This is happening everyday, and do we hear anything about it? Would a mask have helped this woman? NO - She was too afraid of Covid-19, so this is the end result (From a nurse I know):
Just got off the phone with the lady that had a painful open sore on her foot and was too afraid to go to see MD because of Covid. End result was having all 5 toes and part of her foot amputated because of bone infection. So sad
Was it worth it?
no mask will fix stupid, nor will trying to blame this stay at home for this either
sounds to me like this person made a choice, and paid the price for it!
there is a reason we have DR's and hospitals, I think most folks know when they should go in to one! and if they don't
its again, NOT any virus or that is at fault! but that persons lack of taking care of themselves and poor judgment/decision making !
as a FACT, I have known a few folks that had like issues, without there ever being a stay at home order in effect and or some virus going around
an OLD farmer lady I help maintain her home and property(her husband passed away)
she had Laser eye surgery
was TOLD to put drops in every few hours, she refused as she didn;t like eye drops so never did any
her eye got infected, we all told her she needed to got o DR/ ER,
she refused
as didn;t like DR's or hospitals, feared them places as she said sick people are in them! and that's where people go to DIE!
a few days later she had to have her eye removed when we more or less forced her to go!
SO< what it worth it??
see, when you MAKE dumb decisions on YOUR health! no need to ask if its worth it, or trying to blame a situation or virus!
adults can be just as dumb and stubborn as anyone!