Safety Kits in the Snowy's
Below I have copied a post from DooTalk. Member, Rev Barron has put out some safety kits in the snowy's. Marked with gps coordinates.
Chuck does this with his own $$'s, effort and time with out asking for anything in return.....Lets help keep his cause going, join MomsMotorSports.Com by donating products or $$'s for the kits. See information at the end of this post.
Chuck-- "I put these out last year and starting to get them back out again this year. Already have had 3 people spends some nights in the Snowy Range.
Feel free to put these coordinates in your GPS and if you have an emergency you can hopefully make it to one of them. I have put together six kits and will post the rest of the coordinates as I get them placed.
I paid for all this stuff myself (well almost, as I did get a few Snowest members that kindly sent me a few things last year), so if you use something please replace it when you can or let me know if you can't and I'll get it back in there."
Safety Kit Coordinates:
1st one is in the group of pines to the northeast corner of Trail "T" and "Q" at: N 40 deg 47.624' W 105 deg 54.260'
2nd one is in the old cabin off the trail "T" at: N 41 deg 16.937' W 106 deg 17.276'
This is the cabin just to the south of the Nelson Safety Hut east of Trail W. See pictures. It's behind the wood in the corner.
3rd Kit: Same as last year, right off 130 at: N 41 deg 19.807' W 106 deg 21.546'
4th Kit: At the end of the roller coaster right off the trail here: N 41 deg 23.290' W 106 deg 17.916'
5th Kit: Behind Sand Lake Outhouse here: N 41 deg 27.353' W 106 deg 16.392'
Each tote has:
10 ft tow rope, zip ties, duct tape, needle nose pliers, slip-joint pliers, multi-tip screwdriver, steel wire, matches, fire log starter, compass, emergency blanket, hatchet, bunjies, small container of 2 stroke oil, two BPR9ES spark plugs, toilet paper, maps, aluminum cup, 9hr candle, LED flashlight w/extra batteries, two 5x7 plastic tarps, pair of cotton work gloves, pocket hand wamers, small first aid kit, beef jerkey, and a can of Spam. Also nearby will be a 2 gal can of premium fuel.
Chuck Beasley
1574 Landsman Hill Dr.
Loveland, CO 80538
Jacob Mom