Trayvon Martin



I have a few thoughts I wanted to share on the topic of TM and JZ. Why was the jury all women? A 17 yr old is dead, the worst tragedy imaginable. Why couldn't Zimmerman restrain from a life threatening situation? Did the situation really develop into a life threatening situation? It appears there was no initial violence of any sort but rather an escalation of violence that should place responsibility on the aggressor.

Obviously I am lacking many details but come on, the guy is dead. It's hard to comprehend that GZ needed to resort to an option that could take one's life. Seems to me GZ used poor judgement as an adult which lead to a death, he ought to be held responsible in some way. I don't believe he was probable the kind of guy looking to kill some but,,,,SOMEONE DIED!!!!!!

I also do not believe that race was an issue. Look at OJ killing 2 white people, as many of us believe. I do know that many black leaders are whacks and looking to produce a crisis.


Well-known member
Lenny, it is my understanding that he looked alot more like the picture above than like the wholesome image the media has been showing. This is a case of media sensationalism. It only makes matters worse that the prez has to get his nose in it. There are many senseless murders each day, the media didn't need to pick this one or anyone to put a show on about. There is a reason why I watch very little news, they only show you what they want you to see, not necessarily the facts.


Active member
From my understanding there was violence from TM to GZ. I've also seen a bunch of pics and FB type stuff that TM was a thug. Obviously GZ was found innocent of any wrong doing.

Btw, how come the media made such a big deal about a black kid getting killed?

The guy that bombed Boston pled not guilty recently. Didnt hear much about that.
How about the serial killer on trial currently? Anybody hear about that??

I'm sorry, but I am sick to death of 2 worthless racist people. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

If this violates any rules, feel free to edit out the word "worthless" as it is only my opinion. The other adjective is fact.
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Well-known member
George did what he had to do.and Eric Holder is a Terrorist supporting leftist with a hard hard leftist agenda and 80% of this circus is coming from his office.
this is what Ted Nugent has to say and I agree.
So this guy’s neighborhood has been burglarized off and on and the residents are very concerned for their safety and well-being. Neighbors agree to upkick their vigilance and overall level of awareness to watch out for each other and keep an eye out for suspicious individuals and behavior. It could be considered by an official designation such as “Neighborhood Watch”, but officially labeled or not, it is the purest form of Americans watching out for each other and being good neighbors.

So far so good.

So George Zimmerman sees what he believes is a suspicious individual in suspicious circumstances, and intelligently and responsibly pays attention and calls 9-1-1 to report what he sees to the officials. This gesture is proof positive he was not looking to do anyone harm or break any laws, but rather perform the fundamental responsibility of a neighbor who cares.

Doing nothing illegal or improper, he follows the individual while answering all the questions from the 9-1-1 operator to the best of his ability, keeping an eye on the individual so the authorities can hopefully intercept and determine exactly what is going on.

For reasons unknown, though I will comment on momentarily, after expressing racism and hostility on the phone to a friend in response to being followed, the suspect now changes course and turns towards George and immediately initiates a hostile verbal confrontation that quickly escalate to a violent physical assault. Within seconds, the suspect has overwhelmed George, has gained the advantage on top, pinning George to the ground, and further escalates the assault to deadly force by smashing George’s face, breaking his nose, and violently slamming his skull onto the concrete with all his youthful athleticism.

George screams frantically for help as Trayvon Martin pummels his face and head furiously, inflicting damaging and potentially life threatening wounds. Fearing for his life and about to lose consciousness at the hands of an enraged, violent attacker, George Zimmerman does what anyone who wishes to live would do, and he reaches for his concealed handgun, firing a single shot to neutralize the deadly force being wreaked upon him.

This represents the purest form of self-defense there is. It is exactly why people who believe in good over evil carry a gun to protect themselves from the well documented violence that plagues our country, in order to save our lives from a life threatening attack. Period.

Based on all evidence available to them, the professional law enforcement officers did not hold George Zimmerman on charges later that night. They saw it for what it was: cut and dried self-defense.

And so it was for a few weeks until the race-baiting industry saw an opportunity to further the racist careers of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the Black Panthers. President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder, et al, who then swept down on the Florida community refusing to admit that the 17-year-old dope smoking, racist gangsta wannabe Trayvon Martin was at all responsible for his bad decisions and standard modus operendi of always taking the violent route.

With an obvious racist chip on his shoulder, referencing the neighborhood watch guy as a “creepy *** cracker” to his fellow racist female friend who admitted under oath that that is how non-blacks are referred to normally in their circles, Trayvon had no reason not to attack, because it was the standard thug thing to do. See Chicago any day of the week.

With nearly 700 examples of this truism played out in Chicago in 2012 alone, no one can possibly dispute the recent surge in black racism increasing throughout Barack Obama’s presidency. To attempt to claim otherwise is a laughable lie.

The jury got it right, and non-racist America rejoices that there is still common sense, honesty and decency aware of identifying justice in this country. America also believes that the entire prosecutorial team should be ashamed of themselves and disbarred for ignoring the obvious and kowtowing to the pure racism that forced the politically correct lie that only black lives killed by non-blacks matter, which is why there are no headlines, no protests, no prosecutions and no Barak Obama or Eric Holder meddling in the nonstop black-on-black slaughter in their gun-free zone of Chicago.

Martin Luther King Jr. is rolling over in his grave that he sacrificed his life for the cause of judging people by the content of their character instead of the color of their skin, as so many of his own race carry in in self-destructive behavior while professional race mongers blame everything on racism. It is painful and heartbreaking to say and write this, but horrifically it is true. Blacks kill more blacks in a weekend in Chicago than the evil, vile Ku Klux Klan idiots did in 50 years. Truly earth shattering insane. And not a peep from Obama or Holder. Tragic.

The only racism on that night was perpetrated by Trayvon Martin, and everybody knows it.

Here’s the lesson from all this, America: Teach your children to not attack people for no good reason whatsoever. Conduct yourself in a responsible, civil manner, and everything will be just fine. Try to kill someone and that someone just may be exercising his or her Second Amendment rights and you could get shot. It’s called self-defense, and it is the oldest, strongest and most righteous instinct and God-given right known to man.

NUGENT: Zimmerman verdict vindicates citizen patrols, self-defense


Active member
How about the white guy in Milwaukee that got his a$$ beat by a bunch of black punks? He was told he was being beat in honor of Trayvon. Did that happen to make the news in the UP? Anywhere else beside Milwaukee?


Well-known member
nop u have to look for that news.
how about the guy that was guarding his restaurant during the protest in CA and was beaten in the face with a hammer type instrument.
it is cases like this that the far left never fails to disappoint in showing there true colors.


George did what he had to do.and Eric Holder is a Terrorist supporting leftist with a hard hard leftist agenda and 80% of this circus is coming from his office.
this is what Ted Nugent has to say and I agree.
So this guy’s neighborhood has been burglarized off and on and the residents are very concerned for their safety and well-being. Neighbors agree to upkick their vigilance and overall level of awareness to watch out for each other and keep an eye out for suspicious individuals and behavior. It could be considered by an official designation such as “Neighborhood Watch”, but officially labeled or not, it is the purest form of Americans watching out for each other and being good neighbors.

So far so good.

So George Zimmerman sees what he believes is a suspicious individual in suspicious circumstances, and intelligently and responsibly pays attention and calls 9-1-1 to report what he sees to the officials. This gesture is proof positive he was not looking to do anyone harm or break any laws, but rather perform the fundamental responsibility of a neighbor who cares.

Doing nothing illegal or improper, he follows the individual while answering all the questions from the 9-1-1 operator to the best of his ability, keeping an eye on the individual so the authorities can hopefully intercept and determine exactly what is going on.

For reasons unknown, though I will comment on momentarily, after expressing racism and hostility on the phone to a friend in response to being followed, the suspect now changes course and turns towards George and immediately initiates a hostile verbal confrontation that quickly escalate to a violent physical assault. Within seconds, the suspect has overwhelmed George, has gained the advantage on top, pinning George to the ground, and further escalates the assault to deadly force by smashing George’s face, breaking his nose, and violently slamming his skull onto the concrete with all his youthful athleticism.

George screams frantically for help as Trayvon Martin pummels his face and head furiously, inflicting damaging and potentially life threatening wounds. Fearing for his life and about to lose consciousness at the hands of an enraged, violent attacker, George Zimmerman does what anyone who wishes to live would do, and he reaches for his concealed handgun, firing a single shot to neutralize the deadly force being wreaked upon him.

This represents the purest form of self-defense there is. It is exactly why people who believe in good over evil carry a gun to protect themselves from the well documented violence that plagues our country, in order to save our lives from a life threatening attack. Period.

Based on all evidence available to them, the professional law enforcement officers did not hold George Zimmerman on charges later that night. They saw it for what it was: cut and dried self-defense.

And so it was for a few weeks until the race-baiting industry saw an opportunity to further the racist careers of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the Black Panthers. President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder, et al, who then swept down on the Florida community refusing to admit that the 17-year-old dope smoking, racist gangsta wannabe Trayvon Martin was at all responsible for his bad decisions and standard modus operendi of always taking the violent route.

With an obvious racist chip on his shoulder, referencing the neighborhood watch guy as a “creepy *** cracker” to his fellow racist female friend who admitted under oath that that is how non-blacks are referred to normally in their circles, Trayvon had no reason not to attack, because it was the standard thug thing to do. See Chicago any day of the week.

With nearly 700 examples of this truism played out in Chicago in 2012 alone, no one can possibly dispute the recent surge in black racism increasing throughout Barack Obama’s presidency. To attempt to claim otherwise is a laughable lie.

The jury got it right, and non-racist America rejoices that there is still common sense, honesty and decency aware of identifying justice in this country. America also believes that the entire prosecutorial team should be ashamed of themselves and disbarred for ignoring the obvious and kowtowing to the pure racism that forced the politically correct lie that only black lives killed by non-blacks matter, which is why there are no headlines, no protests, no prosecutions and no Barak Obama or Eric Holder meddling in the nonstop black-on-black slaughter in their gun-free zone of Chicago.

Martin Luther King Jr. is rolling over in his grave that he sacrificed his life for the cause of judging people by the content of their character instead of the color of their skin, as so many of his own race carry in in self-destructive behavior while professional race mongers blame everything on racism. It is painful and heartbreaking to say and write this, but horrifically it is true. Blacks kill more blacks in a weekend in Chicago than the evil, vile Ku Klux Klan idiots did in 50 years. Truly earth shattering insane. And not a peep from Obama or Holder. Tragic.

The only racism on that night was perpetrated by Trayvon Martin, and everybody knows it.

Here’s the lesson from all this, America: Teach your children to not attack people for no good reason whatsoever. Conduct yourself in a responsible, civil manner, and everything will be just fine. Try to kill someone and that someone just may be exercising his or her Second Amendment rights and you could get shot. It’s called self-defense, and it is the oldest, strongest and most righteous instinct and God-given right known to man.

NUGENT: Zimmerman verdict vindicates citizen patrols, self-defense

lots of assumptions there that cannot be backed up. It's easy to justify after all is done. Seems extreme to assume GZ life was in jeopardy. I've had my share of scrapes with guys in the past and go into each one knowing I may get beat up but never ever consider killing a guy an option.


I'm not saying these things because I think they need to go after GZ. I also do not think this is a racial issue. I'm not gonna jump on the band wagon because most other white people think like Ted N. Most black people see the verdict as an injustice which is unfortunate.

Listen, even if the guy was a thug, makes no matter. Ay 17 yr old has options and opportunity to straighten up. Looking at his past does not justify his death as his past didn't indicate a violent guy. I am doing my best to look at this through reason, as a father, as a man who avoids conflict as best as I can. Just seems extreme that someone had to die over an altercation, worst case scenario happened, could it have been avoided? Didn't dispatch tell GZ to remain in the car? If he had followed what he was informed to do, would all this been avoided. What exactly was TM doing that justified such strong interest in him?
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New member
This should have never gone to a trial. As in any self defense case the shooter is going to jail, statements and an investigation are started. In the investigation the police and the prosecutor after looking over all the evidence said it was self defense. G.Z. was released. Only after political pressure the Governor appoints a prosecutor and puts a Grand Jury together to look at the case again. If the Grand Jury looks at the evidence it lily would come to the same conclusion. In this case the new prosecutor failed to what for the outcome of the Grand Jury. The political and media pressure and a poor prosecutor moved ahead and over charged anything they could come close to proving.
Also the media is still reporting incorrectly. This was never heard as a stand your ground case. It was a self deference case.
Look at G.Z. past he is not a racist. He has mentored dated and lived with blacks. T.M. had drug records, fought and refereed street fights.
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Well-known member
well 1 thing is not a assumption .
traivon could have kept walking and gone home.
but no he chose to back track and confront george .
he chose to start the fight after backtracking chose to get on top of George and continue to slam his head in to the concrete and bust his nose.
remember that is all as told by witnesses.
some kid is slamming my head in to the pavement and I cant get up and dont think this punk is going to let up till I am dead I 2 would pop a slug in to him.
now to non admissible evidence u can find on line in many places .Travon was a punk who liked to fight bragged about kicking *** many diff times in many text messages.
was looking to buy a gun according to his text messages and we all know a 17yr old was not looking to go to gander mountain and file the paper work.
what do we know about George.
well the news would want u to think he is a racist.FALSE FALSE FALSE.
he was involved in a youth mentoring program for at risk youth and even after the program was shut down George continued mentoring some of the kids he worked with.
his girlfriend in high school was Black he took her to the prom.
He called 911 said I think he is black only after being asked by operator .
all this race crap is from people who make a living race baiting .under direction of Eric holder to push a far left agenda.
the reason the cops did not press charges in the first place was proven this weekend to be correct. the cop who lost his job over this Washington pressure to pursue a prosecution should be immediately reinstated with back pay. George should sue NBC and he will win for deformation. and NBC abc cbs cnn should all be ashamed for being complacent to run with the story spoon fed to them from Washington and refusing to report on the facts and refusing to report on hard facts that go ageist the leftist agenda once again .


Well-known member
BTW since the verdict 6 black kids have been shot and killed in Chicago can u name them?
what no outrage ?
no coverage ?
guess it dose not fit the agenda so no point in reporting it.
and remember Lenny if looking for facts if using Google the real story will be at least 3 pages back .they are more corrupt than NBC
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Deleted member 10829


Yep, that's him, but you, like most, have been misled by a media that showed pictures of some kid when he was 12 years old and never once told us all about TM's past behavior. The media also edited the 911 call to make GZ sound like a racist. They went out of their way to paint a picture of GZ that wasn't true, yet didn't tell us the truth about TM. They do the same thing with politics every day.

If anyone has followed this case closely, you know that the experts in this field almost all agree this case was overcharged and was political in nature. Let law enforcement handle this and leave politics out of it. This should have never gone to court and that was just proven by the best legal system in the world!

Deleted member 10829

I'm not saying these things because I think they need to go after GZ. I also do not think this is a racial issue. I'm not gonna jump on the band wagon because most other white people think like Ted N. Most black people see the verdict as an injustice which is unfortunate.

Listen, even if the guy was a thug, makes no matter. Ay 17 yr old has options and opportunity to straighten up. Looking at his past does not justify his death as his past didn't indicate a violent guy. I am doing my best to look at this through reason, as a father, as a man who avoids conflict as best as I can. Just seems extreme that someone had to die over an altercation, worst case scenario happened, could it have been avoided? Didn't dispatch tell GZ to remain in the car? If he had followed what he was informed to do, would all this been avoided. What exactly was TM doing that justified such strong interest in him?

Could it have been avoided if TM had just gone home if he felt so threatened? You can't convict a guy for getting out of his car. If TM does not confront him and start the fight, none of this happens either, and the jury agreed.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I would like to thank the main stream media into making this about race, fricken idiots. And if I hear "unarmed teenager, or as I heard this morning, unarmed BLACK teenager" one more time, I am going to puke.


Could it have been avoided if TM had just gone home if he felt so threatened? You can't convict a guy for getting out of his car. If TM does not confront him and start the fight, none of this happens either, and the jury agreed.

isn't GZ the guy taking action as a watch guy. HE perused someone who he thought was a problem. GZ called the police and was instructed to stay in car and
wait for police. Was GZ trying to and demanding TM be detained. I like guns and believe we all should own as many as we like but when you see a guy walking around doing nothing wrong does not indicate a serious situation. Just saying this sort of thing didn't need to happen. GZ probably could have made a better decision and avoided the conflict and allowed the police to handle it. Would a guy be dead if the police rolled up on the situation,,,I highly doubt it. Manslaughter should of been the verdict IMO. I may be wrong, not defending TM or condemning GZ, but just seems lie some common sense was not used and there could have been a better way.