Was it worth it?


Well-known member
I know we are all sick of it. Wisconsin Population 5.8 million, 242 deaths (142 of them in Milwaukee County) can we just open back up again?......Please!

Grant Hoar

New member
As the number that didn't become part of the 242 are hard to quantify, that is a difficult question to answer.

I will just say that with nearby states such as Illinois and Michigan each still seeing over 100 deaths a day, be cautious of what you ask for.


Well-known member
Ok, I'll drill down a little more, Vilas county population 21,938, 4 cases, 0 deaths. No new cases in about 4 weeks. Figures and information is accurate, I was up there 4 weeks ago and that was the number of cases then.

Is it worth it for the people of Vilas county to pay the price of this shutdown?


New member
I will just say that with nearby states such as Illinois and Michigan each still seeing over 100 deaths a day, be cautious of what you ask for.

4 shot dead and 21 wounded in Chicago this weekend,,, looks like your state has already got back to normal. Getting the virus may be the least of our worries if we don’t get things opened up again soon.


Well-known member
No it wasn't worth it. The ripple effect will be felt for years. 120000 people in Lacrosse county right next door to me. Hasn't had a new case in 12 days with a total of 26 confirmed cases and all recovered. Come on man


Well-known member
Whether or not it was worth it - that train left the station weeks ago..... we are where we are. Open up, stay home if you are afraid, or like my mother at very high risk, let’s get through this. Now.


Well-known member
Heard there is a rally at the WI state capitol Friday 1 pm.

If they arrest me for showing up, then they better come shut down the bog box stores as well that are black friday like busy since late March....Someone commented that we are so busy on Sundays without a problem that we should hold church services.


Well-known member
Ok, I'll drill down a little more, Vilas county population 21,938, 4 cases, 0 deaths. No new cases in about 4 weeks. Figures and information is accurate, I was up there 4 weeks ago and that was the number of cases then.

Is it worth it for the people of Vilas county to pay the price of this shutdown?

pclark….Its not worth it for the entire COUNTRY to have to pay the price of this shutdown and I still cannot believe there are people that do, as a business owner it kills me knowing people are losing their life long dream and life long investments, everything they have for what??? something that has a mortality rate of what I heard .077% This is truly PATHETIC, we are now working on stimulus package #5??? WHAT IS WRONG WITH AMERICA???? put America BACK TO WORK!!! Strongest economy in how many years??? only took 3 WEEKS TO DESTROY??? Come on people, put the crying towel down and lets FIX THIS!!! WE CANNOT CONTINUE DOWN THIS PATH!!!


Well-known member
Euphoric, I am 100% with you. I would be in Madison on Friday protesting if I was not in Dallas working. We have our own company that we started 2 years ago and we just recently signed a major contract and have a huge order to get out. We are working on that right now and have been all year, never stopped for COVID-19. If I had a business in Wisconsin I would be most likely take my chances and open if it meant life or death and in most cases it does for business owners. I too can't believe that this has taken place and ruined America and the entire world in such a short time. There will be people that disagree but I have thought from day one that the numbers just don't add up. There is already a lot of chatter that government over-reacted to this on the advice of the experts (CDC, WHO, All the Organizations that receive millions of dollars from the taxpayers to make sure that these things DON'T happen!)

I do think that Friday in Madison will be quite a story and that it will set the stage for the opening of Wisconsin in most areas. Keep the faith!


Well-known member
No it wasn't worth it. The ripple effect will be felt for years. 120000 people in Lacrosse county right next door to me. Hasn't had a new case in 12 days with a total of 26 confirmed cases and all recovered. Come on man

The further away from MKE you are, the better.

Green Bay just had a spike from the local JBS meat packing plant (12 miles from my home)..plenty of employees with recent U.S. status (or none at all).



Well-known member
No it wasn't worth it. The ripple effect will be felt for years. 120000 people in Lacrosse county right next door to me. Hasn't had a new case in 12 days with a total of 26 confirmed cases and all recovered. Come on man

As a business-person, I agree that getting back to normal asap is important.

3 weeks ago, I made calls to 206 (my team-members at work) people letting them know all benefits and pay ceased in a week. Overall, the org furloughed 1,900 of the Team. Fortunately, I have been spared so far to do assist with these sad tasks..now we are planning the re-opening with what the new norm will look like at least for a while.

Slim, I know you are hurting in your business and I see it is personal as you own the business..a larger responsibility than mine and not something I envy. I wish you well.

WI is not coming out of this as quick as MN even though the first cases were discovered in each State within like 3 days of one another.
WI has 4,485 cases with 246 deaths.
MN has 2,721 cases with 271 deaths.
Populations of each state are "similar", so what is the factor causing WI to have a larger case count..I don't know enough about it to say?

I can say, each State, County and City has it's own unique variables to their case numbers and easier or more difficult challenges to getting back to normal.

Anyway, I can only speak to Green Bay and this recent spike at the local meat packing plant has people re-thinking their interest in re-opening asap..there are sick people among us.

I pondered this yesterday; do you let your business die or maybe die yourself? To many, their business is their life so they are the same.

I see the passion and wish you all well, Bear


Well-known member
I know we are all sick of it. Wisconsin Population 5.8 million, 242 deaths (142 of them in Milwaukee County) can we just open back up again?......Please!

I am not advocating one way or another..but..do you want the people from MKE or CHI-Town coming to Minocqua once you open everything?
Sure, you want the tourism money but do you want the higher infection rates too?

This an aching question where I work. If we re-open prior to the same tourism businesses in MKE or CHI-Town, we will have those folks come to Northeast, WI.
Under normal circumstances, Marketing 101 says take advantage of your competitive edge but there will be more infections in your own business..is it worth it?



Well-known member
There all many people types in our world and we have to get along with everyone regarding Covid 19. I’m a moderate risky taker and I’m in the higher at risk group to become seriously ill with Covid 19 BUT I also see the downside to the economy being shuttered for a lengthy period of time. Staying shut down until the end of May is way too long to be constructive for the economy. Anyone who has been out shopping can see the supply chain shortages for all kinds of things no just groceries and TP. Building supplies are starting to suffer as well with no rebar in the supply chain.... why I have no idea but not available as well as River Rock #2 which comes from northern WI. These supply chain shortages cause a chain reaction to stop building activities for those that want to work. WI being shut down until late May will kill WI supply chain and general economy. Those that agree with the lengthy shutdown will not like the supply chain interruptions and don’t realize how deep the supply chain break is and will be. It will take a very long time to refill the supply chain that will cause more length lay offs. Imo we are already in a deep economic recession that will take a very long time to correct. Business needs to start to open up asap and waiting past May 1st is just plain crazy and unrealistic. Governor Tony needs to wake up and stop hurting the WI economy. Hospitals are prepared and ready to react to Covid 19 it’s time to move on and try to normalize our economy.


Well-known member
I see the MSM is touting an 80% approval on this shut down. I guess we just keep going..... Oh well at this point.


New member
I see the MSM is touting an 80% approval on this shut down. I guess we just keep going..... Oh well at this point.

Who did they survey? Every government worker sitting at home and collecting a check from the tax paying closed down businesses. They close our businesses down but still expect that huge property tax check in the mail by July. Hmmmm


Well-known member
I am not advocating one way or another..but..do you want the people from MKE or CHI-Town coming to Minocqua once you open everything?
Sure, you want the tourism money but do you want the higher infection rates too?

This an aching question where I work. If we re-open prior to the same tourism businesses in MKE or CHI-Town, we will have those folks come to Northeast, WI.
Under normal circumstances, Marketing 101 says take advantage of your competitive edge but there will be more infections in your own business..is it worth it?


People are open to their own opinions obviously. All I can say is that you will have a different opinion if you are a business owner vs. a person that works for someone and gets paid regularly but do not have to assume the responsibility of keeping your business from collapsing. Owners take it home with and live and breath every moment that it's in front of them. We have good time and bad time, this is bad for most and my post referred to Vilas County or places where there is little risk of opening business immediately. At this time of year only locals who own property are coming to the Northwoods, not tourists so the risk is minimal in my own humble opinion.


Well-known member
People are open to their own opinions obviously. All I can say is that you will have a different opinion if you are a business owner vs. a person that works for someone and gets paid regularly but do not have to assume the responsibility of keeping your business from collapsing. Owners take it home with and live and breath every moment that it's in front of them. We have good time and bad time, this is bad for most and my post referred to Vilas County or places where there is little risk of opening business immediately. At this time of year only locals who own property are coming to the Northwoods, not tourists so the risk is minimal in my own humble opinion.

yes opinions are free for all to share and post

but something again, I have said a few times, is, just cause things are not so bad where your at right NOW
that can change very fast
I am in PA< and where still climbing with cases over a 1000 ever 24 hrs, and lots of deaths every day.

you say that things in "X" area are OK, with few cases and most only all residents , and not tourist

well, if they didn;t have the stay at home ban going on, that again, can change real fast and before long you can end up like we are here in PA
as it doesn't take many people to carry this thing into an area for it to spread VERY fast!

and this is the problem

if your area is good, NOW< that doesn;t mean it will stay that way
and if you want it to STAY that way, sadly, things still need to be in this dumb lock down state till there is a better option

just opening things back up, isn;t a good solution IMO
as what happens if things get worse
we going to start all over again with lock downs? will that help anyone 's business or the economy??

things like this, are one of them things, till it EFFECTS YOU, or your love one's, its easy to say its NOT THAT BAD.

(same you can say for those that don't own there own business, I get this too)
but once you have it effecting your love one's or you, I gather it changes the views real fast!

you have to many times look past your immediate view and area

PA right now is crazy
and don;t forget tons of us folks in PA< come to MI, and like places to ride sleds(all the more so past decade with pa having poor snow conditions), and some of us here in PA< own places in like places too , due to love of this sport!
and could have/or still can carry things there if , the stay at home is lifted!
maybe you should consider things lucky your not in the same boat as us??
but that doesn't again mean it cannot get like we are if things open back up before they should!


New member
just opening things back up, isn;t a good solution IMO
as what happens if things get worse
we going to start all over again with lock downs? will that help anyone 's business or the economy??

The lock down was put into place to flatten the curve and not to over burden our medical facilities. We’ve done that here in Northern Wisconsin, so now your saying we should all just sit here in our homes and wait for this to go away completely? How do you expect people to make a living here all locked down? If we don’t have an economy we don’t have Lives! Is there a risk of getting the virus? Sure, but don’t we all take risks in our everyday lives? Riding a snowmobile on a Wisconsin trail on a Saturday is dangerous as ****, but we do it!


Well-known member
The lock down was put into place to flatten the curve and not to over burden our medical facilities. We’ve done that here in Northern Wisconsin, so now your saying we should all just sit here in our homes and wait for this to go away completely? How do you expect people to make a living here all locked down? If we don’t have an economy we don’t have Lives! Is there a risk of getting the virus? Sure, but don’t we all take risks in our everyday lives? Riding a snowmobile on a Wisconsin trail on a Saturday is dangerous as ****, but we do it!

What are the odds that happens? I don't think, well I hope anyway, there is anybody who believes that is going to happen.

So I'll ask it again, how much farther do we kick this can down the road?? When do we quit moving the goal posts on getting people back to work?