The 2012 1100 Turbo.... SWEET!!


Active member
Snowbuff, I was thinking the exact same thing when watching it. Does look like it flows over them rollers pretty nicely though.


I'm liking the new CATS!! Might be a XF1100T in my future. Heard dry weight is 545 lbs which is the same as my Yammie so they might have to become friends in the garage...And no I'm not buying any new riding gear so I might be wearing blue riding a white sled...LOL

If you ride that bad-ars sled, no one will even notice if your wearing any clothes at all.


New member
One great looking sled and when yaa install a hi jackerbox on her and raise the boost hang on.The weight over a 2 Stroke is like riding 4 stroke with a full tank of gas over the 2 stroke with a third of a tank of gas.I had a 09 1200 gade installed a small turbo and only ran 6-7 lbs of boost and she took a 2nd in the Poconos out east hill drags in the open mod (outlaw class) with my 240 lb azz on her running against 140 lb jack rabbitts.And out of the 13 outlaw sleds ours is the only 1 with trail stickers.Point is these 4 stroke turbos rock.


Well-known member
Ahh, Fair enough... I found it on the "compare another sled" area:

realy want a highcountry xf they dont make a highcountry xf in the 4sturbo. sad to say think I will be holding tight unless I can get one'demo' for buidcost + buyers fee then maby but gona be a tough yr to sweet talk cat workers with the demand I think they are going to have to good of money to be made to give buddy deals


Super Moderator
Staff member
realy want a highcountry xf they dont make a highcountry xf in the 4sturbo. sad to say think I will be holding tight unless I can get one'demo' for buidcost + buyers fee then maby but gona be a tough yr to sweet talk cat workers with the demand I think they are going to have to good of money to be made to give buddy deals

Umm, I would have thought with your green blood you would have all the new sleds memorized by now. LOL.

Here ya go, work some OT over the summer!


New member
Am I seeing it right that you can only get the M1100 turbo in a 162"??? Anybody know why? I would think the 153 would sell just as well or better!