This has been chewed was the "favored nation" status that opened the doors as NAFTA deals with "North American Free Trade Agreement" involving Canada (economically on a par with the USA, but also Mexico which is not).
China and India are whipping us....our own engineers and manufacturers are beating the door down to make products over there. Orik Vacuum cleaners cost about $6 dollars in parts labor and shipping to get to the USA and are sold for $100. With profits like this happening, who can blame somebody for going there making the stuff where labor is $5 per week and endless lines ready to work, no pollution requirements, no pensions, no medical?...and we are STUPID ENOUGH TO buy it because wally world sells it cheaper.
When we learn the lesson that other countries like Germany, Switzerland, and a hundred other forward thinking countries already know...that buying anything that is designed, built, funded, by anything other than USA costs jobs...we will then turn the corner.
But unless you have had your head under a rock lately you know this is still not being discussed much, and people go merrily on their way to buy this cheaper crap, all the while undermining their own jobs. How many people need to be out of work before we figure out that job stimulus means nothing if you can't sell the products because imports are cheaper?
We are in a real pickle folks....this isn't like like anything we have faced in the history of our country. The middle class is losing ground fast and you can't fix it until we get a handle on what is wrong.
So go ahead keep buying the cheap stuff that says "made in china under the direction of Honeywell, ford motor company, zenith, mas-co, etc...."
Take a moment and turn the package and see where it is made. Take the time to find out WHO still makes whatever it is you are buying in the USA...I know, not easy to find, but there if you look....then pay no attention to the that instead. Once the imports stay on the shelves and don't move, the market people will turn the corner and that will be the first day of a new beginning. Until like tomorrow is your last day at might just be that!
Stupid is as stupid does...end of statement.