Unemployment map 2007-2010


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hay our fearful leader is creating jobs he is hiring over 2000 IRS agents what else do you want?I wounder if any will be looking in to turbo tax Tim's return this yr yeah right.and no I don't think john would do better that is the prob .I know if john had a heart attack and Sarah took over we would be in a better place! she would be giving tax credits for investing in your business not threatening higher energy tax with cap and trade, not threatening higher insurance premiums for your employees 'I know we would be drilling in the north slope and anyplace else oil and nat gas may be hiding.I am pretty sure Yellowstone would be open for all sleds again and no more bs fed land closing to sleds .I really doubt Iran would be playing BS games to the extent they are now.I don't think we would be prosecuting solders or reading miranda rights to enemy combatants on the battlefield. deff not talking about sharing the wealth, I thought they could not get worse than Jimmy boy I was so wrong.spineless little man boy


I agree with reved on this one, it was set in motion with Clinton. When he signed the NAFTA program and sent all manufacturing out of the country, what did they think was going to happen. Then two weeks into the Bush administration people started blaming him for the downturn in the economy. When this country wakes up and realizes that manufacturing is the back bone, and gets it going again then things will change. Who do they think were buying the homes, cars, ect. Well when all the poeple related to manufacturing lost their jobs, the housing market started going down hill. Manufacturing made this country great, and that is how we won WWII, and our educated idiots in Washington don't see that. Look at some of the other countries out there, they don't import any thing manufactured. And how is China building their wealth ?, by massive manufacturing. I think we need to vote them all out and get some good comon sense people who have worked hard all their lives in there to run this great nation,not the obamas who have been given eveything in life. Yes I too agree that McAin and Palhin would have been the better choice, at least McAin loved this country, and he almost died for it , unlike Michelle Obama who hated it until her husband got elected.

Very well said. I agree.


New member
I remember when NAFTA got signed by Clinton and I told a few buddies that this is going to hurt. I wish I would have been wrong.


New member
Let the junk from outside of borders sit on the selves, buy American, it does make a difference

But now they are building the "junk" in our country,and people are buying it!Oh yea it is giving jobs to the American people,BUT THE PROFITS ARE BUILDING A FOREIGH ECONOMY !Either most of this country are too stupid to realize where our jobs have went or too old to care.I know my grandparents would be ashamed of what direction this country has turned to.Yea you have the right to buy what auto you choose,but then dont complain about being unemployed while you are driving that foreign auto.

john w

New member

So democraps started all this chit with the nafta, so we can blame the democraps for all this crap going on in this country. Why would any american citizen vote for a man whos not even born in this country ? He sure fooled millions of people from coast to coast, not me,he's just another slick willie. Obama has said he is going to hold people accountable, just what does this mean ? If the Immigration and naturalization department was accountable for there jobs,we would not have a immigrant problem today. They should all be fired and arrested for not up holding the laws of this country !!! Stop being so politcally correct today and we might have a country to look up tomorrow


But now they are building the "junk" in our country,and people are buying it!Oh yea it is giving jobs to the American people,BUT THE PROFITS ARE BUILDING A FOREIGH ECONOMY !Either most of this country are too stupid to realize where our jobs have went or too old to care.I know my grandparents would be ashamed of what direction this country has turned to.Yea you have the right to buy what auto you choose,but then dont complain about being unemployed while you are driving that foreign auto.

Let me tell you something about the american auto industry. For many years (15) I worked
for a Tier 1 supplier. Five years ago the company out sourced the Ford lines right
over to China and Mexico and I was layed off. Some of my co-workers that didn't
take the free schooling that was offered went to work for another supplier that made
a bunch of parts for Honda. These guys are still pumping out parts for Honda Corp today.
The Foreign auto you're putting down is keeping a lot of american people in this country
working today.


New member
This has been chewed before....it was the "favored nation" status that opened the doors as NAFTA deals with "North American Free Trade Agreement" involving Canada (economically on a par with the USA, but also Mexico which is not).

China and India are whipping us....our own engineers and manufacturers are beating the door down to make products over there. Orik Vacuum cleaners cost about $6 dollars in parts labor and shipping to get to the USA and are sold for $100. With profits like this happening, who can blame somebody for going there making the stuff where labor is $5 per week and endless lines ready to work, no pollution requirements, no pensions, no medical?...and we are STUPID ENOUGH TO buy it because wally world sells it cheaper.

When we learn the lesson that other countries like Germany, Switzerland, and a hundred other forward thinking countries already know...that buying anything that is designed, built, funded, by anything other than USA costs jobs...we will then turn the corner.

But unless you have had your head under a rock lately you know this is still not being discussed much, and people go merrily on their way to buy this cheaper crap, all the while undermining their own jobs. How many people need to be out of work before we figure out that job stimulus means nothing if you can't sell the products because imports are cheaper?

We are in a real pickle folks....this isn't like like anything we have faced in the history of our country. The middle class is losing ground fast and you can't fix it until we get a handle on what is wrong.

So go ahead keep buying the cheap stuff that says "made in china under the direction of Honeywell, ford motor company, zenith, mas-co, etc...."

Take a moment and turn the package and see where it is made. Take the time to find out WHO still makes whatever it is you are buying in the USA...I know, not easy to find, but there if you look....then pay no attention to the price...buy that instead. Once the imports stay on the shelves and don't move, the market people will turn the corner and that will be the first day of a new beginning. Until then....live like tomorrow is your last day at work...cause...it might just be that!

Stupid is as stupid does...end of statement.


Active member
I agree....buy American is a great thing and I try to do it BUT...

People cannot just support American made products when the cost of the products has gone up exponetial compared to the raises (if any) people are getting. I try to do the best I can to buy American but I will not go broke doing so. If going broke is what it takes than I am in no better shape than losing my job because it when overseas.

Anon mention about the Oreck and he hit it on the head. They make it for $6 and sell for $100..therefore corporate gets HUGE profit. I truly believe a lot falls back to corporate greed! Since Americans got sick of paying more and more every year for the same product, corporate greed kicked in and figured out how to make it cheaper and make even more profit.

The trick will be is to bring back manufacturing but at the same time make it cost competitive. I don't know if/how the cost competitive can be achieved unless corporate makes less profit..you know, maybe only make 5 billion a year vs. 10 billion a year.

I never ever thought growing up that I would have to worry about my job because unless I didn't work hard.

Deleted member 10829

My husband and I are both map dots on that map here in Minnesota. We both have been laid off since January and February of '09.

I've applied for over 200 jobs, I've interviewed for many and have to date been the "runner up". My husband's background has been in construction, which currently there at NO jobs. He worked for the company for 14 years and got laid off... He's been searching for a job but so far nothing...

Last month, Medica - a big Minnesota based healthcare company - just laid of 18% of their staff. That means more competition for me.

Obama and his "plan" "change" what ever the EFF you wanna call it has made the situation WAY WORSE than it was. Nothing he has done has stopped the bleeding, he just made it worse - the US is bleeding to death - SOMEONE has to make it stop cuz he's not!

Here's hoping one of these days I land a job... before it's too late for my family to recover.



I sure hope you and your husband land a job soon! Even though I don't know you, I have noticed your posts over the years and I can tell you are a sincere and wonderful person. I wish you and your family the best.


New member
I agree....buy American is a great thing and I try to do it BUT...

People cannot just support American made products when the cost of the products has gone up exponetial compared to the raises (if any) people are getting. I try to do the best I can to buy American but I will not go broke doing so. If going broke is what it takes than I am in no better shape than losing my job because it when overseas.

Anon mention about the Oreck and he hit it on the head. They make it for $6 and sell for $100..therefore corporate gets HUGE profit. I truly believe a lot falls back to corporate greed! Since Americans got sick of paying more and more every year for the same product, corporate greed kicked in and figured out how to make it cheaper and make even more profit.

The trick will be is to bring back manufacturing but at the same time make it cost competitive. I don't know if/how the cost competitive can be achieved unless corporate makes less profit..you know, maybe only make 5 billion a year vs. 10 billion a year.

I never ever thought growing up that I would have to worry about my job because unless I didn't work hard.

Think about this....you say...geez I can't pay more money....so I better buy the Chinese stuff...save a few dollars.

My point is that yes you saved a few, and some times you have NO choice because we no longer make that product at all in the USA....but you also put a few more nails in the American Coffin...industry. You spent money on something made by someone other than your neighbor....now explain to me exactly HOW that helped you save YOUR job? Everything...and I mean EVERYTHING...is tied together. And if you do loose your job....now you can afford nothing. In my book you would have been better...we would all be better off, ignoring the cheap stuff and paying a higher price because it keeps our neighbors working and this will keep us working.

Simple economics 101 principles here. If you break the chain....the whole process eventually fails. We are in a free fall right now....this is why we are NOT going to see employment come back anytime soon in industry. While we have been busy saving wall street and the banking industry, our own industrial industry continues to go right down the drain.

Unless we all take a hand in stopping this...and it is all up to us on this, not wally world, or corporate greed...just us....this process of loosing business will continue and prosperity as we once knew it...is over.

I certainly do agree with you 100% that corporate greed is the real culprit here....as the vac example illustrates, not enough to make 100% on the machine...you have to make 1000% instead. That is where things go whacko. Of course this furthers the middle class away doesn't it? Two tier system is coming faster than the speed of light. You either make it or you are fast shrinking into the abiss....

Meanwhile guess who is kicking butt???



New member
Walmart-Walmart, never shopped there and never will. This is the example of greed by a corparation. Some say I can go there and get everything at once. Soon it will be the only place to get what you need because all the local businesses will be closed. That means your neighbor across the street and the neighbor down the street etc. will be without jobs. Which may lead to 100% china made snowmobiles.


New member
I sure hope you and your husband land a job soon! Even though I don't know you, I have noticed your posts over the years and I can tell you are a sincere and wonderful person. I wish you and your family the best.

Thank you! I really appreciate your comments!




Active member
anon: I understand your point but you missed my biggest point. How can a person buy American if the thing they need costs $20...they only have $10 (because pay sucks) and the china crap costs $8. You know exactly what they will do and there is no way around it. That is how it turns right back to corporate greed....1000% profit instead of 100% like you said.


New member
Have you looked for American made products? They are few and far in between!! I run a home based daycare and looked for American made toys for the kids, it was impossible!! Found a few on-line and then when you added shipping they cost me a fortune.


It's the way business's operate. General Electric wanted to sell GE Money (it's finance business) because there was only 12% growth projected! That was not enough profit to justify the risk so they want out. And to put this into perspective...GE Money accounts for 60% of overall profit for all of GE's business's combined. Shareholders and CEO's demand high return or their out. GE wants 20% return.


New member
This is what the democrats want..They want people to depend on the government for everything that way people are forced to vote them in and they keep their power.