What if anything are you going to change?


Well-known member
If you are living life today as if nothing has changed, you are part of the problem. I, and my family, are not panicing and hoarding. But, we are doing our part to avoid as many as possible. We all need to live life now as if we are a possible carrier of this virus. Just because you and I are young enough and healthy enough to feel that we will not get this virus, does not mean that we can not carry this virus and pass it on to another. I could carry it and pass it on to you, who in turn passes it on to your elderly parent. That is where the problem happens. We all need to stay home as much as possible, do our part, and help this problem go away. If you are living life as if nothing has changed, you are a problem. Grow up and help this amazing country instead of thinking of only yourself.


New member
Please WILLIS's....lay off the koolaid

Where were you kannuckleheads every year for the last 30 years when I had the flu or strep throat or the skungamalitus....and 5 million died during those years of that crap...your sad..very sad

And to all the toilet paper addicts....who do you think owns the paper companies and paper mills and spent 700 million on ads and needs reimbursement....your only helping a BILLIONAIRE ya knuckleheads

Jus a ton of monkeys uncles out there with blinders on just mooooooing away and chewing the cud

Some are pathetic IMO...LOL


Active member

Same social distancing I did except we saw about 14 other sledders in two days. Closest we got was driving by each other. If you can go for a hike in a state park. You can go snowmobiling. It's not like you can go to a bar anyway. I believe if the bars and restaurants had been open we would have seen way more riders. Especially on Friday.


Well-known member
I think I will....quit watching Fox news.
start washing my hands.
stay home when I am sick.
avoid those that are sick.
Build an Armageddon bunker, full of toilet paper, paper towel, guns and ammo and airborne....everything I will need when flu season comes around next year.
Oh yeah.....Make sure I go to polls and make absolutely sure I vote rep.

Wait a minute.... These are all things we should be doing.... except for the bunker part.
I am going to be extra vigilant about buying goods from China. They lied to us and allowed enough time for the "bat" to get out of the bag. You can argue about whether we should have known they were lying or not. To me, that isn't the point.