Use of Traction Products Poll


New member
YES,144 doubles down the middle.STOPPING POWER
The corners are so icy because the sleds with no studs sweep all the snow off the corners.
I can say that I think the tracks are made better now then 10 years ago.
One more thing the new sleds have more engine breaking to them and all you need to do is let of the gas and with out studs the rear end starts to pass you.


New member
my fat *** loading up the rear suspension makes for some pretty good traction... it's like throwing sand tubes over the axle in the pickup :D


Active member
I added an actual traction poll thread so you can vote and see it instead of reading all and trying to keep track...

xcsp...if my new thread offends you let me know, and I'll delete it. Just thought the new poll option in the threads makes viewing a lot easier and this was a good topic for it.


New member
There was a publication in Canada, a study and extensive research on studding. The statistics were eye opening in the favor of studding a sled. The stopping distances were overwhelming and scary. I will try to find this information and post it. One thing to remember is that 1 or 2 feet can make a huge difference and can be the difference of life or death. After reading these materials I am sure those who do not stud and ride on ice will think again.


New member
My first 6 sleds had no studs. One weekend my wife did 360's twice and I rolled mine as I lost it in a corner ice patch. And no, I wasn't out of control, maybe 20 mph at the time. Now won't ride with out them. Haven't had to walk back to the bottom of the hill, ditch, ice patch etc. to get my wife since, and no more scary issues at all.
96 in the center on both, 6" carbides on 600 GSX sdi's.


Well-known member
Why did you find out it was the studs that fried your motor?

my 500 with the fried motor ain't from studs, it was never studded because i'm smarter than that :D 8000 miles tho out of a sled driven by me is pretty good, this is a weird thought, my first 2 sleds i've ever owned both hit 8000 miles and took dumps. my first, 93 indy trail hit 8026 and the rear torque arm snapped in half and this one (odometer says 78XX but bearing went out) so it really has over 8k and motor blew


New member
We won't ride with out studs for safety reasons. One per HP down the middle. Even my wife refuses to ride without studs!! I typically get 5Kto 8K on a studded track.


Well-known member
We won't ride with out studs for safety reasons. One per HP down the middle. Even my wife refuses to ride without studs!! I typically get 5Kto 8K on a studded track.

i typically get 4500 miles before it ruins the tracK! this is why i don't stud sleds


New member
If you only stud your track down the center, that saves a lot of wear and tear. Studs on the outside take more abuse when you are cornering or not riding on flat surfaces (trying to hook that right ski as far over as possible on a bumpy trail or road, etc). My outside studded track lasted about 5K miles before it ripped and needed replacement. Replacement track was about $300 (if I remember correctly). 5 yrs of safe riding w/ studs was worth $300 to get a new track if you ask me. My last machine was not studded on the outside and the track still looks great w/ over 5K miles on it. If you ride for the conditions (don't hammer it on cement in the gas station, etc) studs should really not hurt the life of your track that bad.


New member
They made a huge difference for me, and I wouldn't want a sled without them now. My "home" trails in JoDaviess county IL have a lot of creek crossings and climbing an icy hump coming up out of a creek bed without studs is NO FUN!


Well-known member
I have had two sleds that came from the factory with studs, a 1973 Viking Vigilante SS with a fastrac and carbide studs molded in, and a 1980 Polaris Centurion with 24 ice picks right down the center that only lasted about 400 miles, all of the other sleds have not had any traction products at all.


Well-known member
They made a huge difference for me, and I wouldn't want a sled without them now. My "home" trails in JoDaviess county IL have a lot of creek crossings and climbing an icy hump coming up out of a creek bed without studs is NO FUN!

how's that not fun? it's a challenge, if you don't find challenges fun how do you manage to snowmobile?


I added an actual traction poll thread so you can vote and see it instead of reading all and trying to keep track...

xcsp...if my new thread offends you let me know, and I'll delete it. Just thought the new poll option in the threads makes viewing a lot easier and this was a good topic for it.

No offense taken, thanks for creating actual poll!