Virgin Power Line got broke in this past weekend

Tracked up some virgin snow this weekend..felt good to be the first out for the seaso

We put the first tracks on some forest road and powerlines in the are some of the better pics of the weekend..videos to come. Snow was a little skinny for the terrain but it wasnt the worst

Dec '11 Power lines 002.jpg Dec '11 Power lines 004.jpg Dec '11 Power lines 008.jpg Dec '11 Power lines 009.jpg Dec '11 Power lines 016.jpg
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They made the powerlines off limits this year. I think its a $275 trespassing ticket now. Let me find the thread about it.
u kno i do remember reading that thread but never got a 100% answer. we looked and didnt see any NO TRESSPASSING signs but i think for future trips we'll just stay in the woods and off the highlines so theres no conflicts

Pit Grunt


The DNR was sure working the trails. I saw them writing tickets on trail 3. Most did not have permits on there sleds..


Staff member
we looked and didnt see any NO TRESSPASSING signs

Just an FYI to everyone. The way it works anywhere in the country (and not just the UP) is that unless you have permission to be on the land, you are trespassing. The landowner is under no obligation to have to post it with signs. It is up to you at all times to know where you are and if you have permission to be there.



New member
Just an FYI to everyone. The way it works anywhere in the country (and not just the UP) is that unless you have permission to be on the land, you are trespassing. The landowner is under no obligation to have to post it with signs. It is up to you at all times to know where you are and if you have permission to be there.


John I often ride the power lines while riding up near South Range, is this off limits? If so I don't want to tread where we are not supposed to be. The last thing I or our group wants to be responsible for is shutting part of our sport down.


Active member
Best thing you can do is buy a plat book from the county!

The Kesslers Krew keeps ours on our kitchen table and read it often!

I have seen your kitchen table. :eek: I feel bad for that Plat book. Hahah.

I have one for Ontonagon County and need to pick one up for Houghton.


Active member
I would be careful out there. I can see a lot of people being fined with all of the increased off-trail activity. If you don't have permission to be there and don't know for sure if it is state land... don't go.


New member
Just an FYI to everyone. The way it works anywhere in the country (and not just the UP) is that unless you have permission to be on the land, you are trespassing. The landowner is under no obligation to have to post it with signs. It is up to you at all times to know where you are and if you have permission to be there.

Just a question.
Have the power companies requested that the DNR cite trespassers or has the DNR taken it upon themselves(for revenue enhancement)?

Normally, law enforcement doesn't pursue a trespass issue unless it's openly posted or the property owner(s) issues complaints. I could walk or ride my mountain bike thru my neighbors front yards all day long in front of the police and they wouldn't do a thing. But if the neighbors called and complained.... then there'd be a problem.
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New member
First off why would you walk or ride your bike thru your neighbors front yards all day long and snub your nose at the police just because nobody complained? If its not yours dont trespass, that is not a smart statement because you are telling people to ride where ever they want and as long as your not caught all is good. Second the land in most cases is not owned by the power companies, they lease the land and have land owner permission to place the lines there and maintain them. So no the DNR has not taken it upon themselves to make more money, the landowners are the ones they are protecting because even though you should ride at your own risk there are people out there that trespass and then end up hitting a stump, or rock, or power pole and sue because of there own stupidity.


New member
radsrh, you misunderstand what I meant. Open your mind and read between the lines. My walking or bike riding is just a simplified example. I don't advocate trespassing, tho I have ridden power and gas lines just as I'm sure you have. I typically stay on marked trails or rt of ways mainly because I don't know what's under me otherwise. I'm just asking, why the fuss now? Folks have been doing it forever and tho that don't make it right, was there a straw the broke the camels back? My comment was... as I have family in two suburban police depts here... Law enforcement doesn't "typically" go after someone for a simple trespass unless there are complaints. In other words, the police don't know if my neighbors even care if I ride thru their yard is basically what I'm sayin.

I also understand the issue of liability. There's a awful lot of stupid people that are nothing but a danger to themselves and want to blame everyone else.

And as Forrest Gump would say..."That's all I have to say about that."
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Best thing you can do is buy a plat book from the county!

The Kesslers Krew keeps ours on our kitchen table and read it often!

Ontanogan County:

Houghton and Keweenaw Counties:

There are other palces you can get it (I think I contacted the county directly and had it mailed ot me)

ya best thing we did was google earth and plot map study ALOT of the areas we ride and that keeps us legit...the powerlines were always jsut an option when we didnt have enough snow to boondock where we normall do.