Togwotee Lodge reservations...


Well-known member
Longtrack and looking4snow - did you guys bring your own sleds out there? Where's the Super 8? In town?

I'd like to go back out there maybe next winter, and I'd like to put together the cheapest trip possible. But we don't have mountain sleds and I think I'd rather rent than extend our short tracks and have to trailer them all the way out there...


Well-known member
Looking4Snow - Here is the website for those cabins by Lava if you're interested.

I booked "Moosehaven" for January. Nice place, great prices, and the lady is VERY flexible as far as the deposit and cancellations.

They have two very good deals. An A-frame for $195 a night that sleeps 11 and a 8 bed, 2 1/2 bath cabin for $225 a night (she charged me last year's pricing instead of the $245 for this year).

We will be looking for a guide one day but Wayne (PolarisRider1 on here) knows the area very well and is going with. The guide I'm gonna look into is out of Brooks Lake Lodge and his name is Joe. Supposedly one of the best for that area.


Well-known member
Cuzzinolaf - are any of our group renting sleds (your profile looks like you own a mountain sled)? Just wondering how that works out if you don't stay at a lodge...


New member
Sweet, Cuzz, were already packed!! and ready to go! I have never met Joe but his name was passed around the lodge alot. We Had Matt Binion "ride" with us. It would be way cool if we could get Carter for a day. I learned so much from him in the technical riding dept. that it was insane.


Well-known member
Iusmit - No one is renting. You're right, my sled in that pic is a 2008 M8 SnoPro. I think most lodges rent sleds up there and let you keep them if you're staying there. If you're staying at a cabin and renting I believe you might have to return it each night. If you stay at Tog Lodge or Lava Mountain Lodge they have sleds. If you haven't gone west before I highly suggest the Snowies. It is closer and you can find a lot of everything. I haven't been to Togwotee so don't know. I heard there are peaks around Tog that top 14k feet. I believe the highest elevation I saw in the Snowies was just under 11k.

Wayne - I'm up for whatever guide and would love to get Carter for a day. I think Rusty got him on John's site so he might chime in eventually. If not I'm good with Joe or Matt as a guide.


New member
Iusmit, We have had guys rent sleds at Tog. and stay at Lava Mtn. We did the don't ask don't tell method with that situation. The guys would ride to Tog for lunch each day and to get there "free" tank of gas and oil top off. Tog. is so hectic they don't have a clue were there sleds are parked at night. I think that as long as you bring it back they are fine. I did rent once and after they fine toothed combed it, They found all the things I broke, smashed &/or twisted. I fell just short of the $1000 insurance deductable. Bring a credit card with space for body/suspension parts on a rental if needed. They rent good sleds and if not returned that way prepare to pay. Inspect your rental before you leave with it. Let the sled shop know if you find damage before you leave with it. All damage is "yours" if acepting a un-noted damaged sled. Seen that happen to a poor soul.


New member
Thanks for the link and the information Cuzz. Iusmit, most of our group has their own mountain sleds, but it wasn't always that way. I have rented from Tog and rented down in Jackson and dragged them up (rented a jeep to tow the sleds up as well). Tog's rental sleds were much better last year than in some previous years. I am tall and none of the rentals had tall enough ape hangers for me. Also, 3-4 years ago Tog's rentals were rough by March, and I got tired of dealing with little issues of things not working right on the sleds and paying $175/day. Then I got burned on un-noted damage once with a dealer in Jackson and that soured me on rentals forever and I bought the mountain sled. There are other rental options as others have mentioned, including Lava and the dealer in Dubois.

Carter is lurking out there, just got a PM from him.....he is just a man of few words until you get him into the backcountry!!


New member


iusmit, we stayed where cuzzinolaf stayed at Mountain pinnacle with Mary. excellent place $225.00 per night for 8 people. It was only $23 per night. Lava Mtn Bar, Restaurant, Lodging and Gas station is there also. She has several Properties there for Rent.

Nice thing about Lava Mountain is your in the Middle of the System and it does not get torn up as bad as up north or down by the Line Shack.

We all bring our own Sleds


If you're interested in Tog, check out If you want to fly out and have your sled hauled out,a room at the lodge and an expert guide,Brian Nelson, check it out.He is only offering a few trips this year, however you will have an excellent time. Brian will take you to some nice off trail areas and if you have problems with your sled he has a support trailer parked at the lodge.I have been on 3 trips out there and have never been let down.
Bottom line- if budget is a real issue, might look closer to home.This area is probably one of the best to ride and sightsee.If you want to go, it is gonna cost a few bucks.
Hope you get something booked, you won't regret it!.....THINK SNOW!!


New member
OK, I'm here! I need to say a few things. Been a guide for Tog. lodge for 14 years. I do know what I'm doing and yes I'm vocal about all things sledding. Many of you may not know there is a system out here called forest permits. An outfitter can apply for permits, get accepted, and start a guide biz. Problem is, the forest service hasn't issued new peremits in 15 years. So to guide a group of people outside of the permits of Tog. lodge is a big no-no.Fines can be as high as $5000 and loss of all equipment. Sleds, trailers, trucks, get the idea. The new cop in the area used to guide at Tog. He does look for these things. As much as I would like to moon lite its all but impossible. If you are interested in paying the lodge for my services I would love to do this. A lot of this thread is about budget and doing what we love to do at the least expense, so paying the lodge $60 a day per person and a gratituity for me makes this not in the budget thing. I can tell you that if you were to do such a thing you would be HOOKED. Ask Rusty or Lookinforsnow. or any ons else who has done the guide thing. Behihd me or any other guide that works. Come to the mountains and spent years trying to ride off trail finding great spots and then worry obout how to find your way out. Or get a guide and spend no time worrying or finding. Thats why we are called professional guides. Thats why you always hear guys say " I can't find that stuff" They have to be concerned for their saftey and getting out is a big one. Rusty will tell you of many trips last year we saw feet of trail only to cross and continue the ride to the next great spot. I'm ranting..... Really, you have got to see the value in this and if you don't or can't thats fine. I rode here 4 years as a tourist from Minnesota always behind a guide always tipping him, I saw the value. The juice I got from that is the juice I still get riding and guiding. Taking you to oh crap we aren't going there are we, places. Places you can't find on your own. I ride 7000 miles a year. I'm supposed to know this stuff. Thats why you pay a Professional Guide. I should mention that I'm talking about all the pro guides out there. There is a bond there. We choose this job. And in conclusion I'd like to say...LOL Come to the mountains and ride whatever your situation is. It kicks the crap out of trail riding


Thanks Carter! You are one of the BEST there is. Never read a bad blog about you or where you've taken anybody. That powder is the greatest!
Keep up the good work......


New member
Right on Carter you summed it up!!I have nothing but good words for the Riding at Togwotee and as for the guide, I myself spend allot time working and saving all summer to play hard in the winter and after a lot of years riding, it took me many years to find all MY secret spots in wis and the UP- so I found it refreshing and fun to just ride and not worry about a thing.We have gone to places out in Tog with Carter That guys who have been going to Tog for years never seen and that's why I like to ride with a guide .I think of Togwotee as a Disney world for adults.
I have been getting alot emails from people on this thread, wondering about Tog,guides,food etc
this is going to be a subject till the end of time and if you go out that way to ride do yourself a favor leave the "I know how to ride been riding sleds for 20 years attitude at home" show up and see what all the fun is about, I have learned allot from the guides, They do a great job of evaluating your riding skill then push your limits a little more, you get to see lines you would of never tryed before.

if your on the fence about riding at Togwotee this might help you out.
we made this last march riding with Carter..

I hope this answerd some questions for some of you, your more than welcome to email me with any questions you have."I DO NOT WORK OR AFFILEATED WITH TOGWOTEE" just love it that much...


New member
Thanks for the post Carter - I came from MN 2 winters ago and stayed at Tog. for 4 days of riding. The first day was a shakedown of the 8 sleds we brought and the last 3 were with Noah as our guide. Our group was pushed beyond our limits everyday and everyone left at the end of the trip a little better rider with a huge appreciation for the time and effort that the guides put in to get us into great places to play and keep the group moving on when the fresh snow was getting used up.

I've ridden the Bighorns, West Yellowstone and Cooke all multiple times - but our riding out of Tog. still ranks as the best trip I was on - although Cooke last Feb after a 2 1/2 foot dumping and riding Wed.-Sat is a very close second. Its hard to beat Cooke (or anywhere) midweek when you ride all day in powder and never see another group.


Well-known member
Carter - I shot you an email about being our guide in Jan. and I'm not sure you got it.

We're not staying at the lodge. Do we need to go through the them to hire you?

Is there anyway to avoid getting put into a larger group?


New member
Glad to hear from you Carter, The most talked about trip to Togwotee was when we rode with you. There is no way that I would of rode any of the stuff you took me on by myself. I had a 600 carbed switchback 144x2 at the time and you taught me how to make it work. Thanks again!


New member
Glad to hear from you Carter, The most talked about trip to Togwotee was when we rode with you. There is no way that I would of rode any of the stuff you took me on by myself. I had a 600 carbed switchback 144x2 at the time and you taught me how to make it work. Thanks again!