The Snowies trip in January


New member
here is the story on the guys caught out at snowies..........


The Facts
The trip was supposed to be a quick one.
Ap just finished a rail extension on his XP and Paul just got his sled back from Felkers with a new motor and wanted to log some break in miles. Adam said it was clear and beautiful one second and bad the next. They hunkered down that night due to no visibility and had a fire and waited till the morning. When I believe Pauls sled wouldnt start due to frozen carbs. They doubled up on Adams 136 till it ran out of gas. For those that know Adam its true. He now rides a long track. Weather turned and they started walking. Second night was spent in shelter with no fire. Paul said he heard the first group from Tri City drive by that morning and he started to try to get closer and wave his arms. Search and Rescue was just ahead of us and saw Paul. We got Paul and Adam to the old log shelter and got them some water and food. Search and Rescue doubled them out to Albany Lodge. Adam went to the Hospoital with a low body temp and Paiul hung out in the Lodge till his toes turned purple and he headed in to have them looked at.


Well-known member
here is the story on the guys caught out at snowies..........


The Facts
The trip was supposed to be a quick one.
Ap just finished a rail extension on his XP and Paul just got his sled back from Felkers with a new motor and wanted to log some break in miles. Adam said it was clear and beautiful one second and bad the next. They hunkered down that night due to no visibility and had a fire and waited till the morning. When I believe Pauls sled wouldnt start due to frozen carbs. They doubled up on Adams 136 till it ran out of gas. For those that know Adam its true. He now rides a long track. Weather turned and they started walking. Second night was spent in shelter with no fire. Paul said he heard the first group from Tri City drive by that morning and he started to try to get closer and wave his arms. Search and Rescue was just ahead of us and saw Paul. We got Paul and Adam to the old log shelter and got them some water and food. Search and Rescue doubled them out to Albany Lodge. Adam went to the Hospoital with a low body temp and Paiul hung out in the Lodge till his toes turned purple and he headed in to have them looked at.

Man, that sucks. Moral of the story. Buy a kitty cat with EFI.
...Another thought is you should probably have a group of at least 4 dudes for back country riding, especially out there. Glad to hear they're okay.
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New member
You want a dozen if there is digging to be done. Remember us flatlanders tire fast at altitude just standing around, let alone digging. We have a majority of experienced guys going, from the ones I know. "Cuzz" is our loose cannon, he will do anything on a dare. And we got "Danger" he is our, "well I don't know if we should do that" guy. We will be fine. is it true Saber is not going?


New member
You want a dozen if there is digging to be done. Remember us flatlanders tire fast at altitude just standing around, let alone digging. We have a majority of experienced guys going, from the ones I know. "Cuzz" is our loose cannon, he will do anything on a dare. And we got "Danger" he is our, "well I don't know if we should do that" guy. We will be fine. is it true Saber is not going?

what sabercat a no go?wth


New member

We will be staying in Albany in january .....Last Jan we stayed at Old Coral it was alright but didn`t really like the trailering up to the Parking Lot every day .....I guess My question is how long of a ride is it from Albany to where the trail hits Hwy 130????


New member
I assume you are talking about Ken G. I think he is Sabercat on here. I just talked to him this morning and he is now most likely back in for this trip. He has a large project he is getting ready to start and was unsure if he can afford the time away or not. He sounded optimistic this morning. He is supposed to let us know for sure when he does. I know Ken drives a Dodge. You met him last year on the SN ride in Mass City.


New member
We will be staying in Albany in january .....Last Jan we stayed at Old Coral it was alright but didn`t really like the trailering up to the Parking Lot every day .....I guess My question is how long of a ride is it from Albany to where the trail hits Hwy 130????

It's about 45 min to an hour to get to the relly good stuff from Albany. When your worn out and the trails suck that ride home is a killer! There is alot of good stuff to play on along the way that most just drive right by and there are also some logging paths you can take to bypass the trail. We stay at the old Corral now saves alot of time and Gas which is important now that SML is closed. 20 miles each way eats up alot of gas you can use for playtime! If you do stay at Albany your only gas option is the ryan park side and that's a haul just to get gas to make it home! If you head down to Wycolo from Albany make sure they are open they got different hours now and it would suck to get there and not be able to gas up.


New member
I assume you are talking about Ken G. I think he is Sabercat on here. I just talked to him this morning and he is now most likely back in for this trip. He has a large project he is getting ready to start and was unsure if he can afford the time away or not. He sounded optimistic this morning. He is supposed to let us know for sure when he does. I know Ken drives a Dodge. You met him last year on the SN ride in Mass City.

Yep, Ken. A Dodge? memory is a going fast on this old timer. lol. Very nice guy, knows his stuff. Nice if he makes it.