Trail 133 between Gay and Lac La Belle closed for good!


The heading of this topic was the trail from Gay to Lac La Belle is going to close because of ATV’s. There have been a lot of ideas about property rights and what I would do if I were you things. The bottom line to me is this problem is driving a wedge between ATV’s and snowmobilers. It reminds me of years ago the rift between snowmobilers and Skiers.

We have had this exact same issue come up with our club three times so far. Never has any ATV club helped figure out what to do or assisted us with any reroutes. This is a time when both types of recreational activities should be working hand and hand. I confess I am a little hypocritical because we use ATV’s to work on our trails and I would guess the majority of sled owners own ATVs.

What frustrates me is I never heard of an ATV only trail closing because of snowmobiles on it.

beer makes me a jolly good fellow


New member
I like BEER too!!!

I do ride both ATV's and snowmobiles and regardless I would never ride around somoeone's gate or for that sake past a no tresspassing sign just to see whats on the other side.

There is no fishing hole or anything else for that matter directly on either side of the property but as we all know there is a bar on either end of the trail. I can say that the problem has been going on for years but has always been far and few in between. One night at 1 am someone pulling up in front of the camper reving his engine like crazy, then getting off his ATV walking up to the front window and when he saw me sitting there said oooops sorry worng place. How drunk do you have to be to pull up the the "wrong place" parking next to a strange truck and wait till you see someone to say oops wrong place?

Now it's just getting out of controll and with the dogs and the kids playing where ever they want like they should be able to and with myself and my other walking around I DO NOT want people riding by waving HI as they drive past. Always loved the fact that snowmobile could go by freely when we are not there and have a good feeling that everyone also helped us keep an eye on the place in winter and I am sorry to say that a lot of bad apples had to take that away from all of you.

This is a GREAT site and John is an awesome person but I can not see any other way to make this stop.

Did I mention that I LOVE beer also ;)


New member
I think oldguy is absolutely right. If the snowmobile clubs and atv clubs worked together on solving these trail issues, such as rerouting during the off season for snowmobiles, there would be alot less property violations. It probably wouldn't prevent people from tresspassing 100% but it certainly should help. We've got to start somewhere as Atv's are becoming more and more popular.

I own both, but I would not even think of crossing private property without permission from the land owner.

By the way, I am a lover of beer also. Just ask my wife.


New member
my guess is ......if this was a snowmobile issue the snowmobile club would step up!!but its not and the ATV clubs are the same here in MN...they outlawed atvs in my county as they kept tearing up the ditches..........

I like beer too...cheers to you all
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Rules of the board, read 'em

Anonomoose is a prime example of why our country, and world, is in the shape it is in. If someone does something to you that you dont like,and is illegal, just say, oh well, cant stop em , so I will just roll over and take it with a smile.

"No Personal Attacks. If you disagree with someone, you can state your point, but attacking someone personally is off limits. Besides, it is of little interest to anyone on this site but you anyway! Even brand bashing can be considered a personal attack. There are too many ways one can do a personal attack, so I will not give examples. To be safe, think of it this way: If you do not have something positive to say about someone, then don't say it here!"


Active member
And maybe with a joint effort something might be able to get done to fix the problem. I’m sure the clubs are already working on it, like I said it never stops! Winter/summer snowmobile/atv it doesn’t matter. And both these clubs (snowmobile/ATV) work HARD ON IT!!!!!

...we can't help what happens we just HAVE TO FIX THE PROBLEM. If everyone joined a club and helped with all the work that’s involved in moving a trail or fixing the problem maybe it could get done. This is such hard work and takes so much paper work, phone calls and hard labor, I bet most of you have know idea! And you don’t have to live here to help! GET INVOLVED!

We’re still working on this in Bruce Crossing and if we’re lucky we’ll get the permit to re-route around the end of October and then will have to bust a** with 10 maybe or a few more people to get it done for the season. And I'm saying right now I'm gonna put a call out for help when the time comes and offer up the cabins and hope some of you will come and help this club member or not if ya ride on the trail it would be nice for you to help.

These groups are dedicated to get trails open for everyone, just wish more people would support to help the clubs.

Its just shouldn’t be “oh the club will step up and get it done” they all need help.

And how about thanking this land owner for what he gave us no matter the length of time and no matter how it had to end, it’s a wonderful and generous thing he did for the sport!

B****ing about it doesn't fix it!

PS I Like Beer Too! ;)
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New member
Wow! This sucks.... And I get pissed when the neighbor kids insist on parking their vehicles in front of my house instead of theirs. Makes my problem seem pretty small.

The land owner has to do what he has too. I would be very angry if it was my property.

Skylar, you are the man!



New member
A follow up idea (long)

I can greatly sympathize with radsrh's problem. We have family property in northern MN and have many similar issues over the years. Trespassing, thefts, hunting, you name it. Years ago some people broke into our boat house and used our equipment. They got injured water skiing and had the nerve to sue us! We won of course, but after a lot of time, aggravation, and money for the lawyers.

Anyway, the thing that has worked best for us (and for two other friends with cabins/property) is to find a local caretaker (or "go to guy" as my one buddy calls him.) This is a local guy who can keep an eye on your place and be a local resource/handyman for you. It can take a while to find the right guy but makes life much better in the end. This is very similar to the suggestion to get to know your neighbor and the locals.

Our guy is semi-retired but works part time for a local town doing road maint/plowing and general maint. He lives nearby and the job has him passing near our place pretty frequently. He makes it a point to check things out and be visible there on a regular basis. Leaves tracks in the drive, plows the snow when it is needed, checks the buildings and so on. He also does handyman work for us on the side. He does far more than the contract "drive by" check, but it doesn't take much of his time. We paid him a flat monthly rate plus time/materials for extra services.

First, we haven't had a single problem since we started this about 10 years ago. I think this is because of his regular presence on the site, and also because word spreads that "Joe" is keeping an eye on the place so don't mess with it.

Second, he's been a great help when we need a hand with basic stuff. You thought you would make it up next weekend but now can't and you need someone to turn down the heat, turn off the water, take in the trash cans, etc. Also, he's a great source of local knowledge. (Who's selling their dock/boat/swim platform/boat lift cheap. Who can build that fire pit on the side that you can't seem to get to but the wife really wants. Where's the best fishing and what's biting. What local gov't, zoning, neighbor issues should we be aware of.)

Last, but not least, our "go to guy" has become a good friend. He rarely sends us a bill for anything anymore, and his wife usually has a tray of awesome muffins waiting for us when we arrive. . We just make sure he's covered for a rough estimate for his time. Also, when we're up we'll take him to breakfast, take him and his wife out for a nice dinner, etc. They are also on the Christmas list and so forth. At this point we'd still do that even if he wasn't helping out as they are great people.

Sorry for the long post. Thanks for allowing the trail through your property for as long as you have. Best of luck resolving the situation. My guess is that it will take several of the ideas provided in this string


Well-known member
Old Guy has a good point about the potential for conflict between ATV trail development and snowmobile groups. Back when I lived in NW Wisconsin we had a abandoned railbed that the DNR took ownership of and was looking to develop into a multipurpose trail. At the time I was a member of a local snowmobile club. During one of our meetings we were discussing this trail and its uses and trying to get approval for it to be motorized. (there was a group fighting for it to be non motorized.) As a club we knew our chances to get it approved for motorized use was better if we asked for just winter motorized use and non motorized in the summer. But, a local ATV group was pushing hard for summer access also and we had to stick together on this. Bottom line is it is now non motorized year round. I bet we could have gotten it approved for sled use only as people didn't want the dust and constant traffic on it during the summer.
I don't see this issue going away anytime soon.
wonder if you got the hint several of us have been givin ya

Anyway, the thing that has worked best for us (and for two other friends with cabins/property) is to find a local caretaker (or "go to guy" as my one buddy calls him.) This is a local guy who can keep an eye on your place and be a local resource/handyman for you.

let me save ya some trouble and money...did ya look up huron bay club or not? its the UP might as well take on the mafia dude....tis better to find out why and then get their blessings and come to an agreement with any locals from the UP


New member
I kinda skimmed through this, and first i see where the guys is coming from as I started the post about tresspassing issues I've seen first hand with sleds. So I cant blame the guy at all. Heres a simple idea that might work. Instead of the landowner buying cameras someone in the local snowmobile club or anyone interested in keeping the trail open should offer to "loan" a couple game cams, repair the signage, wait and see what happens. These newer digital cameras take movies night or day in total silence just cover the little led light that indicates its recording stills or movies. We leave ours for an extended period without probelms with batteries or storage. I would think someone in the club would have one there not using this time of year? Just an idea and again I have to agree with Skylar, beer is good....


New member
I like BEER too!!!

I DO NOT want people riding by waving HI as they drive past. Always loved the fact that snowmobile could go by freely when we are not there and have a good feeling that everyone also helped us keep an eye on the place in winter and I am sorry to say that a lot of bad apples had to take that away from all of you.
Did I mention that I LOVE beer also ;)

I was with ya until this statement. I am sure the wave was a way to say thank you for the use of your proporty. I now wonder howmany land owners I pissed off by waving as I ride by on snowmobile.
Try to get to know your neighbors is my suggestion. Never know you might like em :confused:


New member
I was talking about riding past on ATV's and waving HI, don't want people riding through during the summer when we are there


New member
I was talking about riding past on ATV's and waving HI, don't want people riding through during the summer when we are there
I respect you were worried about your families safety, property damage concerns, ext. But I could not understand why in the world would someone waving Hi bother you? The world could use more of such gestures.
I would not care if anyone, regardless if they were on ATV, snowmobile, Horse, bicycle, ext waved at me. It would actually make me smile, and enjoy the moment.
I guess you and I are different in that way, and no disrespect intended. Have a nice evening .


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New member
Don't get me wrong I enjoy people waving HI to me also ;) The reason I don't like it when I am on the land is because the people driving by and waving are the ones that just got done going around the gate and past the no tresspassing signs to do it? I must say that you must have a big set of brass ones to rub your ATV up against a no tresspassing sign sneak around a gate and run down the trail and still have the guts to wave as you drive past?
does anyone know whatever happened or was decided on this...where did he go? yo WILLIS? you out there? and game cam pics yet? did ya recruit a local? is the war still on? all us trailerers need to know where to stay away from this all happy now and trail open?