After all is said and done and the dust has settled you can say that the injuries were "insignificant" and that his life wasn't in danger.
But what matters at that moment was did he feel his life was in danger, not what some guy 6 months later and 2000 miles away thinks.
I will be the first to say I've never been in a fight before, only punches I've thrown were to my brother as a young kid messing around. If somebody was on top of my throwing punches I too would "puss" out and defend my life because I can't see the future to know what will or won't happen as a result of being attacked.
I cannot say that I disagree with you. At the same time I am not alone in this issue. I urge you to listen to the 2 video of GZ being interviewed by police the day after and re-interviewed some time later. Here is where some of the problem lies, the media has never been worse at reporting the truth without a bias. They have created a mess that most of us are impacted by to some degree. The internet has a load of crap that we sift through also. The pics of TM were pathetic although he still is a young looking kid but a 12 yr old pic. media ought to be ashamed of such stupidy. They also report facts to fit their political and racial agenda's, another disaster. It greatly adds to the already great divide we experience in this country. I posted a pic early on in this thread and it showed a 20 some yr old guy full of tat's. This photo was circulating the web and many many people believed it was TM. The first time I saw it I said "what", that turd deserved what he got and after a few minutes it started to register that I was thinking just how someone wanted me to think. That pic all by itself really got me interested in this event.
I have re-read this entire thread and I do have some problem with my own posts as I allow my emotions get the best of me and I do apologize and specifically for saying GZ is a liar. Calling someone a liar is a harsh statement and to be honest I do not really believe him to be a liar. I do believe he has lies but to be called a liar is more in line with a habit of lying. I do not believe GZ is a compulsive liar. I also have added some over the top sarcasm to my posts and probably offended some. Chevytahoe, I owe you an appology for just that,,,so,, I am sorry.
Let's just hope we never get put into that situation. I would shoot the other guy in a heart beat to save my life, but would grieve the decission for the remainder of my life.
You know, I would shoot to kill also but my level of receiving violence may just be higher than most. I say this because life is so sacred to me and it's a mistake I cannot live with unless I was sure it had to be done. A good friend of mine has a concealed carry permit and I was gonna go get the same thing but honestly, I do not think it would be good for me to carry so I will not at this time. I am still immature and it would only risk myself of someone else's life more so than protecting. I do own a gun and keep it locked up at home within easy reach. IMO the grounds for killing a guy is to loose and open to interpretation and it's just not worth it. I'd rather take a severe beating or maimed before I killed someone but that's just me and I do not expect people to think like me nor think my thinking is the standard for all to abide by.
Summary: GZ made many mistakes that set the stage for disaster. TM is no saint but we are taking death here. Now we are seeing all kinds of stuff floating around the web saying TM was on a new kind of high, a mixture of sugar and some other stuff, forgot the word. Point is, as long as we can paint the picture of a "thugy, cocky, typical black male" (which I disagree with strongly) we will continue to drink the koolaid fed to us my race batters. If we circulate BS like that we are subject to holding some responsibility to the great divide we are all experiencing.
I understand I am in the minority here, I am not defending TM. My motive is to defend life and if that upsets some it is worth the strife. I am strongly questioning the discernment of the verdict regardless that it cannot and will not be change. I stand guilty of strong communication and digging deep into all the circumstances because life is worth it, black or white, color makes no matter to me. My opinion is no more intelligent than the next guys. No doubt I have many errors in my statement, odds will have it. Finally, life is precious and our maker loves us deeply. I wonder if the author of life believes the taking of his creation is acceptable under these circumstances? I cannot answer this question with certainty,,,,,,, can you?