My daughter calls my saddle bags the snack bags!! I carry granola bars, jerky, gold fish, water and anything else i think I might want. Also like Boondoker I carry a small survival kit and first aid kit, extra pair of wool socks and mittens too. Use to get a lot of crap for all that I had but funny how when someone needs something I have it!!
If at Tog. We make prime Rib sammiches from left over dinner the night before, scam some extra rolls and horseradish and toss in some snack bars for desert, wash down with power aid. I have no room on sled for a hot dogger so I must suffer with prime rib leftovers. Lol It's a tough world out there. Normally Snickers bars.
Do you keep the gold fish in the water? Lol. Just had too! Sorryas of today no more "jolly ranchers" candy as a snack. Cost me $90 to get a crown put back on at the dentist. Glad I did not swallow it.
I carry an extra 20 dollar bill in my pocket. When we stop to eat, I turn it into a burger at the local eatery![]()
what you are to good for a jb weld crown fix
My daughter calls my saddle bags the snack bags!! I carry granola bars, jerky, gold fish, water and anything else i think I might want. Also like Boondoker I carry a small survival kit and first aid kit, extra pair of wool socks and mittens too. Use to get a lot of crap for all that I had but funny how when someone needs something I have it!!