Where is everybody?


New member
I might not post a lot on JD but there isn't a day that goes by that I don't check webcams, read posts, daydream of stopping at the Bug Bar, etc... Boy when you look over to the right at the number of members that are logged on at a given time it is a really low number these days. Jim

I'm on here daily with you Jim. Passing time and waiting for snow to fly again. Summer sucks!


I'm on here daily with you Jim. Passing time and waiting for snow to fly again. Summer sucks!

Well looky what/who the cat drug in. This summer my t-shirt of choice to wear on the bike will either be Slednecks or Summer Sucks!
Look at the bright side, we got March & April out of the way already. Only 7 more months. OK prolly 8. Dang that does suck.


New member
Well looky what/who the cat drug in. This summer my t-shirt of choice to wear on the bike will either be Slednecks or Summer Sucks!
Look at the bright side, we got March & April out of the way already. Only 7 more months. OK prolly 8. Dang that does suck.
Only 4 months to Hay Days! It will go by fast I hope. La Nina can start in October hopefully LoL.


Active member
Wow, over 53 hours since something was posted on any board..... not even some camping, fishing or atv chat going on.


Well-known member
I check in almost every day, but have to admit some days I am more of a looker than adding anything!

I am in the process of getting a old 97 T cat some more modern touches
adding a 136 crossfire skid, a tunnel extension, new 1.25 track and studs, an AGLT front end, and reverse added
plus replacing an axle on a snowmobile trailer and looking for a used enclosed two place

so, might be hot outside, but I am still thinking sleds here!


Well-known member
So did everyone move on to FB? I don't have an account there, but can't remember this site getting this slow, even in the summer.


Active member
No FB here. Wouldn't want to know how many people won't "friend" me. Could get depressing. I like reading posts and status of everyone on this site. Only having a limited # of contacts through friending, wouldn't be alot of interesting reading.
Here the non-friends discussions can be as much fun as the friends ones. LOL.


Well-known member
NO face book here either, not even sure how that works, or twitter or the rest of that social media

grabbed another sled on Friday, a zrt 600, so, now have two summer projects of sleds going on!!

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NO face book here either, not even sure how that works, or twitter or the rest of that social media

grabbed another sled on Friday, a zrt 600, so, now have two summer projects of sleds going on!!


Well-known member
Things generally do get rather slow during the summer, but, this is probably the slowest I have seen in quite a few years. This is the only social media sight I use. I have signed onto a few others just to see what they were like, needless to say, wasn't very impressed. Never been into FB or Twitter & have zero desire for either. The majority of the members here are decent folks & that in itself is the reason I like this site. I found this a bit peculiar, Most users ever, 1336 users on 04-09-16 at 3:11 a.m.???? Really? I can't stay awake that long anymore LOL! Have a Day.....-Mezz