ezra quote:
" just in case you want to see the states biggist employers and where the rest of your cash is going "
University of Minnesota: 2.5;1 student to employee ratio??? I realize there is the hospital as well, but that could be a large reason tuition is exploding?? How much of the U's budget is in the "education fund" from the state as well as the tuition costs?
The city our shop is in has built two museum-like facilities in the last 2 years( one is the public works building, the other is a firehouse) Funny how our taxes keep going up hundreds of dollars a year on a concrete box with four walls and a flat roof. I understand the need for the buildings obviously, but why in the world do we need to glitz the heck out of everything when it comes to public funded projects?? (Buildings, pretty bridges, pretty fences along the highways with decorative paneling instead of simple, landscaping along the freeway and at cloverleafs) Really???! There are plenty of projects that are just as elaborate as the stadium deal with ZERO return potential! Didn't "WE" just vote ourselves a tax increase for "clean water" a few years ago which in the fine print of the ballot stated it will also go (majority) to the fine arts???
I for one am increasingly becoming more embarrased to call myself a Minesotan with so much of this crap going on everywhere and yet we shouldn't check voter ID at the election box with two extremely tight races in the last two major elections???
Come ON!!!! The waste is WAY more widespread than just the stadiums!
Off the soapbox now,