People are open to their own opinions obviously. All I can say is that you will have a different opinion if you are a business owner vs. a person that works for someone and gets paid regularly but do not have to assume the responsibility of keeping your business from collapsing. Owners take it home with and live and breath every moment that it's in front of them. We have good time and bad time, this is bad for most and my post referred to Vilas County or places where there is little risk of opening business immediately. At this time of year only locals who own property are coming to the Northwoods, not tourists so the risk is minimal in my own humble opinion.
yes opinions are free for all to share and post
but something again, I have said a few times, is, just cause things are not so bad where your at right NOW
that can change very fast
I am in PA< and where still climbing with cases over a 1000 ever 24 hrs, and lots of deaths every day.
you say that things in "X" area are OK, with few cases and most only all residents , and not tourist
well, if they didn;t have the stay at home ban going on, that again, can change real fast and before long you can end up like we are here in PA
as it doesn't take many people to carry this thing into an area for it to spread VERY fast!
and this is the problem
if your area is good, NOW< that doesn;t mean it will stay that way
and if you want it to STAY that way, sadly, things still need to be in this dumb lock down state till there is a better option
just opening things back up, isn;t a good solution IMO
as what happens if things get worse
we going to start all over again with lock downs? will that help anyone 's business or the economy??
things like this, are one of them things, till it EFFECTS YOU, or your love one's, its easy to say its NOT THAT BAD.
(same you can say for those that don't own there own business, I get this too)
but once you have it effecting your love one's or you, I gather it changes the views real fast!
you have to many times look past your immediate view and area
PA right now is crazy
and don;t forget tons of us folks in PA< come to MI, and like places to ride sleds(all the more so past decade with pa having poor snow conditions), and some of us here in PA< own places in like places too , due to love of this sport!
and could have/or still can carry things there if , the stay at home is lifted!
maybe you should consider things lucky your not in the same boat as us??
but that doesn't again mean it cannot get like we are if things open back up before they should!