Vilas County


Well-known member
We played around a little bit in Vilas and for the most part enough snow to cool and keep your carbides from hitting the ground. Would I drive 5 hours and pay for a hotel to ride up here no I wouldn't I would go further north. Since it was the first time in almost 2 years I could ride from the hose we said why not give it a try. It looked insane up in Michigan didn't want anything to do with that. Overall better than expected but not great by any means. Talked to the president of our club and it sounded like the businesses in the northern part of the county is who really pushed to open the trails.


Well-known member
Well my trip is back in limbo... Texas is closing down Houston and Corpus Christi airports as for 11PM tonight, but no flights available to even get out...

Anyone want a cabin at Elbert's on Little St Germain... They said they can rebook for cost difference any time in 2025 but need dates... (4 bed cabin) I can make it worth your while if your interested... We are trying to find new dates but it coordinating flights and time off of multiple people, etc...

UPDATE they saw the flight cancellations and agreed we were not giving them a line of BS and said that would let us push till Jan 2026... Which is fine I know I can get someone to go by then. Lets hope I did not screw all of us, for next year with no snow...
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Well-known member
Unbelievable you can't get a flight north out of Texas because your getting more snow down there then up North.
My thoughts too!

Last year we had this same weekend planned and they had a deep freeze down there. My friend is a one of the maintenance manger at the one of the refineries down there. They got hit with that deep freeze last year. He texted me on that Monday saying, "problems at plant can't come up" Then nothing out of him all day. I thought he was joking... After a few hours of silence the other guys started question it too. He ended up coming home just to sleep that week and then would go right back each morning.


Active member
Anybody been riding around the St Germain area? Was hoping to ride from my place there and head north if possible this weekend or Sunday?


Well-known member
This is our friends place just outside Mobile Alabama they have more snow than some spots. Wonder how many dogs they need to stay warm down there.🤣


Active member
I was there this past weekend. Only saw a few sleds in St Germain but one look at the trails will tell you why. Most everything you can see from the road is leaves and dirt. I’m sure it doesn’t look any different now as they have not got any new snow and zero in the forecast. I’m sure there’s maybe some areas out in the deep woods that may be rideable..but I wouldn’t ride it! Looks like warm temps moving in now next week will probably finish off what very little is there.


Well-known member
Sweep where are you taking off from in St.Germain? We took off from our house by lost lake and it was rideable. Didn't really hear the carbides hitting the ground and sleds stay cool. In town is bad and the power lines are only open from t-birds entrance up to keig stop. In town and along 70 not so good. The picture is close to my house we had fun and not crowded at all which was nice. PXL_20250118_211147209.jpg


Active member
I was there this past weekend. Only saw a few sleds in St Germain but one look at the trails will tell you why. Most everything you can see from the road is leaves and dirt. I’m sure it doesn’t look any different now as they have not got any new snow and zero in the forecast. I’m sure there’s maybe some areas out in the deep woods that may be rideable..but I wouldn’t ride it! Looks like warm temps moving in now next week will probably finish off what very little is there.

Thanks, I was thinking that would be the response. We might just go anyway and support some of the local establishments!


Well-known member
I'm on the east end of Big Saint.
Ok then that picture is not far from your house. Don't get discouraged by the look in town much better in the woods. We rode big St.germain Rd to the boat launch to fibbers and then down to the trails. Even the road wasn't that bad just stay to the side more. It's rideable just keep your expectations a little lower and you will be fine. Better the more north you go and the lakes are really good 👍. We are planning on riding again this weekend as long as trackside gets my sled done which they say they will. We also rode forest drive and that wasn't bad either. So as you can tell we buzzed all around St.germain


Well-known member
Sweep where are you taking off from in St.Germain? We took off from our house by lost lake and it was rideable. Didn't really hear the carbides hitting the ground and sleds stay cool. In town is bad and the power lines are only open from t-birds entrance up to keig stop. In town and along 70 not so good. The picture is close to my house we had fun and not crowded at all which was nice. View attachment 70712
Sweep, I agree with Hermie, I was over in Boulder Junction today and trails are rideable. The Coontail gas station even had a nice layer of ice to ride up to the pumps. It’s not perfect, early season at best, not sure what it will look like by the weekend? Supposed to get ranch of snow Wednesday, I hate that I say that but it will help. It’s been so cold the last couple days I haven’t really seen anyone out riding to be honest with you.


Well-known member
The picture is in the woods when you ride the trail along 155 and then go past the storage units into the woods. It's at the intersection in the woods


Active member
Thanks for the info! My place is on Forest drive so we’re right there!

Paul, how is it in MW?

Maybe we’ll run into you guys!! (Not literally)! Lol


Active member
Anyone be over by Phelps? Heading up tomorrow and will see what it's like soon. Support the radar run and probably trailer north to the known snow a few days and putz around the cabin on the old sleds just because lol


Well-known member
Supposed to get an inch or two of snow up there today/tonight… honestly wish we kept our reservations for Boulder junction this weekend, I feel like an inch or two of fresh on top of a very smooth hard base with less traffic would be great riding. Going to lake gogebic instead, plenty more snow especially to the north but trail conditions will continue to fall apart mid day due to the traffic.


Well-known member
Sweep where are you taking off from in St.Germain? We took off from our house by lost lake and it was rideable. Didn't really hear the carbides hitting the ground and sleds stay cool. In town is bad and the power lines are only open from t-birds entrance up to keig stop. In town and along 70 not so good. The picture is close to my house we had fun and not crowded at all which was nice. View attachment 70712
Nice 25s! Didn’t know you upgraded


Well-known member
Thanks for the info! My place is on Forest drive so we’re right there!

Paul, how is it in MW?

Maybe we’ll run into you guys!! (Not literally)! Lol
Sweep, it looks likes we got a fresh inch of snow overnight. Trails look ok but obviously thin. I don’t think the traffic has been that heavy up here yet but probably will this weekend as it warms up.


Supposed to get an inch or two of snow up there today/tonight… honestly wish we kept our reservations for Boulder junction this weekend, I feel like an inch or two of fresh on top of a very smooth hard base with less traffic would be great riding. Going to lake gogebic instead, plenty more snow especially to the north but trail conditions will continue to fall apart mid day due to the traffic.
Been a steady snow in St G all morning still coming down❄️