The Snowies trip in January


New member
ya lost your cabins. I reserved em as backups, though I could sell em back to ya for a slight 25% premium!! :D

................give Michelle a call at MMC. She needs your address to send the paperwork.

wait till ya see the bill on the Rig................


New member
You are going to have alot of roommates! We have 5 and 5 in the two big cabins and 4 more down below at the Old Corral.

Big Air Crash

New member
FYI in case your interested.

Avalanche Awareness, Avoidance and Rescue-Stillwater, MN Friday Dec 3, 2010
Four Hour Avalanche Awareness, Avoidance and Rescue
December 3, 2010 6:00pm
Stillwater, MN

Century Powersports 5920 Memorial Ave N Stillwater, MN 55082 (Hwy 36 & Hwy 5)

Cost: $49

Sign up: email:


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Staff member
FYI in case your interested.

Avalanche Awareness, Avoidance and Rescue-Stillwater, MN Friday Dec 3, 2010
Four Hour Avalanche Awareness, Avoidance and Rescue
December 3, 2010 6:00pm
Stillwater, MN

Century Powersports 5920 Memorial Ave N Stillwater, MN 55082 (Hwy 36 & Hwy 5)

Cost: $49

Sign up: email:

Just took the class last night, very informative, highly recommend.


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SPOT rental

I just came across this on ebay, and went to their website.

For some of us that only go out west once a year, this is a heck of a deal I think. Cheap insurnace. How many people who have been lost in the backcountry wished they would have known about this? I bet those two guys who were lost the other day would have liked to have one with them.

Just a thought....


New member
I will be making my first trip to the snowies this Jan. We are staying just outside of Centennial. Is there a gas station in Centennial that carries 91/92 octane gas? What elevation should we I be jetted for?



New member

Yes Centenial Has gas ....Right next to the old Coral.....I am not 100% on the octane but I belive they have 91....If I remeber correct you need to be Jetted for 8 to 10000 Feet ......

If you are staying outside of Centenial I am guessing you are in the "Two Dog Chalet" House??? We just booked the house for Jan 2nd thru the 5th


New member
If I remember correctly, Greenrock is just under 10,000 and you go up to areound 11 or 12 in that area. If you go down to Albany area, then it drops down around to 8000.


Active member
I will be making my first trip to the snowies this Jan. We are staying just outside of Centennial. Is there a gas station in Centennial that carries 91/92 octane gas? What elevation should we I be jetted for?


You might want to look into a "dial-a-jet" type setup. There is guite a bit of elevation change in the snowies. Depends on how important it is to you to have your sled running right on. Greenrock (where you will park) is right around 10,000. You will have to ride over libby flats to get anywhere, which is close to 12,000. then you drop down from there. If you go down to Saratoga for fuel, your down around 7500 I think. If you want to jet once and forget it, I would jet for 9000 to be safe, unless you plan on staying "up top", and then be careful if you drop down for fuel or lunch. When you come down the west side into Saratoga you will notice your sled running really strong and crisp the lower you get. Remember they run the best just before they blow! Stay out of the throttle if you drop down.


New member
Sunday, west side of the snowies. :D

And I got 61 degrees and pouring rain. It won't be long and we will be there. Skylar with snow like that you better wear your beacon (even on the path to the out house) or we will never find you. How many still trying to get their permission slips signed?