Union or nonunion, this argument could go on forever. There are many examples of any organization being abused as soon as greed sets in. Realize that blaming a group of people is easy compared to looking an individual in the eye and talking straight. The bottom line is, the attitude of "I'm getting mine and screw everyone else" is getting us no where fast. Ask any military veteran from any conflict, single individuals that are heroes for a day are few and far between compared to the group that works/fights together toward the common good that actually gets the job done. Which group do you prefer, a few super rich or a lot of regular joes making a decent wage? A few rarely get the job done, usually it's the many pulling together.
If you can keep the group arguing and pointing fingers at each other then possibly they won't realize they're doing all the work and you do nothing but run your mouth sponging off of the their hard work.
If you can keep the group arguing and pointing fingers at each other then possibly they won't realize they're doing all the work and you do nothing but run your mouth sponging off of the their hard work.