simplicity, tog lodge is your best bet. They will pick you up at the airport and shuttle you to the lodge.


If you stay at tog, they have rentals and guides/package deals. You could also check out Brooks Lake Lodge, they do the same with rentals and guides, but from what I know they are usually booked up pretty far out. I believe there's a place in dubois as well. Can't remember the name, might of been fireside lodge. These recommendations are all SE of Jackson. For simplicity, tog lodge is your best bet. They will pick you up at the airport and shuttle you to the lodge.

Brooks Lake Lodge is an excellent choice. However, they are pretty booked for feb and early march. Give them a call, you never know, they might have had a cancelation. I have been out there twice this season. Crooked Creek Is another option out there. Maybe that is the place you are referencing in Dubois.


New member
Hi all! we're heading to Alpine on tuesday and were wondering if someone who is local could help us figure out the weather for the area. It says its raining. does that mean only in the valleys? Or is the snow going to be shot everywhere? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks


New member
Will keep you posted. It is raining in the valley and the trail to upper elevation. Not a pretty site out here right now. Snow up high is awesome. Just gotta get the **** out of town.


New member
none of us will know till tomorrow when we go ride the damage. Not sure if we go south to stash or north to Tog. Upper elevation should be fine. I hope.