Sounds like you should be on lockdown where you are but a one size fits all lock down doesn't work and shouldn't be in place. There is a general consensus here in Wisconsin that we should open areas of the state that don't have the numbers to support this virus.
I only gave factual numbers here in our state, not anywhere else. Sooner or later every state will have to open, it unsustainable to think that we can go on like this.
but the facts are,. if everyone did what your suggesting, opening things up in lower amount area's
how would that not lead to things spreading to higher numbers
after all this started in China, , and made it all over the world pretty fast. due to folks traveling
if you allow states or even areas with low amounts to open, and travel into other places
your asking for things to bet worse not better!
correct me if you feel I am wrong, but the main way of controlling and slowing the spread down is ONLY by staying apart from each other s littl;e as possible!
you take that out of the equation, and you can have another, or a new major outbreak , like is happening in some other places
the main reason , locally to me, is things got so BAD so fast, was few folks were following the rule to stay at home
and cases were growing at super alarming rates
now that more folks are staying at home, and following things, are rates are still high but NOT as high as they were
the staying at home is sort of the key to it not getting worse
it IS out there, and many have it and don't know it! due to so few are being tested, or want to be tested!
I don;t have a great answer to solving anything
I would just hate to see things get worse due to jumping the gun and having to start over!
it sucks here, I cam tell you that,
deaths in the new paper every day and thousands of new cases every day!
and we ain't that far from many states
and interstate traveling, or getting supplies, either way, can bring it still!
this show ain't over yet!
til there is a cure, or better treatment
I think MY opinion, is things should still stay closed for a bit longer, till all states start to show a decrease in things and not still climbing!