We have so many things wrong with our government it is hard to begin counting all the problems.
The elected are NOT doing what is best for the constituents, he is busy getting lined up to get re-elected.
Too many lobbyists who are there to buy votes.
Too much money spent on advertising in campaigns.
Too many uneducated people who have no business voting because they don't know or understand how to analyze a politician, or have a clue how to see if the candidate is real or just a puppet for some special interest group.
I say, if you can't read, and can't write and you can't answer a pre-voting assessment test, with questions like "What are the three branches of government"....then you should not be allowed to vote until you get some education and pass the test.
If we did that one single thing....the whole ball of wax would be turned around because you would NOT be able to pull the wool over the educated voters eyes. Today voting is done by pictures, and popularity contests...with no substance or content. Debates are a joke....they prove nothing other than showmanship. What does that get you?
Vote straight line in the voting booth would be banned.....maybe political parties would be abolished too.
The whole point of having a representative government was because news used to travel slowly....but today it is far faster. Do we really need a representative who gets into office than does whatever he wants and takes money from all sorts of special interests only to defeat some other candidate who was better qualified and who should have gotten elected but was out funded?
Now to find unbiased news, it is nearly impossible to get...so you have to taste some of this and some of that and form some real opinion that is probably much closer to the truth.
I watched a face the nation on Sunday morning and the moderator had a host of very slanted questions to put to the governor of Indiana who is sampling the waters to run for prez....each question was so slanted to damned if you did or damned if you didn't...and the Gov did a good job of not coming to the presumed conclusions the moderator wanted him to come to...so each time that happened, the moderator moved on to another question that was framed exactly like the others...sort of like you don't stink much like a skunk do you...??? I was appalled that this sort of questioning process would be viewed as anything other than an outright attempt at making the Governor look bad I have to admit that had it been me, i would have walked off the set...but the Gov held his ground, did not condemn past party practices to make himself look good, and though NOTHING was really gleaned from this interview, this demonstrates the completely biased press we have to obtain our news from.
Just another example of how out of kilter this whole world we are in has become.