Togwotee Lodge reservations...


New member
The wife and I went out there 5 years ago for our Honeymoon snowmobiling. We stayed at a place closer to Dubois called Yellowstone B+B. We rode mostly groomed trails since she was a newbie!!!! No guide at all. If and when we go back we will stay at the Tog Lodge it just seemed way more convenient.


New member
Cuzz., no e-mail yet. Was it sooner or later that you sent it? As a pro guide working for and under the Tog. permit system I can be rented from Tog. for a price. The catch is if your dates conflict with Lodge guests and their dates. Its a schedule thing. Anyone can come to the lodge and try to hook up with guides and their existing trips on a day for a price. We really don't want big groups either as it affects the quality of the day. However, I like group sizes around 10. I don't consider that big. Riding my style teaches you how to be in your own track. I want sleds behind me riding in their own fresh powder and not in my tracks. So 10 isn't big. Get through to me on the e-mail and if you don't like that I'll give you my phone and we can chat.


Well-known member
It's great to hear from carter and his side of the business of things. I went to togwotte last year and really wasn't that impressed. Like skylar said you WILL get paired with other people. That may be a good thing, it may be a bad thing. We rode for 6 days at the lodge. The first 3 where with bret and it was Awesome!! Got paired with some amazing riders and laughed ALOT. The next three days we either got stuck with a group that had no skill or interest in riding the steep and deep, Got with a guide that didn't know where the steep and deep was, or got flat out dumped(no guide at all). I have since responded to other threads that they were on, P.M.'ed them and emailed The manager of the place to see if they are willing to explain to us what happened and how we can be sure it doesn't happen again and have yet to get a response. I would go there again but not unless i get some answers and a good discount for the trouble i had on the first round. It can be a great place to ride but it can go the other way too. Just like my trip. Half was Awesome and half wasn't. Just my 0.02$


New member
Mikes99ss, I will respond. Last year was our first year under a new corporation. The big shots insisted the lodge do all reservations thruogh the central res. system in Phoenix. When you booked they asked if you were using the guide service? Your answer was of course yes. You were then put in a list of numbers fowarded to the lodge. They skiped past who you wanted as a guide, your ability, total numbers in the group and all the good stuff we needed to fit for you a great trip. We at the rental shop had to sort it out as we went and yes mistakes were made. We saw right away the problems but were handcuffed by corporate. As a result of last year and the confussion we now ONCE AGAIN have a inhouse res. dept. We hate hearing about crappy days and crappy rides. With the system now we will stop most of the confussion. As for the guide that didn't know where to go to find the stuff, I have been teaching the young guides new stuff all of last winter, and it takes time. To be able to marry a groups abilities and sled abilities and conditions and desires takes years. I can't take a 5 rider to 10 riding. Ican't take a short track to hillclimbs, unless conditions are right. Hardpack and sunny, short track ok,on a climb. And so on.What you can do is know that you are not "stuck" with a guide. If the group decides to switch, go to the rental mgr. and get it done. Don't let something like that ruin a trip. In my 14 years I've had a couple of them not like me or my style. Its about you guys having a kick azz time and finding a way to getit done. As for the discount, I am not mgmt., and connot speak for them. I know they will listen. Perhaps a solution but that has to be a call from you.


Well-known member
Carter.......Thanks!! I really appreciate the response. The first three days at the lodge left a good taste in my mouth and if there is a way to get some more of that i might be in. Is there any way you might be able to talk to someone and tell them my story. I can P.M. you my cell number if any of them would like to talk to me. Maybe we can make this thing work out after all. Thanks again!!


New member
Carter great to see you on JD. I do have to clear one thing up,we did have a major issue with Tog last year! But I think we had a couple of new roles of TP in about 15 mins. Now as far as to have a guide or not, i am all for one and would not plan it any otherway and here is a couple scenarios. Im super stuck, could work hard at digging it out to the left but to the right looks the best. Well lo and behold Carter shows up and says do not go to the right or you will be lost forever,only a guide or someone that rides that everysingle day would know that. Countless times something that I thought looked fun to go tear up was unsafe, humm who woulda thunk.I also learned out how to (try)and ride a snowmobile properly in the mountains from my guides, the tips are invaluable.Most important thing I got out of having a guide is the HUGE push to take a sled places over and beyond what I ever thought I was capiable of doing. I found out that my stock M8 was plenty of sled for my riding ability and then some. I saw parts of the country that I know would not even be possible for ME to see without a guide.I also found out how to get my azz kicked while having the the best time of my life and I do believe that to be the result of having a guide. 1st trip out and it will be one that I will not ever forget. What ever way any of you guys decide to go out remember have a great time and be safe.


I just toss in my two cents. Keep in mind that most of the "guide services" being talked about is the FREE one. Meaning you stay at the lodge and can then get paired up with a guide- for free. Of course everyone else staying at the lodge has the same option. So when things are busy, you may not ALWAYS get paired up with riders of your ability, or have everything else work out perfectly to your liking. Lots of variables come into play to make things less perfect than is desired.

There is always the option to pony up and PAY for the guide service and then you get the guide all to yourselves and can go and do anything you want. Sort of like a lot of things in life, you want the best, you have to pay for it.

And another thing. As a former guide in the Keweenaw- TIP the guides! You want good service the next time, make yourselves stand out with your tip- especially if you are on the free guide program. You'll have the guides fighting over you!



New member
John,you almost got it right. If one were to stay at Tog. on a package rate the guide is part of that package. So in effect he is free as in part of the package. However, this thread got started about expense. Budget trips and cheaper places to stay. A free guide from the package and the tip he earns over that is not free. It is higher than other lodges. Read through the blogs on this thread. This is alot about value. Riding untracked powder all day instead of 80% trail and 20% powder because you have to worry about where you are and how to gat back has value. The blogs tell you that. Being able to come west stay 6 to a cabin and eat P&J sammies inorder to afford the trip has value. They are both important. John, remember your first trip here, you and I together for 3 days with noone else. That had value. What I found out a long time ago is in this fast paced world most everyone wants the most value for the expenditure. Riding all powder for 3 days because you were led to it has greater value than looking for powder and riding a little cuz you had to look for it and were unfamiliar with the area. value applied. I for one would have you as my guide if I ever were to ride the UP. Thanks for your input...


Well-known member
Very well put carter and thanks again for talking with us. I guess it is up to the guest as to what level of "fun vs. value" they are after. I think that one of the reasons, if not the only reason, i wasn't able to ride with bret anymore after day three is that i just could not afford to. I am just a working man that drives a beer truck and could not afford to be able to tip as much as the guys that live in the big citys and make 6 figures. I am in no way mad at bret for dropping us, he has to make the most he can in the time he has up there. That, I think is at the core of why i struggle with this as being a good "value" for my money. I guess it is up to the people to read the pluses and minuses of this thread and decide for yourself. The pluses were very high but the minuses, for me, were low. I did not use a private guide. I used the ones that are a part of the package deal. Some good about that and obviously some bad. read on and decide for yourself what you want out of your trip out there and how much you area willing to spend to get it. It CAN be the trip pf a lifetime, if you can afford it!!



I in no way meant to single you out with my comment. I worked with you last year at the trail work session and you were a good guy. My only point was to differenciate between the two levels of guide service.

As someone that has not only been a guide, but was completely responsible for booking the tours for KSE, I know what a jumbled mess it can be at times. I can only imagine the work that is involved at Togwotee to try and make the best fit scenario for everyone that wants to have a guide on that day.

It was never mentioned in this thread about actually hiring a guide as your own personal one for the day, so I felt it worthy to mention.

I only mentioned the tip thing because when I started working in the service industry, I realized the profound importance of tips to those working in it. I have found that a good tip can go a long way in almost all circumstances. Again, just a bit of advice to all and not anyone in particular.

Some have more money to spend than others, but none of us make as much money as we wish we did and we all just have to find our own balance of where to spend vs. where to save and then just enjoy the ride after that. 'Cuz the alternative is just a waste of the time we have on this planet!



Well-known member
John, I wasn't offended at all. I actually was just trying to point out the different options that a person has out there and thought it was a good comparison between the two. The only reason i even brought it up was that i took a different route than you did and felt that i could shed some light one of the things that towgotee has to offer that you didn't chose to utilize. I figured it was just more information that someone reading this thread can use to decide which way to go. Again, I wasn't at all offended. That wasn't why i put that in there. Just that i took a path that you didn't and figured i would shed some light on going that direction.

P.S. I am looking foward to the trail clean up with ya again this year. Lots of laughs, lies and beer!!


OK, everyone needs to quit talking about going to Tog this year, BECAUSE I CAN'T GO THIS YEAR! LOL.


Well-known member
Skylar - I'll ride in some powder for you and take pics. I might even hold up a sign that says "Wish Skylar was here" LOL.


New member
John, thanks for the response. That was a home run. And something for everyone else. Tog. eliminated the private guide service 2 yrs.ago The way it works now is if you want to hook up with a guide and there is room you pay a day rate per person. The rental shop trys very hard to watch riders so we don't have mixed ability groups. new year, new season, we'll try even harder. Hey Skylar, we could moon you in the web cam!<font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font> LOL


Cuzz, awesome!



New member
My first ride with Carter was in 2002. I have learned a lot about mountain riding from Carter, as well as other guides as Tog. Today I'm a pretty decent rider due to riding with them. That has value for me. A few folks here and over on snow west think people are nuts for using a guide. I beg to differ. I have ridden with newbies and guides numerous days and still had a lot of fun. I also have ridden with some experienced riders and had a bad day, mainly cause they were jerks. I have also paid for a guide on the package at Tog and decided to ride on my own. It is unfortunate should anyone have a bad day or days in the mountains. I ride Tog 2-3 times a year, and I have had the full range of experiences. Based on what I have experienced and in talking to others at the lodge, I can only conclude that mikes99ss's experience is the exception and not the rule. My advise would be to give Tog another try.

Now, who ever claimed that mountain riding (or trail riding) was an inexpensive sport? The crew cab tow truck cost $35,000, the enclosed trailer was $7,000, and the sled was $9,000. To spend 4 days riding with a professional guide in one of the best mountain destinations in North America costs you $200/day. I don't know, but with all that invested in the sport, that doesn't sound all that bad. As I posted previously I go other areas for less cost, just so I can afford to do more mountain trips. Given a choice, my first choice is Tog with a guide.