Trail etiquette


New member
In MN safety class do they teach to ride according to what other riders are showing you with their fingers?? Or should you always ride thinking someone or 20 are coming? Just curious. If everyone does there shouldn't be a problem.


Active member
Ok so I got some questions on trail etiquette.

1. Come up head on with the groomer?(pretty sure I know the answer to this one)

2. Coming up on the groomer from behind?

3. You come up on a group or family that is riding super slow, I mean super slow right in the middle of the trail never looking back?

4. Hand signals? Yes or No

Just want to get a overall feel, especially on passing the super slow.

1 I get so far off trail for the groomers, I am trespassing on someones septic system.
2 Flash my high beams to let him know to move over and get outta my way.
3 Refer to #1
4 Hard to give hand signals while going WOT around the inside of corners.

I only ride early mornings while seriously drunk.

I sure am glad this comes up every year. What ever would we do without all the JDers agreeing with each other.....
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Well-known member
In MN safety class do they teach to ride according to what other riders are showing you with their fingers?? Or should you always ride thinking someone or 20 are coming? Just curious. If everyone does there shouldn't be a problem.
our club put on a MN safety course the DNR required one for any one born after 76.
I dont remember anything about hand signals.
but then I was never much good at paying attention in class.
I do know the DNR was most concerned with checking kids ID,s to make sure they were relay old enough


Well-known member
as far as passing a groomer at night if he pulles over stop offer him one of those cold beers in your back pack share your smoke and move on

Don't know about that Ez after a beer & a smoke me & the groomer probably going to be staring at the moon & the stars sure look interesting after a quick smoke even seeing your breath can be great fun at least seems that way. Not so sure much grooming will get done after that
jamming to the groomer stero


New member
well i went and looked and guess accidents that are the result of using hand singles.....

I do find it funny that some you say you cant operate a sled going down a trail properly enough to single someone seems like some you need a safety class......

I wounder how many of you HAVE taken a class when you where younger???I asked this 2 times now....and i like to see how many are in MN and riding illegally? there is a mandatory safety class certificate for anyone born after how many of you are just stating your opinion or how many have taken a course???


New member
this thread is hilarious to say the least..hand signals are just a courtesy..anybody who doesnt know there are sleds after the fist is just an i***t!!!!
#3 I will never pass anyone anymore that doesn't wave me to do so. Really bad experience last year this exact weekend, rolled my sled. Either pull over and give them some space or just piss and moan to yourself and wait till a stop sign. Not worth the risk to me anymore.


Firecatguy - your links only have reports for fatalities, not all injuries.... let alone accidents without injury. Also the descriptions will never state "rider was using hand signal" so you are entirely jumping to conclusions. I'm not saying it's one way or the other just pointing out very large flaws in the reasoning.


Well-known member
^^^Now that right there is funny. One thing I've noticed about Michigan drivers is they like to start their turn first then put on their turn signal :confused: :D
too funny and too true, but that is just in case a cop is around we didn't see


New member
your right but read thru the last 3 years of fatal will see a pattern....saftey certificate=No
saftey certifacate=yes=drinking=yes.......head on on trail=no........seems the stats show having a saftey class will help so does that mean what they teach in class is working? or do we pick and choose? I am not saying ue them period but the safty nasayers seem to never answer the question...did you take a saftey class?


not required in MI as far as I know, thus no I did not. The only safety class I have taken is for my minor boating license in WI 15 years ago. Do I think safety classes are a good idea? Absolutely.


New member
yep those hand signals help a lot when the snow dust is so bad you can't even see the guy coming at you till he is 5 yards ahead of you. oh and when he is going 70 mph hanging on with one hand and clear over past his half of the trail with just about a foot and a half from hitting my son ahead of me and gets close enough to me that i could of brushed his teeth. yep now that's riding safe. oh and i was glad he told me that he had two more behind him........trouble is they were at least 1 mile behind.... oh well at least he used them there hand signals so we knew that on a saturday at 1:30pm on trail 3 we might have sleds coming at us...................


Well-known member
Are you all feeling better now? Just ride & use common sense if you have been riding a snowmobile for 1 season you should know all of this if not sell your sled you are dangerous & belong in a recliner at home. No questions are stupid questions but come on now people you know what to do in all these stituations.


New member
yep those hand signals help a lot when the snow dust is so bad you can't even see the guy coming at you till he is 5 yards ahead of you. oh and when he is going 70 mph hanging on with one hand and clear over past his half of the trail with just about a foot and a half from hitting my son ahead of me and gets close enough to me that i could of brushed his teeth. yep now that's riding safe. oh and i was glad he told me that he had two more behind him........trouble is they were at least 1 mile behind.... oh well at least he used them there hand signals so we knew that on a saturday at 1:30pm on trail 3 we might have sleds coming at us...................

Thank you! my answer #4 holds water.
#4 only when sleds behind me are hidden and not in plain sight. One look in a wrist mirror and If I cant see all the headlights then yes.
The trick is when there are more than 5 riders; With 12 riders it starts getting tricky taking a boot off and riding with no hands.


New member
You really think the operators are that easy going.

I am fine with hand signals as long as it is safe to do so.
dont know why people think that when ridding in a train every person in that train feels the need to hold up a finger number I saw the first guy I know there are more till I see the fist.

if u stay on your side we are good I dont need to know how many are coming at me .

as far as passing a groomer at night if he pulles over stop offer him one of those cold beers in your back pack share your smoke and move on

In reagards to passing the groomer and offering him a beer. You think that is aproriate? If it where me I would love it but would never think of doing it to a complete stranger. I will give it a try this weekend and see what happens. I will let you know.