way to go olaf.....i never listening to u again
No kidding, it is Olaf's fault! Originally I was planning to be out there this week, 'cause it's my birthday Saturday, and it was going to be a birthday gift to myself. But nooooo, I decided to go out with all the other JDers! Way to go Olaf!
Ban Olaf!!!!
Ban Olaf!!!!
Ban Pat Fo' Life!
Think of all the free time you would have.
Not sure How you guys got so many pics with the sun shine. I seen the sun only for a moment out there. To busy watching it snow horizontally.
Here I thought this thread was going to die, but now realizing the post trip trash is better than the trip!
As The John Dee World Turns.
or is it..............Guiding Johns Light? Only on CBS, I mean JDS.