The 2012 1100 Turbo.... SWEET!!


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If it said Doo or Yam on it, it would be badazz, but Cat?
I'll pass, no matter how good it looks.


Well-known member
sad face sad face 545 M1100turbo is the number I am hearing well no over time for me stick with the 1000 I guess.


Well-known member
hearing huge cans on 800ho guess they feel heaver than current and 1100t exhaust system looking like Abel to dump 20+.guess these are still speculation numbers from the floor of dealer show no scales out yet.and no Ezra does not lie Ezra's contact at cat is about as far from a gear head as you can get but .but who told you about the new models details first? on the other hand 2nd hand source at show is tech savvy


Well-known member
Cat's website is about as good as their sleds. Bwahahahaha :D

if they had a white hood white wind screen hot pink striping with baby boy blue accent stripes with a splash of checkered flag you would be cleaning the excitement out of your pants
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Well-known member
if they had a white hood white wind screen hot pink striping with baby boy blue accent stripes with a splash of checkered flag you would be laughing ur arse off because we all know how much arctic cat sucks

there, i fixed it for ya!


Super Moderator
Staff member
OK, lets quit the pissing match, you guys feel free to rip on each other in PM's. I would like to go to bed now, picking up what I am laying down?


Well-known member
OK, lets quit the pissing match, you guys feel free to rip on each other in PM's. I would like to go to bed now, picking up what I am laying down?

LOL i'm just doing this all in good fun, ezra is prolly sittin on his computer smokin a joint right now, so, it's all good! :D He probably just got back from makin a run to the white pine mall


Well-known member
Sorry Dad
smoking is it the weekend already
now hearing 520 on the 162 1100t
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Well-known member
Brochure has to be wrong. Heated seat and electric start on an mountain sled LOL?

Standard on the 4-stroke (obviously) and optional on the 800 two-stroke.