The Snowies trip in January


New member
Team Shortbus strikes again

No doubt.


Just because I rode on the short bus, well............ well, I'm taking all my toys and going home!! :mad: Who needs all your guys drama! Drama Queens!!!

My wife works for a bus company, how ironic, and she says "with all of our juvenile behavior, we ALL belong on that bus!"

Where did you guys find that bus at? Talk about sharp turn radius. :D


New member
You guys wouldn't like this snow anyway lol! Always in our faces when carving and jumping and switching out goggles constantly cleaning piles of snow off my sled! Nearly needed a beacon for the sled to find it back when we got off! Just a pita but I love it lol!

are you in the sowies now ??


New member
are you in the sowies now ??

Just got back last night rode tue-friday and wow! Wed was unreal 3ft of fluff on top of the great snow that was there already and thursday it just got better! The PRO RMK is an animal in that stuff! Had a couple Cat's that didn't like that powder kept bogging and getting stuck they will be looking into some new intake options this week. When I figure out how to make some clips from my helmet cam I'll post them. We were the first ones up Wed morning and I was leading you can't even see the hood of my sled in the vid it was def a cool ride!


New member
I would be a little concerned if that were my truck and trailer parked down by Snowy Mountain Lodge. Don't think they are going anywhere until the plow comes through.


New member
Wow....siiiiiiicccck! Nice vid. Huh... is that black truck stranded at 1:53?

No it's actually parked along the side of the road near Snowy Mountain Lodge. I also passed a car stuck up there with a tow truck pulling it out, not sure where they thought they were going in that snow!